söndag 29 juni 2008

In Iceland, looking for a place for the Ting gathering

29 og june in Mosfellsbæ

my Icelandic telephone number is 00 345 8928734
other info where to find material from me about Ting and scauting on Iceland:

My paintings and pictures mostly from Iceland on the net:
on facebook i have a lot of paintings and pictures from Iceland scouting and situation with saving Iceland from ignorance and hurting ways:
to get to them u need to become a member on facebook.com
and then look for me, and im registered as:Tryggvi Gunnar Hansen
and become a friend

music from me on the net:


other addresses with info and writings:

we (me, Even and Hugo) have been through Norway and from Bergen we took the ferry to Icelans, dropped bye in Scottland and on the Fair-islands and came to Seithisfjorthur 19. June. In the toll we where charged 60.000 icelandic kronur for the eco-food we had and told each prson can only have 3 kg of food while entering the country, so now we have bought the food twise... and is has been taxed in 2 countrees, very expensive to eat healthy in iceland and not encurriged... I Seithisfjorthur we met Thora the hostes in the hostel. A very kind and positive woman who showed us around the possibilities for a gathering close to Seithisfjorthur. Pascal we met too a woman from Holland a holy heart and a child of nature. Also many other very cosy beings. The swimming pool is unforgetable and Thoras and Pascal welcoming heart. Also the children in Seithisfjörthur are very open hearted. From Seithisfjörthur we went to an ecofarmer, Eymundur on Hérsth and it was really inspiring how he has made a forrest on bare land and explored barley as a source of goodness. From Hérath we whent the south way to Mosfellsveit with one stop in Núpstath. And yesterday we where in Reykjavik and met Saving Iceland people and whent on a conset with Bjork and Sigur rose. A real inspiration.


I will write more about this trawellings after awhile... now we are gone make a circle for to coordinate.


ps on facebook i have already put some photos from our trawellings so far


much sun and some wind
lot of holy hearts

saving iceland and yoga people i have met...
and i think over 50 thousend where on the Bjork / Sigur Rós concert
really good info video about the gready and the ignorant irrisponsible othorities

today 30 of june 08
we are going to Reykjadal on Hellisheithi where there is a hot river and cold coming togeather and hut mud baths... we go from Hellisheithi the roud between Hveragerthi and Reykjavík and need to drive over a small river... we already where in Mosfellsheithi this morning and whent to Nesjavellir for info and more understanding about power plants, also for a map of the walking paths on Hellisheithi and around Reykjadal.

but just now we are making food in Mosfellsbæ in Embla Dís place. Sad thing is that Embla can not come with us, she got sick 2 days ago and is now with a doctor... she has a pain in her left side at the hight of the stomack. Hope anybody who reads this will pray for her health. We have tryed what we can to help but not jet with a result. This pain is a shadow. Also for me great sadness is that the mother of my son dous not alow me to see my son Ómi, but he is here in Iceland now. I have tried many many times to phone her but she dous not answer and I have also sent a letter to her girlfriend where she has been living and also visited his half-sisiter and asked for help to contact him and his mother. I know he wants to be with me but his mother is very negative to our relations, the reason is something personal in her. Sometimes she lets me see him, sometimes not. Its like the weather... very unpredictable. Now i have not seen him for perhaps half a year. She is living with Ómi in Lund in Sweden normally but she is from Iceland like me and the boy was born on Iceland. He is now 9 years old and this problem has been there from the time me and his mother stopped our relations when he was about 3 years old. All togeather i have only had him for few weeks, because of his mother domination over him. Hope someone will pray for us and for a better more open and heart-like relationship. Specially i am worried how he is feeling with all this repression and unjustice, not to be alowed to see his father. But we are really good togeather... sing a lot and very creative.

This is laying heavy on my heart.

And one thing more actually... a person i feel inside me... how can i make that relationship right?
beside that i am glad the sun is shining and i am a child of the light... pray u make me free from all worries because i am in your hands... holy way... loving energy source... flower of life
show me the right way love.. lead the way for me and all of us holiness.

Heilo loou lu uo!

1.july 08
It seems like we have found a place for the gathering on Hellisheithi, in a place i call Álfadalur,
Its a valley untuched bye energyexploters. Hot pots and a hot river and a cold river meeting and forming an ideal place for bathing. In some of the steaming pots it seems like it is possible to cook food. So everything is provided for by nature there. Today the plan is to find out more about this valley and shear this vision as i am doing now.
1. july 12.23
Still vayting for a call from a person knowing who is the owner of Álvadalur.
Then soon we are going to visit Embla Dís on the hospital and then drop bye in cafe Hljómalind after that. The sun is shining in Iceland and some wind, just like the last days... I pray and hope for good ways in all aspects, specially for Ómi and his mother understanding.

time 19.51 1 of july
just came back from the hospital and the good news is that Embla Dís is feeling better, less pain, and lighter at heart also for us. In Hljómalind I learned a little bit more about the situation with Hellisheithi and "Saromans" plans for exploitation of the energy all around the Álvadal... and Klöbrugil the gathering place we are aiming on for August. Seemingly the valley will dry up of all hot water if "Saromans" plan will go through. The place to find out about the plans of energy exploiter is to be found on this address: http://www.natturukort.is/
the yellow points are the places they have a plan about to build power stations. Look for

  1. Hellisheiði - Ölkelduháls

this is where the gathering is going to be.... Klambragil.

2 júli 08
erfiðleikar í samskiptum... og þjánig búin til, þar sem hún þarf ekki að vera.
Í valdatafli seigi ég pass. Það hef ég þó lært. Hversu mikil sár þarf til að læra að óttinn er aska og að hjartað er vísdómsbrunnurinn. Lindin sem nærir allt sem hrærist.
eða eins og málshátturinn seigir: komi þeir sem koma vilja, fari þeir sem fara vilja, mér og mínum að meinalausu. Og ef að það er einhver þvíngun einhverstaðar, þá er hún ekki af mínum völdum. Ég hef þegar bent á hvar ég sé þvínganir og af hvaða völdum. Meira hef ég ekki um það að seigja.

3 júlí 08
í dag er ég búinn að læra að ég á ekkert og krefst einskis. Aðeins það sem kemur eðlilega og af sjálfu sér, tek ég til mín og upplifi jafnharðan og það streymir hjá. Ef ég þrái og það kemur þó ekki, því sleppi ég...
og fer heim... í það sem er. Að sleppa þrám og sjá hvað er gefur mér tilfinningu fyrir streymi.
Þar er blessun og þar er gleði og allar tímasetningar verða undraverðar án baráttu.

4. júli invitation to a gathering of natur people... Elfs

Warm welcome to Nordiska Ting on Iceland 1-17th of August 2008 ---> 30 Year Anniversary Ting

Yesterday we visited a beautiful valley on the south west side of Iceland, only about 30km away from Reykjavík. Almost the only place on Hellisheithi (east of Reykjavik) left untouched by those people who using all energy-sources for industry. This is a place where we could feel how it is possible to live in nature, both summer and wintertime without even the use of fire. Hot river meeting and warm muddy places for bathing and steaming spots usable for cooking. Today we explored the possibility of using this place gently for a gathering of nature children in August. The result was positive. It belongs to the state and here we are free to put up tents and bath. So we feel free to invite you to this place 1-17 of August. We just have to relate to the nature with full respect and when we leave it we need to leave the place clean, and thats the ting spirit in all gatherings. The name of the little valley is Klambragil (Perhaps an appropriate name for this place would be Álvadalur as it reminds me on the time the poetic Edda talks about when refering to Leirgelmir and Bergelmir. (Leirgelmir=singing in clay, Bergelmir=singing naked) Its south-east of Hengill, the biggest mountain on Hellisheithi.)


For those driving: The gathering place is about 40 km from the center of Reykjavik and about 5 km from road 1 (circle way around Iceland). When you drive from Reykjavik you can measure on your km counter 26 km from the last roundabout(rondell) on the road to Hveragerdi over Hellisheithi. After about 26 km you come to a small sign on the left side of the road ÖLKELDUHÁLS. Drive this small road for 4 km. There will be a sign there about Ting on the right side and a small path to walk on for about 800 meters toward east. Then the valley will open infront of you and a small pathway goes down to the right.

If you are not in a car, take the bus from Reykjavik towards Hveragerdi. Ask the busdriver to let you out by the sign ÖLKELDUHÁLS on Hellisheithi. Then you walk the small road for 4 km and then turn right with the ting sign and follow the small path 800m towards east and you see the valley.

For those coming with a boat to Seydisfjordur:

Drive road 1 to Egilsstadir and then south towards Höfn and Reykjavik. After Hverdagerdi look for a sign that says "Ölkeldushals" (about 38 km before Reykjavik) and then follow road description as above.

Bus: Take lokalbus from Seydisfjordur to Egilsstadir at 6.30 and then buss 18 to Höfn at 7.00, and then bus 12a at 11.00 from Höfn to Reykjavik. After Hverdagerdi look for the sign that says "ÖLKELDUSHALS" to the right and ask the busdriver to let you out there.

If you need help in Seydisfjördur we have friends (Pascalle and Thora) on the youth-hostel in the old hospital, just after the swimming pool. There it is cheapest to stay over because the bus is going the day after.

We are going with the bout from Seithisfjörthur back to Bergen on the 21 of August and it would be nice if those coming with a car would form a Caravan from the Ting gathering back to the Scandinavia.


If you bring more then 3 kg of food with you to Iceland, there is by law a customfee. The fee is the same as the import charges for the amount of food you bring in.

Bring musquitonets.

Prices here on Iceland are about Norwegian prices.

Valutas are :

1 danish krone gives 16,5 icelandic krones

1 norwegian krone gives 15,5 icelandic krones

1 swedish krone gives 13 icelandic krones

1 EUR gives 124 icelandic krones


5. july
fórum Reykjanesrúnt... Selatanga og fleira... Grindavík og Njarðvík

sáum mína byggingalist í Grindavík, Sólarvé og Stekkjakot í Njarðvík allt meir og minna í niðurnýðslu.... sól í sunnanátt á Selatöngum og ekki fundum við ferskvatn þar. Sterk tilfinning fyrir harðri lífsbaráttu. En Selatangar sem varastaður ef Álvadalsþíngið verður of fjölmennt, kemur því valla til greina sem vara-þíngstaður, vegna vatsskorts aðallega. En vatn hlýtur samt að vera þar. Annars hefði sjósókn ekki verið stunduð þar. Vera má að vatn finnist á fjörum í lágflæði.


6. júlí
lot of love but anyhow strange lonlyness in the land of ice and fire.


tisdag 10 juni 2008

the story of iceland (update from how it is on the other blog)

the other blog page is not working now so i post this update on Icelandic history here for now.

how i see that Iceland is the origin place of fire use and therefore humanity of today

...one thing to share... before i jump into the Icelandic history and that of fire-users... yes, we who live now here on the planet are a mix of the nature children,... the small people and the fire family in various degrees... and we all want to be nature children again (at least those with a conscious heart) and then we can be proud of both parts of us... we r all mixed to day from 90% fire beings to 90% nature child. (most actually more like 60% of and in us is from this one place, practically from 8 people,or perhaps it was only one woman left when they had found out how to survive, with the use of fire (the child of the sun) but of course she or they where nature people also those 8 before they got stuck on this cold island around the fire, so we could also say we are all just plane nature people) So we can all be happy about what we have. Its only those who are into power who despise the nature part in us. But those who love nature, should be aa.. almost proud, jes not arrogant but proud to be as they are... natural.. from nature.. well... and its OK to have power if u use it for goodness so that makes us all marvelous! And none good and none bad, just different qualities and vibration and focus... and we need all these qualities. The mix of these good qualities is a gentle power. The way of Tao. And in the most isolated a and unexpected places such beings can be found, north south east and west.This is the way the last generation of fire apes wanted. Cultivating gentle power. The elfs.

how do i know Iceland is the place fire use came to be a way of living
in short yes (if I can say so)
All the origin stories more or less start with a great sea... (well in the bible origin details are gone, except the waters, but most other cultures have these details but in different richness of details, but the Bible has many references to this old place, in general its called Heaven, but Hell later on) and a island rising ... then explosion and darkness for a Long time... gradually heaven is lifting... the light... finally.... the sunlight is so fabulous when it comes..they all fall into trance of joy... but in these dark and cold times.... yes always north it is seen happening... and where is the first fire family.. yes in the north... in the ice... in ice times... many references to Vulcan´s and hot springs... white mountain in the sea in Europe.. northerly hm... where could that be?
or.. now i just tell it as i see it happening after a lot of stories read and comparing (its a long path to go through to see and to explain all i have seen... perhaps in a book later on..)

About a million years ago a huge stone came out of space... crashing down on Iceland or very close to it. This is the fire bird Finix in Egypt stories and a huge explosion... the cry of the bird in the stories...a kackle!.. like in the word Hekla, Katla and Jökull... in other stories its a goose... but the Hopi Indians who have perhaps the long memories back with Egypt, say a fire from heaven and then right after a huge fire from the ground rose up with a black cloud... yes this is how the earth gets fatter.... the stone goes in and though the crust of the earth... the earth "over-eats" ... its happening so fast... to much pressure in the zone, so the earth has to throw up also... yes a volcanic eruption! and then all the stories from all over the world talk about this darkness following, no sun, no moon, no stars... just darkness... this is this nothingness... chaos and the ginnungagap... hmm.. peculiar word... suggests some opening into the earth gin and gap a mouth... perhaps a reference to this cave we r looking for

then 8 beings where there in the beginning of this human encounter, according to Egypt (egg ypten... the egg peninsula) yes I think actually that the stone landed where Snaifellsjökull is now and then there was only sea there and then this egg ypt or egg odd the the whole of Snaifellsnes peninsula was build up bye the volcanic eruption... the place of the egg.. The stone came from west and went on a low angle all the way into the middle of the country, underground and created a path for the lava to go all the way to this western point where the mountain stands now... 200-300 km from where the lava pot is under middle of Iceland.... and even now a days it looks like an egg from Reykjavik seen... white egg sleeping in the sea...with fire inside... the egg of the sun bird. (thats how they saw this.. a egg of the sun bird) This is the original place where the 9 beings ... well the the Edda poems in Völuspa say they where 9 ..."niu ivithir",... but in Egypt they say they where 8... they where swimming in the sea yes.. they came swimming or floating to this island rising in some sort of fish or skin hide.. like mare maids... after a long trawl... or on ice... and the original island was rising.. the egg... these images are found in many many origin stories... and they always suggest it was in the far north... towards the north star, the pole star (The Hari Krishna guru talks about the pole star as shining over the origin) and also the star-sign the swan .. from Ireland seen its to Iceland... in Ireland they have this huge swan built into the earth... and its on the way to Iceland... also in the night sky... And the swan became the symbol of this northern family later on....yes they became singers.. and its people from the swan family who build up Egypt and swan is the symbol of Siva, he made a instrument called sitar with his family symbol on and its also a ... but he is much later.. he is the one responsible for the destruction of his own people... very sad to say... sometimes called Seus, Sometimes Jave, sometimes Siva the destroyer... also the same as the ape king Hanuman. Also Gilgames is the same... and the friend who helped him Enkidu, or Odin and his friend Loki (the one who got all the blame, but was trying to integrate a holistic way of the old and new situation, or what do u do when dealing with a naughty child, u win its trust and then lead it gently to better ways and that's what Loki was and is working on still... but Odins mother was from the north, but Loki was from Hveralundur in Iceland, (see 35. poem of Voluspa Edda) where he was later bound or his family, with lye's, slander, false accusations, as a trouble maker and Odin then comes out as a winner because he betrayed his friend, like everybody else... well until now, when the truth is revealed and the norther people wake up... the peculiar thing is that the "devil" is the Savior... and hell is heaven... on an island... well we all know now that Odins art was to lye... and in the bible they say, in the last revelation chapter of Johannes chapter 20... something similar like when Loki is bound.. but now called Satan... that he will be free after 1000 years... and Iceland has been sleeping in lye's now for roughly 1000 years... wake up now with me... we are letting the grandmother out and the red hood girl from the belly of a lyer and a greedy Woolf... he is asleep.. and this is his destiny to fall into the well and drown... leilolouu ) or Hanuman and Rama. Rama was killed for helping him. He was also killed.. And his relatives This is the ring of curse. All who go this way of power get aa unhappy life. Hmm... rebirths and past life's, I know its a big subject. The archetypes. The types and genetic structures. I am gonna write about it sooner or later, but this is a sensitive subject. Because being special creates separation ideas.

But fore hundreds of thousands of years this original fire users lived close to this warmth around the "egg" this white mountain... the light came gradually back... or the dust-cloud got less dense. The stories tell how they where working on lifting the sky more and more up from the earth. Very poetical descriptions. They used hot baths in warm mud... therefore they where called Aurgelmir.. the one who sits in the mud and sings. They also went swimming in the sea and got shellfish and other fishes with spears for food. Therefore we are a swimming bathing ape with fat in our tissues and even swimming properties on feet-s and hands. And we are still bath crazy

And then ... the next chapter in this long story is how we got our first home. The house. It was the greatest of achievement. Engineers geniality. It was made like a model of this great mountain in the vast sea... the egg... but just made from turf... dried plants from the wetland. Stacked up like an igloo... circular with the glow in the middle just like the snow mountain, Snaifell or Snaifellsjoukull. And this is called borg or kot, kota the first dwelling where we gathered around the fire and took care of it together. Gamma its called in the sami land and Kota in Finland. And in Iceland there are thousands of these circles all over the country.. how come when the vikings only liked squares? And In Shetland islands a 2700 years old huge circular house was found some decades ago with huge bakery ovens.. all around the walls... way this is not seen in Iceland ? hmm.. yes so many references are to a lye brought bye Egill Skallagrimsson and Ketill flatnefur. And Ingolfur. All who didn't yield to their lye's where killed. This was a takeover. The 36 gothar where all in the same family. Sad story. I don't want to go into details with that now, i could. But not now. All these takeover stories are very painful and hurting. This has happened in every part of the world and its still happening. Its called war. Another word is robbery, if its done with cunning its called thievery.

I went a bit fast through the story... But how did the fire use spread out from Iceland? There where 4 main waves of people mooing from there. All the time before the flood 12000 years ago or the end of ice time people used to walk over the ice to "the earth" (yes one reason for that name of the mainland is that at the end of ice time the whole north was just earth, without any plants... as the ice went away.. there was just clay there... they had to "create" the flora...Iceland was blue and white, and therefor called heaven) And the main problem was to get over the rainbow bridge... the melted lain that we can say was the small golf stream heat melting just some pert of the sea between Iceland and Skandi or Skadi.. (Norway later) this was thin ice and dangerous... and had therefore many colors... and was called rainbow... all color bridge... And the first families to go there in a group was carrying the fire with them... this was 700 thousand years ago and they went all the way to china. The second family went around 120.000 years ago, the Neanderthals also carrying the fire over the ice. They stayed in southern and eastern Europe. And in these times there was no fire people anywhere else. The third group went around 40.000 years ago. And I think they knew how to make fire bye drilling. The children of Borr... the one who invented drilling for fire. (therefor Odin sees himself as the son of Borr when his people came back to Iceland and his followers like Egill) Yes they also went to America and this passage was so common. There fore its the same culture both ways of the Atlantic. Circular dwellings (the igloo and the tp) and throat singing etc.. shamanism. They went all over the world and mixed with the little people. Also to Australia, the singing walkers. They are the biggest genetic group on the earth today we can say. They are the older brother mentioned in the bible who got jealous when the younger brother came. The last to go from the root place. They are the 4. group. They where pushed out in the time of the flood. about 12 or 13000 years ago. (and there where many catastrophes going on there around 12 to 14000 years ago..) Majority of them dyed in these catastrophes) They talked Nordic or Icelandic and there offspring's are the northern people. They are also called Titans... the white ones. Also called angels. The pale... The swans. They where peaceful and vise... gentle and creative... giving all their knowledge all over the world. They where inventors and singers.

---------------------------another story ....

so now we know the theory about how things work in practise...
31 of may

your joy is my joy and my pain is yours,and vise versa. Those who run things in Iceland and elsewhere do not know this... their professors are ignorant marionette´s seemingly of those screened up,... walking walls... pretending others don't matter, or this is my experience of Iceland and in the whole culture we have today, always getting more colder and alienated or sick... but then how to wake up from this stream of automatic reflexes... is it only me... its just me and another me that is feeling half-crazy and with a steal armor around me, oh.. they... ah... their problems have nothing 2 do with me, I'm clean, I follow the rules I have made to protect me.... and i have so much power... no need to see them, just drive on, speed up! i´m going 2 a meeting where everybody will agree with meee, that those not with me should be put out of the way... or are we a family?
this is how it works in the ignorant state management today in Iceland and elsewhere, personal relations too, this not to see we are all of part of a psychic net emanating vibrations.. so we need to heal it all..... and i pray to u and 2 me, lets start another way...
where is the another way?
2 me.. i can only see one path available out... lets sit in a ring, all on the same level, no kings, no queens or all kings and all queens... and lit the fire in the middle... where is the talking stick? oh yea... here it is... let my heart speak, not my stomach, not the left brain... let it swing... let it pass around and around, let all feeling come out, good and bad, let it pass,.. u r the next one to open up your closet, tell where u r, how u feel in your holy temple... u got a hut, me 2... we have this circle together, we r the caretakers, we are the song, we r the blood and the dharma is raining and raining and raining over us, we have come home we r a child in the light shearing the joy and the cries... cry cry cry crying a crying in joy, com on baby, cry with me....

is it a mad mans dream that we can communicate heart to heart to each other openly. I´m not talking about just jump out naked among the trees like apes and be love... even though that´s perhaps the most cute solution...

I'm seeing us as one being

I'm seeing a structure based on a circle, enough many and enough few so that the know each other personally and have circles and solitude and be all bliss in different ways for each other and shearing 500 hectare of wild land with animals in harmony? Ecological but even also with nomad aliments...

what i am suggesting is a new way...
not the "goddesses" with their own circles isolated from the boys like in the old days
not the power group of "gray magic" like last thousands of years
but a circle of individuals, both sexes all with their individual homes and growing ways... hobbit stile huts.... a village or the dragon of half-nomads travelling between two ore more residence places...a year, groups of 144, (or max 200, minimal 2... ) moving together as families, coordinated bye local Ting gatherings and on international scale, Rainbow circles for coordination in broader sense.

we are on the middle way

not one leader, not one way, not anarchism either, we have a circle to coordinate

not naked in the woods, but not capitalistic things production system either

not only girls elite or not only boys elite or no elite at all, just circles,u send one representative
to the next level in summer gatherings etc. Then u gradually come to a circle of 11. beings. The world coordinators. But they are not there to rule... but just as a symbol of unity.

ps I'm not a writer... I see this because its written inside me... its in the "junk part" of the genes probably... i managed to get into this bank of memories through sacred passages... dreams and trust... but then I studied and found out.. yes this is the truth... I see it with both parts of my brain now... and what i see could fill a library. We can also say this in a different way... like.. I am a child of Loki... (in my mother line, through my father line i can understand Odin, but I'm not very interested, to sink my self into that pit) or he was my great, great, great...... great grandfather. Or simply, i am a man shearing his heart because of a inner pressure... because of love and a need for change... in me and u and all humans... not least in Iceland, for a better way. Holistic way... happy way and for the animals and the children of morning sun. We are all children of two suns. The older and the younger like tribal people in America say. I know they are referring to the Matriarch and the Patriarchs. The women leading and the take over of the boys. (like Appalon) But we are also literally children of the the big sun and the small one,... "created" or found in a time of need. The fire. That's the sun driving us crazy now. In the hands of a blind user.

ps some other pages and info on the net from me about Iceland, Ting, heart shearing, history of Iceland and politics etc.

another blog place with writings:

My paintings on the net, a lot inspired bye Icelandic nature and people:
on face book i have a lot of paintings
to get to them u need to become a member on facebook.com
and then look for me, and I'm registered as:Tryggvi Gunnar Hansen
and become a friend

music from me on the net, yes my music is partly Icelandic traditional stile:

and the videos are mostly about icelandic history, but some songs also, tingstile or icelandic tradishional:

holiness and in the heart


lördag 7 juni 2008

still more hearshearing, about my relations, this life

There is a war going on. Not only in the world out there but in the hearts and the minds. Nd this war inside is the couse of the the troubles out there. Its reflected in all structures of comunication or lack of comunication. The fear piles up misconceptions. Paranoia its called. The most crazy war i have known is the war in the homes. Between parents and between ex lovers. This war is the most hurting and dangerious and cant be ended until we have comunities the right sice, enough small, so everybody knows each other and then the circle becomes the healing center of relations in the family, willage, tribe. Not only the circle but also spiritual tools to work with one self. These kind of tools I have come across through videos from the zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a true man of compation and also a Sangha creator. Whent through unbelievable traumas in the Vietnam war. I advise all of his tecnicks in calming our minds and coming to the hear and now. All his teachings is heartshearing. Coming from experience and compassion. See videos on you tube and google. Just put his name into the search vindow.

The bitter fruits of ignorance.

I know.. this is gona be the hardest chapter for me to write. And how can i make it right. How can i only talk nicely about a being who is into hurting a child. How can i try to understand this poor soul who is into enjoying her self bye inflicting pain upon innocent heats and a heart who only want goodness. How can i grasp the source of this hatred in all her closest relations.

A learning i am going through bye having lived through power game relation with a woman and a mother, who is ignorant of her damaged relationship patterns from her own upbringing and how she is putting the same arrogant hatred on to her child. And how she repeats exactly her negative cycle with all the 3 men she has had children with.... and still stuck on patriarchal relation form. This is like a shadow of all human relations of today. Women can have selfish resons for wanting a child. Just for their need to have someone, something... at least not alone... I have a purpose... i have entertainmennt and a company...a decoration, something to feel proud of or at least to feel important. Are there pages missing her?. Some enzims or dna crippled? Did the mother of this mother burn her heart and feelings asunder. Where did this ignorance get its devilish horns? And most importantly, how to get a healing. How to wake up from this posion in mind? What are the chances that a child can get through a relation with such a mother without damigde, or is there no chance for the child to ever live a happy life after being through this trauma in the mother. Is there no chance for us humans to rise and truly stand and be a whole being with the phocus in the heart? See truth in the eye? And choose to be open, to relax, choose to be human with feelings and some small amount of a hint of compassion for others also, not only my feeling and my possession and my power. My pride and my willpower. But rise above the imagination of fear. Realise that fear is only a feeling. And what we truly need to fear is not becoming victems of our own fear and destroy there bye all our relations and feeling for oneness, truth, respect, love and harmony.

I have talked a lot about the wisdom of the women in the ice time. Of course all women are not wise... specially not these days where women have been brought up in the power game relationships. A way blind to the inner realm of the human being. And the energy and consciousness interconnectedness of all living beings.

What about this lack of wisdom? how much damage is it doing in intimate relations and to the child growing up in this kind of ignorant relationship. How are women and men suffering from this lack of a understanding of how relations work?

Yes i am in a situation where i see and experience this lack of wisdom in practice. I just realized it now that i am going through this to be able to learn the right way. And in the procsess of learning... i have stepped on lines... and hurt myself and the people around me, those closest to me. Here is my 100 kilo bag on my back with a question sign.
How can i help or find a way here? Out of this muddy waters? Yes i can go on writing about this and explaining what i see and feel. I can also meditate more, and relax and heal myself and through this selfhealing come down to a state of no wanting. (and this is very hard, seemingly impossible, how can I ever be calm when i know the boy is suffering and is in a constant closeup with such mind polution around im? Just being and trusting the great telepathic heart-mind... and working with energies... I have allready tryed everthing with no result, but i will have to do it better.. more consious, more gentle the consious energies... and gradually come to a point of non expectancy... without loosing compation for both of them, I can also use this time I havent had with my child to help other children. And to support children in need and animals and whom ever has problems. I can go on explaining the great healing effect of heart shearing in letters and on gatherings... i can paint and sing my feelings about whatever i am going through and i can make a cosy place somewhere so that finally when the boy is free from his mother sick oppression, he can come to me in a nature house... a kota in the forest bye a lake or sea... i can make a bout ready and find bathing places we can go to... I can cry and howl at the moon when the pain is like a knife in my stomack or my heart. I can rest in the hear and now... and talk to the sun and admire the flowers and water them... I can help Iceland, bye finding a cosy place for a Ting gathering and shear my vision and feelings with Icelandes... and then i can go to other gatherings... Rainbow gatherings and local mini Tings gatherings etc... I can breath and walk mindfully and bye going away from hurting ways, to healing ways and gradually rise above this pain.

and love is my guru...even when i sit in a sea of pain and sorrow,... heilolouu
.perhaps i am a slow learner, but i do learn.


pppps this is way i say... dont make a child with anyone until u know this person for many years to be love and visdome and into heartshearing and circular ways. I have the bitter taist of not being consious of this ground carefulness. Yes i come from a tvisted culture of alkaholism and opression for 1000 years. But i have aboundoned that stile of culture. I have foound another way and im on that track,... all this shearing is actually from the past but i am looking at it for to get it out of my system. And yes this woman talked about is the only person i have met in my life that i can say yes she is heavy. The wound is still there. The boy is with her in a kind of a jailhouse. This is my greef. And i meditate upon healing possibilities. All my life i have not taken part in violence and newer had this problem of fighting with a woman exept this strange person. Obs, when i was 6 i had a fight with one girl 2 or 3 years older. Thats it. I really am convinced that this is something in her that triggers this unstableness. I can feel it yes that some people have a very good vibration and in others i feel something disturbing. Then i am drawn to the good vibration. So this bad caracter i am projected to be from Ómis mother is not me. Its made up or it mirrors her more than me. But yes, something is there undone in me. Many many hurts i have whent through. And i have been very angree at times when looking into the history of humanity. Such ugly sights to see. But there is beuty also. And im into seeing that more than the inocent blodstains. So now i go a bit out to see the sun. I am relly feeling i need to get theese feelings out of my system. Heiloloo

.... and now on the second day after feeling all these heavy feelings towards a mother and a person in pain and confusion. I feel I havent whent through the obsticle... im still in front of it... looking at it and grasping all its aspects. So... some deeper understading is called for. Who are these arkitipes? And where is the learning in his relationship, or absence of relations?. All theese meditations are about how to give this boy a chance for a normal life. At least a better life. Hm... so im going to look into this again and shear, and with more care...
until he has a fare situation, this meditation will go on...

no this relationship was not always like this. But we where really uncareful both of us. So it could not last. And this patriarcal pattern of dependancy. Simbiosis stile, we where always togeather for years. No wisdom used. Just straight on full blast. No bounderies could hold this stile of living. Like i said, i fealt so strong, fealt like i could take anything. We painted and had a dream, her part on the left side was beautifully done. Very alife and growing. My part on the right side was night and white bluish. So it was day and night,... winter and summer. The town we lived in bought this picture and its hanging there in their office. And we made more pictures togeather. And they all came out good. hm... It was fun and we where close then. Very close. Too close, and it didnt last, becouse there was no cultivation. There was no dharma rain. And bad seeds watered a lot. 2 days ago i had just talked to Ómis mother and like i said, she showered me with negativy projection and dishonesty and denyal. She was this embodyment of selfishness and selfrightiosness. I totally forgot about this other side i saw in Grindavík in Iceland. This being she is when she dous not close her heart. That being is actually a beutiful being. That being was painting with me. I didnt want to remember that being 2 days ago. But now... when in my mind, i see these paintings. I remember that being. So now i can meditate upon that being.

and its because we didnt norish the good part in our self and starv the bad parts... we let everything hang loose... like growing a garden and not taking any weeds away...... and the garden dous not give much...

neither in our selfs nor togeather did we norish the best we had

later on we norished more and more the bad aspects of our selfs and each other

this is how it goes
letting everything loose

in relations as well as in everything...

and now there is not any real comunication

to find a living part i need to dig to the root

not with the aim of going into a patriarcal ralationshi, but to give this boy is birthright... gladness and joy
and now comes another chapter: Is there a holy way in relations?. how is it?.. can we see how it is when its natural and gentle, without pressure or negative projection?

And a question: how about the wise ladies of the ancient golden times ... how was it then?

what an optimal situation?

In the old school of the icetime, there where couples but having children was not nessisarily or outomatically their "job" as we can say. The women chooseen to have children each year where called may-queens. They would be selected through "divination"... in spring. 1. of may the queen would start to look for the right father of her child. hm... i think i will go throuh the whole icetime year calander at another time (for those who is eager to study this now, look for information on the ancient celtic calander) but rather look into how healthy and inspiring relations will be when we have come out of the ownership games, because also i have very little time now to go on writing, as I am preparing for the trawell to Iceland and its coming close to a long writing pause for me. (some months perhaps) But just to give a contrast between a power relationship and all its pitfalls and a holy relationship of the well informed, inlightened natur children of those going the gentle way, i will sheare some thoughts. (between this preperational work I am doing for my trip to the ferry in Bergen)
For tobegin with, you would never be with anyone exept if its your whole being, and specially your heart is telling you, aahh... i call it a lauging heart... its a special feeling in the heart. Its almost like the heart is making extre beats... and very pleasant.

Your whole being, all the different energies... love, thought and the cells, will and the creartive faculty, all are concent. This can not be pussed bye will. Just like a flower can not be pussed. Only with norishmennt and watering and light can it grow... so your love and openness grows.

and dharma... to cultivate one self and wholeness.... hm... some gurus in india say here.. if your focus is... "I want your love".. then that is not as prefound as: "I want to to give you pleasure"
on all levels... and wanting is not enough... i need to know how... what u need, who u are, inside... your story, your heart... what u really need to blossom, if not i may think i am giving u some value but perhaps its not needed


onsdag 4 juni 2008

heart shearing... (partly in icelandic)

5. june 08
and its also hard for me to explain...
There are so many variational forms that a stone falling from the sky leaves as a mark, on the ground, depending on the angle it comes in or falls from above and the sice and speed matters. It not often from right abouve. A typical angled fall is north of Bering sea... on the north pole clearly seein on Google earth. Where it is with the sice enough to carve itself into the earth but after looking like a sigarform or a smeard circle... a circle running on the sheall and sliding in, mealting into it and finally breaking through and thereby letting the earth grow. Also throw up a bit. This same low angle from west is the store coming hitting Iceland where Snæfellsjökull is now and making a tunnel all the way into the middle of the country... and therefore also many a fire came up on this way when glowing materia from inside the break of the plates some 300 km eastward from Snæfellsjökull... and this tunnel was filled with glowing materia... and therefore it was built up this strong high place so far out in the sea... a lot of lava came through right away after the landing and the melting into the middlepot of lava under iceland... And this is how it happened in most landings. Its sideways. And has therefore an oval or long mark both on the sea floor and on land. Just like these wounds on the earth, we have scars on our body, and our feeling body, the will body, and the mind body... the maps and even the heart body, the Dharma inside have been bended and kicked all around many times... we have been thinking.. aja this is the end for me, more i can not take of these wonders and wounds. From different angle yes... and each time unic kind of pain. Hardest pain is not to be able to help those who ask in need, from the core of their hearts.... not being allowed to comunicate even, to shear. So unfare to hear and understand and anyway not alowe a true respond with compassion and love. And this mass of a feeling. This strong cry in all the reality! a full blowing feeling! and being always there in this feeling of jumping... and biting... in the eating..of and biting of this sensation...... the compassion in it and all the feelings... yes... tat cind of feeling... going on for years...
4. june 08
Kötturinn já hann kann að tjá sig, og að láta sjá sig og að ná í sig... það kann hann, í háttpríði, húmor og kærleika eru kettir specialistar... ég held meira að seigja að þeirra aðferð að drepa sé tengt siðfágun...sá sem deyr í baráttu vaknar alveg áður en han hún deyr... kynlífið er afar spennandi en þreytandi

og leikja ástríðan...

this buissy being, and a feeling...

kötturinn kann hjartans mál, hann getur meira að seigja spilað á einn fingur mér....með loppum og klóm í sterío, meistari snertilistarinnar...
og kærlegra samskipta... það er "contactimprovisation" meistaragráðan í æðisgengnu zen

samt hefur hann aldrei gengið í skóla, en hann kann listir!... hvernig veit hann alla þessa fagurfræði og sálfræði já? og unað, hann kann að koma sér inná allt og alla... og ná nálægum kontakt, innilegum, nautnalegum... unaði og samkennd með öllu sem erað gerast... og húmorinn já... það r nú fyrir öllu... öll þessi tilsvör... seigja okkur hve nálæg við erum... hvert öðru... órtúlegur kraftur
og í kærleik og í ró..til umhugsunar og .. hugljómun í núinu... þeir eru kennarar... já öll dýr eru kennarar, í flestum fræðum, sérílagi okkur sem erum orðin riðguð í fornfræðunum hvernig maður lifir á aal einfaldastan hátt af í skógi, á eingi, í móa eða við flóa...

Heart Shearing... ... og allt ansi lifandi....
hjartans mál

samveran og sam... einingin togar í oss
togeatherness...into onness

við þetta samhengi samveran
We this connection unity of being

við erum með, við sjáum hvar við erum, hvað verið hefur og hvað er að gerast hvað er að fara að gerast og hvað gerist... verða má , getur gerst og verða mun og erað gerast og mun alltaf vera og alltaf er og var ávallt hér....
þessi sýn um okkur og landið innra með okkur...sýnirnar og þráin eftir þekkingu og skilningi til að gera alla glaða og heilaga og hamingjusama í hógværri friðsemd og velvila gagnvart öllu lífríkinu og efna og orkuhafinu
we r with it, we see what we are, what has been and what is happening and what is about to happen and what will come, might happen, could happen and will b and is happenin and will always b and always was here
in this vision about us and the world inside us... the visions and the wish for knowledge to make us all joyful and holy and happy in modest pieceful way and compassion with all life, kemy and the energy sea

i remember a person halfcrying, so thankful but still in pain expessing herself and so alone with something deep inside her, full of love and holy wishes... vibrating, shaking with her inner anguish of feeling somehow alone with this hope in heart... her heart was opening up to something wonderful and yet so uncertain about what is coming...
I was and still is in a shock of strong feelings feeling this beauty and pain and a prayer
I can never forget this... Im still amazed and thankful for having been there and undrestood something about another inner world... full of love
heartshearing, this is magic with energies... and intention... what is the aim? understanding each other... feeling one.... coordination... there are many healing effects happening through the circle

a circle of those wanting or at least willing to sheare their hearts, and the here and now...

that is heartshearing circle, some happen bye themselfs, especially between those loving each other..come togeather... the more love, the more space to open, beond words...

but for those not having this loved one to talk to all the time, (we can anounce it or call out in a foodcircle or any circle...on a gathering... "heartcircle! will start in 15 minits or half an our or an hour in this or that tp somewhere over there... look out over there, the red and white colors!) ... hm... but in a heartshearing... it can always happen with and through this stick, but realsing we always have each other in the heart... in this telepathic unity of being...anyway all the time going on... for some that is not enough, when we are finally all hear we want to see each other and feel their presence...

but if u are preparing a heartshearing circle... u go around and tell ... then perhaps adviced bye otheres about where and when, you collect fire wood and ligh a fire, at the right hour, then you hold hands and sing... tone om and luja... and u sit down and take the talking stick and shear... well .. many like these circles, especially that one, who is not only concerned in practical matters as when the foodcircle has become very large... this kind of intimate heartshearings tend to be the most important part of the gathering, and best late and in to the night

and yes for some, this needs a great deal of currige... to dear and to really meditate on how u are... or exept this me ... i really am feeling like this now... how do i really feel now?.... about life and me and u and us and the world... this is great and also so strong... almost hard to be in such a strong... circle all the time open, but this is just happening from the vibration of the speaker... to open up the feeling and vulneral side... all this... with a fire in the middle of the kota, the temple, shealter,the tp, our cave, cosy place, and perhaps there is tea, we constantly recreate... a center... of a being called family... some people who care about this gathering keep this center alife... the center is the heart of this family... for 2 weeks on ting and more actually because there is scouting before and cleaning after... 1 month ... well 3 months for the scouters and 2 in the winter too and also something between winter and summer, so these times with our own circles is not that long after all, but both these times, on gatherings and before and after and between, all these different time spans have their special part in a brainstormingly strong opposites... that I have been experiencing the last 5 years at least, full of people in the gatherings and oness with nothingness almost in between these 2 highpoints.. pulsating there between... is how it has been the last 10 times.. where was i?...heartshearing.. yes

bye being how we are and shearing it, we expand beond our individual consiousness

strong experiences!.... and how am i feeling now?... i feel a littlebit destracted... but wanting to bath soon... hm... the circle of hearts lishening... the heart lishening circle .. its like meditation... breathing and lishening... feeling...... but its good to have a good pillow and sit like in zen and feel...

this is this living democraty that we have a belive in... this consensus of the whole famly... thats the being that is taking care of us and we do everything for that being... to keep it in good shape... heal and help

this is the path of life under normal condition...

hm.... so it is

a cat i know is a very special caracter... he knows how to speak, and suggest games, totally harmless games, like showing each other attention,.... just bye attacking me in a cosy way... and another complietly different strategy... walking in front of my feet so that i almost fall... just to let me realise that he is there and he needs caring for, he is there!... attention... some gentle massage or a dialoge... a lecture on how wonderful life is and enjoyable, this is what he suggests,... be nice to me, i can show u how to enjoy, he is very pacient a teacher, and tactical.... good in timing and giving space... and being relaxed, not asking for much, and always in the here and now, always ready for comunication... if asking then with gentleness... and cozy tactics, not saying anything special, but i am here and i like you totally... i think u are oness in bliss...
how come we imagine they are more primitive than us... i think they are not... they are more nise, if i be so redickilous as trying to compare... a cat and a human being... so grand a being as i feel... when feeling one with everything... hm... well a cat has many things to teach us..... thei are better in spycological tactics and in the now... in enoying also, so a lot we can learn from them... and can they learn from us... hm... perhaps we can teach them to become less attached to meat i dont know if they are there only to give us lessons but perhaps they are learning something... we can ask them... paisience perhaps... it seems like they r any way already good at it... they know waiting already from the hunting times... but ethick of a cat is astounding and with eleganse... its interesting how they want to stop doors to be put shut, bye relaxing on the doorsteps... liking this space... this is a political taoistic way of expressing a sound philosophy... in stead of saying this directly and in a harsh way, he just shows me how cosy it is to sit here in an open door on the doorstep and feeling the sun shine and the wind blow a bit... well mostly the warmth and just this good air and freashness and no hurry... dont ever be in a catcompany... the dispise time complietly and enjoy it also tremendouwsly.... and sing this deep throut singing when they feel realli in the togeatherness... oneness... their mantrasinging is thris brummmm rumrumrumrum...
very attractive and calming song
this is what i am saying, they are in samady... they meditate a lot.... sing a mantra... deep spiritual beings and magical... that they love us so much... and so do birds... unbeliveable how close they are in their feelings and magic presence

and many things happen in the belly and in this skin here and smell... this sun
still singing through me.... this song we are in

this shearing songs and spasms of winged and horned beings, mighty glad hearts
singing haleluja og dýrð og dýrðin og dýrin já dísardýrið... iza

og músar fótur... (það eru fleiri bylgjulengdir að koma inn)

halló! can u help me find the thread... yes sensing... this great being i am this fish! all these hearts in the network feeling home...