måndag 8 juni 2009

do you think life without conflict is possible (a question from Kyle)

I could ask a related question, a bit similar one...

Can a flower or a tree always be free of infection or sickness or must it always be sick or infected or in a fight for to stay alive?
And the answer might be yes and no... it can have times when there is almost no trouble, yes moments in total harmony and bliss and then again, times are always changing and sometimes there are situations where its really fighting to stand. And in truth there is almost always something that needs adjusting, specially as so many lifeforms feeds on each other and is therefore a bit wulnarable..

Only those living from light are not dependent on this inherent "war" situation. And I might be tempted to look at those forms being closer to perfection than those "fighting" to feed themselfs. But yes they know and they can see a problem in us who want to rob them.. therefore some make fruits for us and some make pinns on them selfs like the kaktus, for a protection, so its like they really know about us... those taking life without asking or being giv.. so they show us whats given and whats not, but we have whent way over their borders long time ago...

There are interestin rumors around and even testemonies on humans living only on sunlight and yes water also and perhaps some minerals... This people are called sun-gazers, (u might find a lot about it on google search)... they look at the sun at sunrise especially and sunset too... only few seckonds first but some seconds they add every day. Yes stear at the sun when its not to bright, so the eyes dont get hurt. And they say, look away if it hurts, rightaway!... then after perhaps almost a year with this practice one may be able to look at the sun for 45 minits. Somethin happens there, between 40 ond 45 minits... some cind of bliss charge... one becomes a luminous being, not needing to eat food... well I dont know what happens, but these are the testamonies... berhaps u raport to me if you find out.. But I would like to do this myself... havent had the situation to follow this up... I think there might be some cells in the pineal gland that start to make suger from light... so pineal might be a plant part in us, just not used by almost any,... but we have a "godly" potensial i feel... just need to be able to practise such things for some time to get into it. I namely feel plants are living such innosent blissful and holy consiousness... far deeper than ours... i feel and presume and i guess... plus there is a lot of data supporting this possibility... about extraordinary vision through the pineal gland... the third eye... etc so thats how plants see... most propebly..

But with man, there is a lot that needs adjusting and that adjustment needed is so drastic that it can not be accomplished without hardship. Fighting is a symptom of this unballanced situation. Like a sead there will proplebly be not long times without friction for any species, but the human "friction" is grand scale, because of lack of understandin in the leadership, among those who step forward to lead there is great ignorance and has been for long and thats way it has got so sevear...

So to be a guide and a mentor and shear helpful information is a gift for humans as they are now trawelling in great darkness and ignorance about what is good forthemselfs and humans in general... and helpers are needed in this task for better ways...



Icelandic geology

We may bear in mind regarding Iceland that it is standing on the middle of a rift between two so called tectonic plates.

yes Iceland (the ground of the eastern and western part is the only part left of that part now) is seemingly the only part that has not moved from its original spot...of the old earth before 65 million years ago, as it sits there stuck on the rift between the inner basalt plates like stranded... Greenland went west and Norway and Ireland and England or Europe went east... what does that imply?... yes perhaps there are indeed passages into the inner realms of the earth in this only landmass that didn't move... all other plates moved so the inner and the outer crust ribbed apart... yes iceland has shaken but still its standing there in its original point while the other masses sailed away... so.. just like the trip story from Jules Verne... the trip into the core of the earth... ( this is so incredible... those so called fantasies are often true in some sense.. like someone has been "soul travelling and seeing some hidden truth) well I am not so fantastic believing the earth is hollow to the core... but i believe there is in fact a huge cave under Snaifellsjoukull...( there are stories from Iceland also about this... even from Eggert Olafsson in the 18. century)... and that cave goes all the way into the middle of the country... yes really unbelievable but so many "legends" are true...and perhaps well who knows but legends suggest it goes all the way to Europe... but for me it would be more than ever dreamed if this cave would tell us about our prehistory... the history of the fire ape.. million years back... or at least 13.000 years back.
So lets look for it... and there should be a cave in Hofsjoukull too... hmm when will we get this underground camera? Yes I know there are tools to see... but when will we get them to work on this? Now these tools r only used to find oil or for money and power.. exploitation.. the idea of more moore... uff! this is the pollution of mind and pollution of nature. Attack against our self. Come out true hearts... help me to help u and nature and the animals and the children of the morning sun. The wholistic vision of us together as one family. Not in chaos but in small groups running things with circles. And we can not save iceland per see.. we need to see the whole history and that we are all from the same motherland and all brothers and sisters and with sensible plans how to make us all happy and with good planing get fewer and wholesome. Because nature is a part of us and we r all a part of each other.

ps some say the oldest part of Iceland is only 30 to 40 milljon years old, (on the east and west side) This I do not believe and see it as only surface recearch. The oldest part may be sunken or under the sea level or deep under layers of yonger layers but I believe we will get an update on how old this landmass is when we really start to look into this question, and then it will be really much older "a sheall" underneath in 2 peaces, east and west plates.

some info and proof that parts of Iceland are hundred of milljon years:

Rannsókn Olgeirs Sigmarssonar á fjallinu Hvítserk í Borgarfjarðarhreppi sýna að þar er að finna zirkon-kristalla sem eru mörg hundruð milljón ára gamlir og því mun eldri en annað berg sem myndar Ísland.


næ ekki að sofna.. eitthvað kraumar innímér

kannski langar mig að synda í faðmi þínum óskilgreinda vera

vera má að ég þrái ofsafengið að afklæðast öllum þrám

eða mig langar heim, heim í hvítu lökin hreinu draumanna, mömmu í byggðavegi hvar Kaldbakur horfir á mig í kyrrlátum eilífum bláma af eldhúsbekknum

og rikagnirnar í stofunni standa kjurar í loftinu í sól sem borar sig í gegnum stórrisið, ja svífa afar hægt og letilega

í húsi sem nú er draugabær... svo furðulega rautt og falið í ofvöxnu gréni

eða bara vaða heita mýrarflaka, berfættur í brunklukku rannsóknum
er einhverra sérgóðra aðstaðna að minnast? Einhver fjalla faðmur að sakna? Hvar sorgin var ekki nærstödd... í hafi þúsund ára þjóðarsorgar... ég held að mínar bestu stundir hafi verið er ég sat á eldhúsbekknum við gluggann og fylgdist með hvað bar fyrir augu með Kaldbak þarna sífellt í ró í fjarska... það var líka gaman í snjónum og á ísnum þegar hafísinn kom inn fjörðinn og pollurinn fraus

jæja ég ætla að leifa Eyjarfirði að sökkva inn
já það er eitthvað dularfullt við Gásir sem kallar á mig
merkilegt hvað pabbi fór oft með mig þarna úteftir á Dagvarðareyrina

já berjaferðirnar, þar var gleði

kanski eru demantar hjarta mín fólgnar í brosi Smith, manns sem vann alltaf við að vikta ull uppá lofti í pakkhúsi verksmiðjum Gefjunar. Annar ullarvinnumaður afskaplega góður og þolinmóður við barn einsog mig vann í ullarmóttökunni. Ja hvað hann hét. Ég man bara eftir augonum. Þessum augum sem blikuðu svo skært þarna í allri ullarfílunni. Þar mátti ég leika mér að vild. Byggja gaung úr böllum og hella. Einskonar kofa. Leynistaði. Ég veit ekki af hverju ég er svona gefin fyrir leynistaði og byggingalist. Aldrei var ég skammaður. Ekki einusinni þó ég meddi mig. Fékk gat á hausinn við eina kembivélina. Varð að sauma mig. Engum datt í hug að reka mig út eða amast við mér. Enda var ég nánast alinn upp í þessum verksmiðjum og fór að vinna þar 12 ára. Þarna voru jú foreldrar mínir allann sólahringinn nánast. Pabbi á daginn og mamma á næturnar.

Alltaf var ég að byggja kofa... Það var min æðisgengna ástríða. Ég byggði tveggjahæða kofa með svölum bara smápatti... þeim kofa var velt af Eika og Jobba... ég gekk berserksgang af reiði... öskraði grenjandi. Þeir voru miklu stærri en ég en ég óð í þá og uppskar bara hlátur og niðurlægingu.

Svo byggðum við bræðurnir sumarhús úr brunnum kofa. Þar var ég öllum stundum að saga og skreita og skrifa ljóð í viðina. Í rúmgaflinn var brenndi ég langt ljóð eftir Snorra Hjartar, Fjallaeyvind sem byrjar svona: "Líf frelsi, við flýjum í útlagans spor, undan kröfum og dómum."

Þetta ljóð er eftirá að hyggja orið svolítið lýsandi fyrir líf mitt.

Ég hef mikið verið uppá kant við reglugerðir og yfirvald og hverskyns kúgun sem ég hef skynjað sem óþarfa og já valdnýðslu.

an insight into evolution of life on earth and how metriots or stones from heaven have shaped it

bye the way life may have come to earth in a "seed form" from out of space, inside many a hollow stone fractions. Perhaps from an exploded planet, located between Mars and Jupiter. Perhaps there was life on Mars. Weather that life was advanced enough to influence life here nobody knows. It is possible. But my whole focus is on how humans evolve from mammals through mouses who are thought to be the sole mammals surviving some great holocaust rain of meteorites 65 million years ago when so much of matter came over "us" and into the earth that the whole earth grew more than three or 4 times its size and the continents or the outer layer of the earth split apart. And is still splitting apart on an incredible rate. In only 3% of earths history its growing almost at a rate we may wonder if its not just exploding. I think the whole Caribian sea and the Mexican golf are creator´s and also the north pole... also Hudson bay and many other semi-circular lakes and spaces... In middle America there is a circle from this time 180 km wide, and in Germany is a place called Norlingaris, a creator 22 km wide. Unbelievable explosions. So the threat is always there that stones out of space may create ice times. Ice times can happen any time again. And objects from out of space have shaped life and humans and formed us to what we are. That is to say, very hard winters... That is way I say, the fire use, the capture of a small sun is gained through a situation like that. Total freezing time.. almost all life dead, especially mammals who are sensitive to the climate.

The idea we just found fire somewhere in warm times in Africa is ridiculous. It only fits those who are looking for the root culture in the south because they want to be power holders of being a root culture. Its a lye. A part of a at least 7000 years of quarrel on who is most powerful. But about this early earth history from the dinosaur times.. in those time there where no oceans.. the ocean floor is said to be max 70 million years old. The peculiar question I get here is where did all the water come from? It feels like the only waters where swallow seas in the dinosaur times. So how come we have all this great amount of waters? Did the water "come sailing" through space frozen with the yea frozen dolphins also like so many mystical trips suggest. Possibly from another planet then. Hm.. Mars or the one that exploded between Jupiter and Mars. ??? ... Anyway...... we are definitely facing a fact when we talk about an enormous change in earth´s history 60 to 70 million years ago, do to stones from space and the earth "eating" a lot and growing at an incredible rate. And this only mammal that survived this change, the mouse would have come through this shattering times bye living deep underground. In caves maybe and on mushrooms. Unbelievably touch being. If we can ever learn how to communicate with the mouse, perhaps we get some information about what technics she used. And the mouse has done this more than ones and we humans have definetly learned from the mouse at least ones to dig ourselves underground or to stay in caves... and this we can see in legends and in archeology, the cave people (like in south of France 20 and 30 thousand years ago and the turf houses in Iceland show us this how we have lived through very cold times bye staying underground. Hopi stories tell us also about this... The Hopis survived the changing of poles, possibly about 13.000 years ago underground with the "ant-people"... who lived just like the Icelanders in circular turf houses, like they where before the vikings robbed and raped the elf culture there 1300 years ago. yes... a little like ant houses. (U see animals also have houses... so the speciality of humans is not house-making or tool use... its the fire use. From this mouse all the mammals where evolving even the elephants. They are in a sense just a very big mouse.

I was talking about that it is not specific for humans to be able to use stones as tools because many birds can do that also, but it is the use of fire that is the crucial point, totally unique and the use of fire could only come about in a situation where there was no choice but to use it because those who didn't would dye out and this enormous discipline needed for to use fire, can only come about in a very cold situation, so that people don't burn them selfs and all around them, as in fact happened very often and many have dyed there and it is still happening all over even nowadays after perhaps million years of training fire-use, but those not using it would dye out of cold but those who did this very hard discipline of training themselves to use it would stay life together .. yes together for 990 thousand years.. its only in the last 12000 years we have had this idea that an individual can carry out such responsibility to have all this power coming from this knowledge coming from the fire-use... so the fire-use is in real the faculty that made us human... we became fire-apes...

Way Iceland is important for all of us and what happened there...

I have been telling you the true history, at least how i see it now, through these videos on youtube and veoh (yes its an introduction on how i see the history and way i say we all come from this island, hope i can go more into that vast subject.. but its almost to big... at least for me to carry out alone... but more videos will come hopefully better and better)

But it is important that we know that we have the same root and that .. root was not into power for power sake but that there was wisdom there and love and ecological harmony... and that people where deeply into spirituality, could talk to each other telepathically and to birds and all animals. It is also important that this root place gets to know about their holy ancient ways, so that their self image can be corrected and that they respect what they have been given. The project saving Iceland is not a local problem, its about saving the whole planet, saving ourselves and our children and the animals and the plant kingdom. Its about realization and finding happy ways together. Its about creativity and truth and love instead of wars and argumentation. Its about shearing true information and joyfulness instead of useless spending of time and lonesomeness and bitterness.

ok one quick run through the whole story...

Yes somewhere about 5 to 7 million years ago apes had evolved in great forests for a long time, but are then dealing with a very dry times and all the forest dead and then they get this flattened backhands bye walking and walking on dry land or steps.

Eventually we have the human apes with feets like us about 3 million years ago, using stones to cut through hard shells. They where smaller than we or just over one meter long to 1.20 m.
And now we are coming to the mythological times. The times remembered through legends and origin stories from all over the world. That is where we need to look at all the stories our grandmothers mostly carried with great love to us through so much hardships for us to understand.. way we r here, who we are... all what they know... all their love is expressed through these stories.. sadly they have been polluted also from power oriented people in later times... but still we can see through that as long as we know about this tendency to use stories also to back up power for power sake ideas. Ideas who are not holistic, but claiming we r the only true ones, all others are just scrap... threatening ideas that create wars.

how i see that Iceland is the origin place of fire use and therefore humanity of today

in short yes (if I can say so)
All the origin stories more or less start with a great sea... (well in the bible origin details are gone, except the waters, but most other cultures have these details but in different richness of details, but the Bible has many references to this old place, in general its called Heaven, but Hell later on) and a island rising ... then explosion and darkness for a Long time... gradually heaven is lifting... the light... finally.... the sunlight is so fabulous when it comes..they all fall into trance of joy... but in these dark and cold times.... yes always north it is seen happening... and where is the first fire family.. yes in the north... in the ice... in ice times... many references to Vulcan´s and hot springs... white mountain in the sea in Europe.. northerly hm... where could that be?
or.. now i just tell it as i see it happening after a lot of stories read and comparing (its a long path to go through to see and to explain all i have seen... perhaps in a book later on..)

About a million years ago a huge stone came out of space... crashing down on Iceland or very close to it. This is the fire bird Finix in Egypt stories and a huge explosion... the cry of the bird in the stories...a kackle!.. like in the word Hekla, Katla and Jökull... in other stories its a goose... but the Hopi Indians who have perhaps the long memories back with Egypt, say a fire from heaven and then right after a huge fire from the ground rose up with a black cloud... yes this is how the earth gets fatter.... the stone goes in and though the crust of the earth... the earth "over-eats" ... its happening so fast... to much pressure in the zone, so the earth has to throw up also... yes a volcanic eruption! and then all the stories from all over the world talk about this darkness following, no sun, no moon, no stars... just darkness... this is this nothingness... chaos and the ginnungagap... hmm.. peculiar word... suggests some opening into the earth gin and gap a mouth... perhaps a reference to this cave we r looking for

then 8 beings where there in the beginning of this human encounter, according to Egypt (egg ypten... the egg peninsula) yes I think actually that the stone landed where Snaifellsjökull is now and then there was only sea there and then this egg ypt or egg odd the the whole of Snaifellsnes peninsula was build up bye the volcanic eruption... the place of the egg.. The stone came from west and went on a low angle all the way into the middle of the country, underground and created a path for the lava to go all the way to this western point where the mountain stands now... 200-300 km from where the lava pot is under middle of Iceland.... and even now a days it looks like an egg from Reykjavik seen... white egg sleeping in the sea...with fire inside... the egg of the sun bird. (thats how they saw this.. a egg of the sun bird) This is the original place where the 9 beings ... well the the Edda poems in Völuspa say they where 9 ..."niu ivithir",... but in Egypt they say they where 8... they where swimming in the sea yes.. they came swimming or floating to this island rising in some sort of fish or skin hide.. like mare maids... after a long trawl... or on ice... and the original island was rising.. the egg... these images are found in many many origin stories... and they always suggest it was in the far north... towards the north star, the pole star (The Hari Krishna guru talks about the pole star as shining over the origin) and also the star-sign the swan .. from Ireland seen its to Iceland... in Ireland they have this huge swan built into the earth... and its on the way to Iceland... also in the night sky... And the swan became the symbol of this northern family later on....yes they became singers.. and its people from the swan family who build up Egypt and swan is the symbol of Siva, he made a instrument called sitar with his family symbol on and its also a ... but he is much later.. he is the one responsible for the destruction of his own people... very sad to say... sometimes called Seus, Sometimes Jave, sometimes Siva the destroyer... also the same as the ape king Hanuman. Also Gilgames is the same... and the friend who helped him Enkidu, or Odin and his friend Loki (the one who got all the blame, but was trying to integrate a holistic way of the old and new situation, or what do u do when dealing with a naughty child, u win its trust and then lead it gently to better ways and that's what Loki was and is working on still... but Odins mother was from the north, but Loki was from Hveralundur in Iceland, (see 35. poem of Voluspa Edda) where he was later bound or his family, with lye's, slander, false accusations, as a trouble maker and Odin then comes out as a winner because he betrayed his friend, like everybody else... well until now, when the truth is revealed and the northern people wake up... the peculiar thing is that the "devil" is the Savior... and hell is heaven... on an island... well we all know now that Odins art was to lye... and in the bible they say, in the last revelation chapter of Johannes chapter 20... something similar like when Loki is bound.. but now called Satan... that he will be free after 1000 years... and Iceland has been sleeping in lye's now for roughly 1000 years... wake up now with me... we are letting the grandmother out and the red hood girl from the belly of a lyer and a greedy Woolf... he is asleep.. and this is his destiny to fall into the well and drown... leilolouu ) or Hanuman and Rama. Rama was killed for helping him. He was also killed.. And his relatives This is the ring of curse. All who go this way of power get aa unhappy life. Hmm... rebirths and past life's, I know its a big subject. The archetypes. The types and genetic structures. I am gonna write about it sooner or later, but this is a sensitive subject. Because being special creates separation ideas.

But fore hundreds of thousands of years this original fire users lived close to this warmth around the "egg" this white mountain... the light came gradually back... or the dust-cloud got less dense. The stories tell how they where working on lifting the sky more and more up from the earth. Very poetical descriptions. They used hot baths in warm mud... therefore they where called Aurgelmir.. the one who sits in the mud and sings. They also went swimming in the sea and got shellfish and other fishes with spears for food. Therefore we are a swimming bathing ape with fat in our tissues and even swimming properties on feet-s and hands. And we are still bath crazy

And then ... the next chapter in this long story is how we got our first home. The house. It was the greatest of achievement. Engineers geniality. It was made like a model of this great mountain in the vast sea... the egg... but just made from turf... dried plants from the wetland. Stacked up like an igloo... circular with the glow in the middle just like the snow mountain, Snaifell or Snaifellsjoukull. And this is called borg or kot, kota the first dwelling where we gathered around the fire and took care of it together. Gamma its called in the sami land and Kota in Finland. And in Iceland there are thousands of these circles all over the country.. how come when the vikings only liked squares? And In Shetland islands a 2700 years old huge circular house was found some decades ago with huge bakery ovens.. all around the walls... way this is not seen in Iceland ? hmm.. yes so many references are to a lye brought bye Egill Skallagrimsson and Ketill flatnefur. And Ingolfur. All who didn't yield to their lye's where killed. This was a takeover. The 36 gothar where all in the same family. Sad story. I don't want to go into details with that now, i could. But not now. All these takeover stories are very painful and hurting. This has happened in every part of the world and its still happening. Its called war. Another word is robbery, if its done with cunning its called thievery.

I went a bit fast through the story... But how did the fire use spread out from Iceland? There where 4 main waves of people mooing from there. All the time before the flood 12000 years ago or the end of ice time people used to walk over the ice to "the earth" (yes one reason for that name of the mainland is that at the end of ice time the whole north was just earth, without any plants... as the ice went away.. there was just clay there... they had to "create" the flora...Iceland was blue and white, and therefor called heaven) And the main problem was to get over the rainbow bridge... the melted lain that we can say was the small golf stream heat melting just some pert of the sea between Iceland and Skandi or Skadi.. (Norway later) this was thin ice and dangerous... and had therefore many colors... and was called rainbow... all color bridge... And the first families to go there in a group was carrying the fire with them... this was 700 thousand years ago and they went all the way to china. The second family went around 120.000 years ago, the Neanderthals also carrying the fire over the ice. They stayed in southern and eastern Europe. And in these times there was no fire people anywhere else. The third group went around 40.000 years ago. And I think they knew how to make fire bye drilling. The children of Borr... the one who invented drilling for fire. (therefor Odin sees himself as the son of Borr when his people came back to Iceland and his followers like Egill) Yes they also went to America and this passage was so common. There fore its the same culture both ways of the Atlantic. Circular dwellings (the igloo and the tp) and throat singing etc.. shamanism. They went all over the world and mixed with the little people. Also to Australia, the singing walkers. They are the biggest genetic group on the earth today we can say. They are the older brother mentioned in the bible who got jealous when the younger brother came. The last to go from the root place. They are the 4. group. They where pushed out in the time of the flood. about 12 or 13000 years ago. (and there where many catastrophes going on there around 12 to 14000 years ago..) Majority of them dyed in these catastrophes) They talked Nordic or Icelandic and there offspring's are the northern people. They are also called Titans... the white ones. Also called angels. The pale... The swans. They where peaceful and vise... gentle and creative... giving all their knowledge all over the world. They where inventors and singers.

i have been shearing very briefly, some reflections about how we are all connected and how fire and meteorites have shaped us (see the chapter about insight into evolution on earth...etc)

and that there are traces of ancient holiness in the root culture in the north of Europe

my conviction is that to be able change the course of events for the better we need to revive the roots, we need to awaken the strong ancient bear family, we need to realize that all "westerners" are not just power without wisdom

way is the root important for a tree?
way is the first archetype having all this effect upon the other ones?

and even when the root is already in decay, we need to find the healthy parts and nourish them

unconsciously, even when we have been told only lyes about the past, the nordic people looks to Iceland... as they used to do before "the woolf Fenri was bound with lyes" and the Asa´s coming with violence from .. little asia, polluted iceland

and where does the world look with a hope of better ways?

not to the Jews...
not to China
not to Germany or England or any places in the south... all these nations have wars behind them and many sorrows... and they all demand absolute power
how about the Tibetan Buddhist way? Well truly they are the most holy in the east although I don't believe in monarchs, neither spiritual nor worldly. No individual can take the responsibility of telling everybody what to do or what not to do. We need to face our freedom as individuals and take decisions together in small circles and send represent ants to national gatherings who make decisions in circles about broader perspectives etc. From Buddha we can learn a great deal about the wisdom of the mind. And I respect Dalai Lama and support the Tibetan nation being free from oppression.(He is almost the exception that proves the rule that individuals can not take responsibility of leading others, but he was trained from early childhood and has many great minds around him) There are however..we can say, natural leaders, those who r both vise or see deeply.. do to generations of qualities cultivated and kind at the same time.. or passionate, but power can corrupt them too, so its best they shear their wisdom through the circles.. kind of modestly. Also that kind of system is less prone to power struggle about who is at the top. In a very complicated centralized culture these ideas i suggest would not work, but if we split all these big pyramids up into units of 144 and start to live in the stile of self sufficiency, it will work thousand times better than what we have. Much more happiness and balanced planing. Perhaps in the future, some circles will be seen as guiding to other circles, gracefully many gifted beings growing qualities that inspire others. These circles will grow different qualities and shear qualities.

the far south has hearts... lots and lots of beautiful hearts and love a sea of love, those connected with their roots, the south has also a lot of people who have almost given in to the game
all directions have beautiful hearts, all countries all cultures a lot... but can the unite if the north is not waking up... the lost white brother?

So where do people look for change in the western world, this awful power pulling us?
They look to the north, to Scandinavia... to the old gentle Titans, those few who have not been polluted by the power-game system, up in far north. They are not so many, but thei are there, having inner power, but wanting to use it for goodness...The sad thing is that the power minded leaders have exploited and attacked the northern people for their agenda many times. And are still doing so. The story of Voulund or Valandthe creative smith is telling us about that. One example. Endless examples of this i could recite. Just like Testla was robbed bye lesser minds, so was Valand. (Tesla was pretty typical an elf, giving and giving, there are those who r creative and giving and then there r those who r less creative, they like to steal from those creative and crown themselves) But when Odin came to the north he shattered the north so horribly (the viking time) that we had internal wars in the whole of Scandinavia for 500 years and after that just sleep and ignorance. Yes Iceland was the last resort of the old wisdom centers in the 8. century and then the vikings destroyed it so thoroughly that none was even left to remember that it existed. Except in the inner mind. All is written there. We need to wake up to all our faculties.

so it all comes to a situation where there is nobody to look for with hope at the moment, because in iceland they don't know their heritage..this heritage has been lyed away out of history, washed away from our mind...we r told we come from violent vikings and that everybody should just think of them self, grab as big a bit of the cake as possible before someone else. Icelanders are more into drinking nonsense from usa etc... money and fame and power and shame... who is with something to say there? I don't know... possibly its only me who is worried about this... so is it all on my shoulders? hm... wouu sounds terrible... I feel im having so many demons around me who only want to make me as polluted as they are or more.... u see the situation is not that good...... where is the small hair of hope?
mother help me... Bukolla... pure hearts save Iceland ...this is the root..if the root is not given nourishment and dharma rain the tree can not grow... now we have some beautiful flowers on some branches out in the world, but also them will wither away if the tree is not getting nourishment from the root so the motherland is of utter importance. let icelanders wake up and join this holy task of the pureness and truth... washing their hearts... let them stop drinking and forgetting... these few in Iceland who have a heart and deep seeing... let them whisper telepathically and find each other...

so how are you, my dear lost white brother?... how is it to wake up? to this brilliant light

about different families of humans

...one thing to share.... yes, we who live now here on the planet are a mix of the nature children,... the small people and the fire family in various degrees... and we all want to be nature children again (at least those with a conscious heart) and then we can be proud of both parts of us... we r all mixed to day from 90% fire beings to 90% nature child. (most actually more like 60% of and in us is from this one place, practically from 8 people,or perhaps it was only one woman left when they had found out how to survive, but of course she or they where nature people also those 8 before they got stuck on this cold island around the fire, so we could also say we are all just plane nature people) So we can all be happy about what we have. Its only those who are into power who despise the nature part in us. But those who love nature, should be jea.. almost proud, not arrogant but proud to be as they are... natural.. from nature.. well... and its OK to have power if u use it for goodness so that makes us all marvelous! And none good and none bad, just different qualities and vibration and focus... and we need all these qualities. The mix of this is the gentle power. The way of Tao. And in the most isolated and unexpected places such beings can be found, north south east and west.This is the way the last generation of fire apes wanted. Cultivating gentle power.

about the relations between the families of the circular way...
the circles of 144 individuals (less then 200 at least) will be relatively closed when they have been formed. Each cultivating some qualities they cherish in that circle. It is like with flowers on different continents, they develop certain characteristics, depending on climate and creativity

I think we are reaching for happiness rather than power, and harmony with nature

and the power to create harmony is more interesting than the power to destroy

those not for a circle can live alone, but the circles will not allow them to dominate or destroy or accumulating power to terrorize

they are the caretakers

so now we know the theory about how things work in praxis...

your joy is my joy and my pain is yours,and vise versa. Those who run things in iceland and elsewhere do not know this... their professors are ignorant marionette´s seemingly of those screened up,... walking walls... pretending others don't matter, or this is my experience of iceland and in the whole culture we have today, always getting more colder and alienated or sick... but then how to wake up from this stream of automatic reflexes... is it only me... its just me and another me that is feeling half-crazy and with a steal armor around me, oh.. they... ah... their problems have nothing 2 do with me, I'm clean, I follow the rules I have made to protect me.... and i have so much power... no need to see them, just drive on, speed up! i´m going 2 a meeting where everybody will agree with meee, that those not with me should be put out of the way... or are we a family?
this is how it works in the ignorant state management today in Iceland and elsewhere, personal relations too, this not to see we are all of part of a psychic net emanating vibrations.. so we need to heal it all..... and i pray to u and 2 me, lets start another way...
where is the another way?
2 me.. i can only see one path available out... lets sit in a ring, all on the same level, no kings, no queens or all kings and all queens... and lit the fire in the middle... where is the talking stick? oh yea... here it is... let my heart speak, not my stomach, not the left brain... let it swing... let it pass around and around, let all feeling come out, good and bad, let it pass,.. u r the next one to open up your closet, tell where u r, how u feel in your holy temple... u got a hut, me 2... we have this circle together, we r the caretakers, we are the song, we r the blood and the dharma is raining and raining and raining over us, we have come home we r a child in the light shearing the joy and the cries... cry cry cry crying a crying in joy, com on baby, cry with me....

is it a mad mans dream that we can communicate heart to heart to each other openly. I´m not talking about just jump out naked among the trees like apes and be love... even though that´s perhaps the most cute solution...

I'm seeing us as one being

I'm seeing a structure based on a circle, enough many and enough few so that the know each other personally and have circles and solitude and be all bliss in different ways for each other and shearing 500 hectare of wild land with animals in harmony? Ecological but even also with nomad aliments...

what i am suggesting is a new way...
not the "goddests" with their own circles isolated from the boys like in the old days
not the power group of "gray magic" like last thousands of years
but a circle of individuals, both sexes all with their individual homes and growing ways... hobbit stile huts.... a village or the dragon of half-nomads travelling between two ore more residence places...a year, groups of 144, (or max 200, minimal 2... ) moving together as families, coordinated bye local Ting gatherings and on international scale, Rainbow circles for coordination in broader sense.

we are on the middle way

not one leader, not one way, not anarchism either, we have a circle to coordinate

not naked in the woods, but not capitalistic things production system either

not only girls elite or not only boys elite or no elite at all, just circles,u send one representative
to the next level in summer gatherings etc. Then u gradually come to a circle of 11. beings. The world coordinators. But they are not there to rule... but just as a symbol of unity.

ps im not a writer... I see this because its written inside me... its in the "junk part" of the genes probebly... i managed to get into this bank of memories through sacred passages... dreams and trust... but then I studied and found out.. yes this is the truth... I see it with both parts of my brain now... and what i see could fill a library. We can also say this in a different way... like.. I am a child of Loki... (in my mother line, through my father line i can understand Odin, but im not very interested, to sink my self into that pit) or he was my great, great, great...... great grandfather. Or simply, i am a man shearing his heart because of a inner pressure... because of love and a need for change... in me and u and all humans... not least in Iceland, for a better way. Holistic way... happy way and for the animals and the children of morning sun. We are all children of two suns. The older and the yonger like tribal people in America say. I know they are refering to the Matriark and the Patriarks. The women leading and the take over of the boys. (like Appalon) But we are also litterally children of the the big sun and the small one,... "created" or found in a time of need. The fire. Thats the sun driving us crazy now. In the hands of a blind user.

Powerstructures! (or where does the concept of ownership and justification for power and importance start and culminate around)

the mother yes

it started there milljons of years ago and its still there...first one mother and then many togaether and then an elite with their mothers and the early leaders where meant to be protectors of the mother and then they got currupt and whent for the power them selfs and then it all whent wrong... we are there... powergame system its called... who is the one with the power, yesterday a sword, to day cunning with money... and persuation...

im afried the mothers today are just like the rest, feeling they are on their own... all prefound centers of the universe needing a man to help them he will make her into a property and all others become enimies... something to hold under control at least... hm... mothers alone without a circle to find support... circle of friends sitting bye the fire...

different believesystems have different angles... not fitting togeather... some mothers see a ting circle as a threat to their power situation ... her personal fear and defensiveness in stead of a chance of permanent healing and a challece of greatest importance and glad possibility to open and expand to an ever approching bliss!... hm.. almost too good this possibility of a circle and heart openness!... the circle protects all in such an approch... whatever comes up its allright... there is total openness and save space there..... many heats to support you and me... i think the circle is a friend of the mother and i think it is also a friend of the father and also a friend of the child, especially! And wholness. Thats the story of powerstructures. I feel its coming back to its root.

The polititions today are ignorannt pretenders and opertunetist. They are then bribed bye the power people... those using money for their own benefit. And all the professors and the priests and the cardinals.. all those pretending to be leaders and for wholeness. They close their eyes for a bribe... or they are ignorannts. Propebly both. So what to do? There is a lack of responsibility and a vision for the wholeness. I am suggesting we build it all up again from the ground. Through the family of 144 people in a group. Then we bridge the gap between this all to small and ignorant family of the partiark. From there we will get a responsible being.. the circle. Thats the only way for us.

sunnudags seiddnipartur- on a sunday afternoon

hmm.........all this shearing is a bit exhausting a work, specially when i´m not told from u people how u are and what you feel about all these shearing... so come out of your hiding in your closet... tel at least how u r

either it is nobody dears to say anything or nobody cares...

i´m sitting in a sea of tears and a sea of compassion

fylling og tómleiki dansa tvist innan manneskunnar

æjá.... blessað langanaleysið

sunnudags seiddnipartur- on a sunday afternoon

hmm.........all this shearing is a bit exhausting a work, specially when i´m not told from u people how u are and what you feel about all these shearing... so come out of your hiding in your closet... tel at least how u r

either it is nobody dears to say anything or nobody cares...

i´m sitting in a sea of tears and a sea of compassion

fylling og tómleiki dansa tvist innan manneskunnar

æjá.... blessað langanaleysið

Tara or in other words Sóley (sun island my mothers name)


This page sparked these thoughts about Tara in Buddhism and her origin place in poetical terms, this island in the sea and a woman and the realization that there is always a telepathic dialogue going on between female and male in us through the right side of the brain... becomes harmonic in the feeling of compassion... oneness, the feeling comes from this root, and vibrates also this... through the realization that we all have this mother together, she gives us unity... this is very deep in all religions and origin stories and in our deeper psyche

It also sparked many other thoughts... like Tara hill on Ireland....

if you read this slowly you will see the Buddhists have a goddess
(a psychological and historical memory to the mother time... the time of wisdom and love and holistics)
and nobody can become enlightened but through her... Tara Tuttare Turu Soha...(that is to say.. being supported by the female spirit... or telepathic hearts)
and this being is born from Buddas tear of compassion.. hmm (she entered Buddas mind in that way through a tear that becomes a sea and in the sea is a island and there is the mother)
she emerges from his deep memory, through compassion.. the feeling of unity

And the image is of coming from an island in the deep sea, tells me she is Ilmater (the mother of fire and humanity, as she has the same description... coming from this deep sea, as so many other origin stories)... or Soley, the island of the sun, a culture that was destroyed thousands of years ago, so thoroughly that nobody dears to remember her except in legends and dreams, she is called Snowwhite in one tail, Izanami in another, Isis in another, (a repeated theme of ice.. coming from the cold, from north) always giving and always mistreated in all the stories, most of the time we are told she never existed, but she is the mother of all the whole human family. The mother of this strange animal we should call the fire-ape

oh i just had a dream...

oh yes it is so... this is so, where r the glad songs?

where is one song in the north with true gladness in it?

1000 years of sorrow, 1000 years of cry cry, where have all the glad songs gone

is there a little melody? a true smile, is it all sold and drunk away all lyes

where is there a little heart smiling somewhere in the north, can u help me find that little smile .. in me here oh dear i am lookin i am looking through my heart for a glaad melody to cheer up my heart

how come? who has killed out all smiles 4 1000+ years, this is serious a search for a true smile in my heart... holiness bring me a reason for 2 smile truly from my heart almost nobody is smiling in Iceland. And rejoicing has not happened there in 11 or 12 hundred years, can u guess way? yes they can make fun of each other and say nasty things while drinkin but that´s not a true smile, that´s bitterness with pretentiousness on top.... the humor of Thorbergur is to show how stupid he is himself but most other humor in Iceland is mocking and that´s not true a joy in heart... and a frozen face is truly a typical sober icelander... the only glad songs i have found are ancient wooman songs from rural places in sweden... whole of norway has been ruined of true smiles also 4 as long as these 1200 years of viking occupation..hmmm.. i´m looking for a healing from more than 1000 years of occupation of vikings and Christian lyes over the north... and then competition and everything for sale.. how can we b glad then holyness show me a way... to joy up here in the north... true glad something ala halleee luuu (bye the way, hallelujah is not Christian... its far older all the way from Hel and the time when girls where free to laugh and dance in joy... and when a wooman smiles the me i will shine 2
well is it glad news that i might come home to u Iceland after being an outflow for 9 years now... do i have someone up there giving me a smile? or is there anyone around here with a cheer
a hug
and now i´m like the princess who only wanted someone who would make her smile...
well i´m ready to smile with u who is willing to go the way of wholeness, my smile is not 4 sale
can not smile at your problems either but when we flow together yea... i can

so where is your hand
who is waiting 4 whom... any point here "stendur i brekku brusaskeggur og bíður mín þar"

melancholic nation, drunk nation, stop chewing on lyes, cheer up and see the light
i´m coming and those wanting to hurt me and imprison me, i will kick their ass with a hug

well my dream was about a golden smile

from my whole being

and specially from the heart

there is no good people and no bad people, there is only polution of the mind or pure truth in mind

like the dharma-teacher Thich from Vietnam says... I saw pure hearts get filled up with hate in the vietnam war because they sow so much ugliness and injustice and lyes they got filled with anger.... but Thich went through the war and he could with the help of dharma teaching purify the mind from all evil and resentment... he is a hero of kindness and from such a heart we can learn

in a creative way how to be now, calm but awake, generous in bliss compassionate

but about the mind,how it works... here is a video from a person who "lost her mind" technically and in real... the left side that is to say... I feel the animals and small children are in this stage of mind and all the yogis who successfully can calm the mind on the left side... see it!

breath and enjoy! The great blisss is to let go of this mind of worries and rest in the now...

some thoughts about Iceland...

here are writings about the ancient history of Iceland. A much repressed material, as it deals with a prominent high culture of the girls in Ice-time. A culture that was destroyed bye the patriarchs and lyed out of history. But is now rising from the ashes. Atlantis has been here all the time. Its just a little bit more in the north than presumed bye Plato.

This island as I see it is the origin place of fire use on this planet. Way do I know this?... yes I have done a lot of comparing origin stories and creation stories to find out about this... well my mind revealed this to my after a lot of study, something inside me know this but it took me 20 years of investigation to grasp it into my conscious mind and it still is sinking in. I thought I a was crazy to begin with. Now I feel its normal to be crazy in this way.. and seeing Iceland as the root of the fire use of humanity. But I am afraid it will take more than hundred years for humans to realize this. At the moment I am the only one who knows. Its quite cute to know something alone. Of course its also cute we both know it. That will make Iceland a mother country of all fire users. Well perhaps its good they do not know all at ones. It will take time to prepare Iceland for all its children coming home. So smile with me.So many old holy secrets or surfacing now. We might get to know the sacred of happiness. And joyful living... We might get a chance to live it. In bliss for thousand of years or in to a remote infinity.... as is in fact normal for life... to be in bliss... I think the most miserable being on earth today is the human. Even though we can eat and dominate. We are in so much fear all of the time we forget the now... and without a now we have not a chance to live in bliss. But more and more people are getting the chance at least to let go of this fear when we see the obstacles we can get through them or around them. And one of the biggest handicap is to live in a lye about who you are...

I have talked a lot of the history, mostly on youtube and veoh.com, but lets talk about Iceland as it is now...

Yes... Iceland is with nature like Norway partly but less trees definitely... but there are trees there, specially in the north and north east, but mostly small trees. Then Iceland has a lot no other country in the north has. Strange surrealistic colors, yellow and violet and blue tones of infinite variety. Hot springs and bubbling clay pots. Glatsiers and vulcan´s and endless varieties of weather. (so bring some warm cloths) We will definitely go bathing in the wilderness when we come to iceland in many places. I don't know anyone who knows more of these old bathing places than me. (if you have any question in particular just make a comment here ... Then I can answer you.... and here is my telephone nr. in case 0046 (0)73 9138535
register and ask for friendship...

This trip to Iceland is like a fairy tail 4 me, I do not know where to go really, well most of my visualizations have somehow been culminating around the snow mountain called Snæfell or Snæfellsjökul (u see the connection, to snowwhite and Isis and Izanami the ladies from the ice mountain) so I would not b surprised we would go there, its on the south west side of the island (yea just this word in english is like the word geyser originating up there, the concept island comes from Iceland as well as the concept geyser because in a very early time there was no other island existing in our minds but this one as we where all living there and then we brought the concept to other islands with us and all our way´s of seeing things) But before we come to the west side of Iceland we will pass through other zones pretty attractive especially the scouting group as we will have so long time to explore the varieties of the landscape and the history attached to it. I do not know if we take the south route or the northern route or go over the middle when we drive from Seithisfjörthur on the east side where the ship lands with us from the maine land (from the earth in old terms, as we r then coming to heaven the old name for this ancient place) but this we will decide together. But one little farmhouse we might visit in the north east called Sænautasel on Jökuldalsheithi. Most modest a turf-huts we have now-adays, rebuilt bye a friend of mine now dead and a teacher in house-making Sveinn Einarsson from Hrjót. He was a story teller and true heart a being unforgettable personality. I was lucky to b able to work with him for many years.
some photos from there... (made in a wintertime)
another link showing Sænautasel in the summertime

some thoughts about Iceland...

I have talked a lot of the history, mostly on youtube and veoh.com, but lets talk about Iceland as it is now...

Yes... Iceland is with nature like Norway partly but less trees definitely... but there are trees there, specially in the north and north east, but mostly small trees. Then Iceland has a lot no other country in the north has. Strange surrealistic colors, yellow and violet and blue tones of infinite variety. Hot springs and bubbling clay pots. Glatsiers and vulcan´s and endless varieties of weather. (so bring some warm cloths) We will definitely go bathing in the wilderness when we come to iceland in many places. I don't know anyone who knows more of these old bathing places than me. (if you have any question in particular just make a comment here ... Then I can answer you.... and here is my telephone nr. in case 0046 (0)73 9138535
register and ask for friendship...

This trip to Iceland is like a fairy tail 4 me, I do not know where to go really, well most of my visualizations have somehow been culminating around the snow mountain called Snæfell or Snæfellsjökul (u see the connection, to snowwhite and Isis and Izanami the ladies from the ice mountain) so I would not b surprised we would go there, its on the south west side of the island (yea just this word in english is like the word geyser originating up there, the concept island comes from Iceland as well as the concept geyser because in a very early time there was no other island existing in our minds but this one as we where all living there and then we brought the concept to other islands with us and all our way´s of seeing things) But before we come to the west side of Iceland we will pass through other zones pretty attractive especially the scouting group as we will have so long time to explore the varieties of the landscape and the history attached to it. I do not know if we take the south route or the northern route or go over the middle when we drive from Seithisfjörthur on the east side where the ship lands with us from the maine land (from the earth in old terms, as we r then coming to heaven the old name for this ancient place) but this we will decide together. But one little farmhouse we might visit in the north east called Sænautasel on Jökuldalsheithi. Most modest a turf-huts we have now-adays, rebuilt bye a friend of mine now dead and a teacher in house-making Sveinn Einarsson from Hrjót. He was a story teller and true heart a being unforgettable personality. I was lucky to b able to work with him for many years.
some photos from there... (made in a wintertime)
another link showing Sænautasel in the summertime

small understanding (but big in practice)

some birds, a fly and a sun. Some desires create beuty some create suffering. Some seeds should be watered, some not