onsdag 24 september 2008

the 2 different origen theories of humanity... are we from here or from space? Or can we synthesise these two wiuw-points?

Those who prophesise the alien origen, dreaming and wishing and visualizing bye the millions now. They feel pritty certain bye now that humans where "animals" until some "gods" came from Mars or who knows from where and created humans out of primates, for their own purposes. From this premesis is clear that humans are feeling high tecknology and powerstructures are all bye nessessity something we should cherish and evolve to the utmost to keep up with "our creators". Thus go on exploiting nature to the utmost and eventually leave the earth and "ascend" to "higher" realms... the chosen ones that is to say. Even as slaved of these "gods". We can not do anything but wait for the arkitects of the "gods" and surrender to their will. They are seemingly already with the power through Illuminati, run bye these mighty and high gods whom we cant see but as a glimps here and there.

This model even though backed up with a lot of data (apparently mostly subjective but also made up with tecknical tricks, always more and more easily awhilable) and speculations, is in fact distracting people from dealing with the ecological situation. That all this power madness and "more and more" philosophy demands more and more powerful tecknology to dominate and divide and extract all possible sources of energy under the rule of the few. The alien model is therefore a power based destructive idealogy and in my wiuw proplebly backed up and a lot financed by the dominators... those who dont give a damn about nature or animals or happiness and well being of life and humans on earth, but think exlusively of them selfs as the center of the univerce and want power for power sake bye all or any means.

The other model for a better understanding of our situation is the one I have been shearing for the last years. That of seeing Earth as our home and that we need to care for our home and heal each other and preserve all the flora of beings we can as we are all a part of this body in a codependancy, like the cells in a body of one being are dependent on each other for to stay alife in health.

This model sees us being a human-looking "ape" about milljon years ago and due to climate changes with a meteriot falling on the northern hemisphere and vulcanic activity following and a small group of the apes or human primate getting stuck on an island in a very cold zone and therefore doe to tuchness and luck, being able to overcome the harsh climate bye adopting to the situation with the help of the heat in the ground and eventually fire use... just to stay alife, they had to change and evolve certain qualities...

And when the Ice melted this being became we can say far too powerful. Or suvival became to easy for us in a better climate. The concept of power over others that was originally like the loving guide of parents when all out of hand when the power was sought for without love and wisdom. So the way out is to go bach to simple and holistic ways in small groups who practise direct democraty guided bye wisdom. The plan here is to heal and ballance and aim for harmony of all living beings on Earth. The paradise model. The dream and vision of all vise med through the centuries. Jesus and Budda and Lao-tze and the bible profets. Establish paradise on earth and happyness and holyness.

and now i ask you... which way do you want to go... to happyness and wholeness on our beautiful home or do you want to waist your time on looking at the blue sky and wait for little green beings who are there to misuse humans and distroy the Earth for power for power sake and propeply for the benifit of no-one. Because even thogh i would see a massive steel structure in the scy huvering over me, wanting to use me for some experiments in their powergames. I would not be interested. I like this huge spaceship we are on. Not some steel structure with cabins and hirarky of captains and comanders. I like to run with naked people a on the beach a thousend times more. I like to pat animals and admire the wonders and creativity of nature.

And beond that. I am not denying that from space both light and stones are coming, all essencial for the earth and us. And most proplebly the creative intelligence behind all in this marvellous universe is sending information through the light and through whatever come here and that life in depending on these messiges and materia coming. I also might want to experment with cosmic telepathy. I believe the body .. right part of the brain and possibly pineal gland can sense much more than any mecanical tool. And that we dont need high teck to explore life in the universe. I believe our forfathers just like the Dolphins could sense what the universal mind is shearing to us. I believe in hight "low-teck". Therefor I say to those looking to the sky. Ok look but dont forget where we are and our reality here and now. Dont forget that the earth needs love and light warriors who are willing to clean their home and make it a happy place. Then when that is accomplished. I am really open to look into the deep sky. Whith a lot of alertness.

And which one of these models is representing truth? Which one makes us all brothers and sisters and aims for wholeness and eventually maximise planetary happyness?

Well im not saying we should choose like we choose a cake or a hat in a market... I am in fact just giving you a chance to explore both possibilities instead of now it seems like the alianists are dominating the descussion. I am convinced we have been growing and evolving here on Earth. Not because I prefer so. But because of I see it bye looking carefully at all the data our forfathers AND! mothers. I am convinced we come from a long isolation on an island in the deepest of the Atlantic. All the origen stories from all over the world have this same story. Archiology has yet to give more input about this. There is a lot of evidence for Iceland. But due to the political powergame a lot of lyes has been composed also. The aim of these mackiavellian lyes is to confuse and its done for the mere plesure of dominating and suck energy from the many to the few. So we need to find more clear evidences. Study Iceland from a standpoint not done for a 1000 years. Both on land and in the sea... down 160-200 meters.

And to explore togeather all the remineces we have of the civilitation before the Sumer time. Before the lye system was established. And All remineces of the old culture still in use now today.

This I feel is really important as well as really exhiting an activity.



p.s. well there is a third model of "evolution" that of the stone dead protectors of the orthodox lyes. Those who in fact are working for to preserve belive in this horribly blind and unjust capitalistic expantio. This is the believe that everything came from Persia or Egypt and then through the Jews was given to us bye Jave on mount Sinai. Basically its so confused and worm-eaten that most people have either given up thinking about it (and that is all a benefit for those in favour of status quo) Same logic would say that before the cowboys whent to America there was nothing there... because the indians where not "sivilized" ..."they where just animals" one has heard many times in these cowboy films... and if it was not so short time back these "cowboy historians" would say there was nobody there... almost.. yea some primitives with bones in their nows... just like these same kind of oppressive vikings have tryed bye telling there was nobody in Iceland when they took it over with the same ruthlessness as the cowboys took America. And where they saviges the indians? No they where holistic and their culture has at least 30.000 years root in America and 900.000 years root at least to the time they started to use fire. And thats the beginning of the human story.

So of-course we are not stopping there. We are to explore all this togeather and find the real truth. The deep story. Whatever it may be. To get a clear picture on who we really are. And I have done so for the last 20 or 30 years. The result is put out here and on these pages I have put out on the net here and there. (see the links on lightisee... somewhere deep inside) And I see the truth. If you want we can look at it togeather. Its clear as the sun is now shining through my window. We are children of the earth. We are animals and its nothing shameful to be an animal. Animals are wonderful beings. And that we dont need any aliens to explain way we are 40 or 50 centimeters higher than our forfathers and mothers, the little people. We dont either need any alien invation to explain way we had to use fire when we where dying out of cold in old Iceland 500.000 years ago. Its all there written inside us and outside us. Life has so many unbelievable forms. And its so creative. Think about it.. that all the mammals on the planet have come about only in the last 60 milljon years. Exept the mouse. The mouse is our great great grand-mother. Pay respect to the mouse.

And what is the benefit of knowing who you are and where you came from?
If you look at a mirror and you see a distorted picture of your self. If you see a dominator who is proud of killing animals and fellow beings or if you see a compationate animal. With such high sensitivity and magic that the whole universe is within reach. Or if you see a gready exploiter. Or if you see a powerthursty Sarogon? Dous it matter how you see yourself or dous it matter how you are tought about human nature. Yes now we are told that humans have always been at wars.. and thats not true... and now we are told that all nature is based on robbing and getting what you want now without any consideration. All this is totally false. Nature is full of coopiration and love and harmony.

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