onsdag 28 januari 2009

I bless it will be seen and excepted

That we humans have conceptual tools to get to where we want to go. Towards holistic harmonious ways that is to say, away from capitalism and domination to common sence practicality.

måndag 19 januari 2009


The rooling class has been stealing from the poor and lying away their every right for anything of their own for almost 1200 years now. When dominators and brutes came up here from Norway and attached the old stile elf-comunity of real old Iceland. It has been going on all the time. This is the tip of the Ice whats going on now... and the denial is always the same at the top. The rooling families have got this extra "talent" the talent of not understanding anything at all... just like some kind of flat brain activity... when asked to step down from the self appointed topposts..
they use any meen of destraction and pretentions... this artifitial impotent importance all the way back and down to Mesapotemea... the lye of "sivilisation".. the classdevition and the introduction of slavery... but that there was anything else has never entered the flat functioning mind of the dominatior class at all. "It has always been like this" is one of the fundamenntal slogans. This is the absence of all fantasy dogma group of the "Independant" selling the land and ones grandmother party. Those who have finally lost their trowses down in the last 3 months or 100 days of no understanding at all governmenntal times! They look ever more redicilous these "inocent" idiots. And now the nation is really getting clear on getting rid of them. And with shame and scandal they will go.

my vision for Iceland

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picture I made when I was happy and in love


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lördag 17 januari 2009


just pray

But what can I say about Iceland?

Yes its hard and getting harder seemingly and obviously... we are also fighting for our survival as a nation. A social group with our customs and peculiarities. We need to find away to coordinate togeather as a group. Revaluate democraty and find away to distribute the power over the whole of the nation. (and the same is nessesary in Israel and Palestinia (yes make kibbuts again.. 144 in each and a unity for 1 represantant on the next level that again forms districts of 144 that send represant to the next level that is the parlament... or the second next level that is the parlament for one year... until the next big national gathering is when the parlamennt comes to geather to deside upon what the governmennt shall do and not the other way around as now it seems so comon and partyleaders sponsored bye companies and group who benifits the mneymakers after they have been elected... that is to say the need for propaganda creates both lyes and cost and this they work togeather the polititiens and the moneymakers... in this system og the Kibbuts of 144 individuals in each sending one to the next level propaganda is not needed because people get to know each other and want the best person to go or next best or whatever... the find this in an agreement with their feelings and minds togeather... they all see each other and ballanced desitions are taken.. people want to show their best sides to each other and therefore they all recognise when a good proposal comes forth. It will be exepted and also.. all is open... all is done in front of all so everything is tranceparent.


Just hope and pray they may find the golden middle way those brothers and sisters in Palestinia and Israel.

About the Jews

Yes I have been hard on the Jews and said the want to dominate the world. And are all to much using power in their relation instaid of real comunication. That they need to relax from this hard fixation on the classical implimenntation of their scripures and their god and what he said. Yes if he said they are special. Yes thats true. Very special they are and have been. Been staying strongly togeather as a family through unbilievable hardship in all countries. Persicutions upon persicutions. And they stand strong with all this experience in all countries. Perhaps they are lucky after all and can be as proud as they are. But this last war going on I have been hard on them yes, as a reaction to what they are doing... how they can do this so brutally... actually living in the idea of 1000 hits for a one hit. This is so hard to grasp. And so painful. I had to say what I feel in a bit to acusing way. Because I like the Jews as much as the Palestiniens and all other families on this planet. And I want happyness for the as well as harmonios future.

how can I pray, to whom or what?

Yes how can I pray? Whay do I think praying has any practical function in a world like this... a far away war. Horribly killing blody war, killing randomly even children.
I experience there is a god. This god has not any special sex. Its situated in the heart. It it though the heart is a being... a special very giving and loving being that called forth this unity of aæll these different kind of organism togeather... in the sea originally... it called for a cooperration.. an dance... we cells we dance togeather in harmony and therefor we benefit this that we can do more to stay alife than if we are all alone... we will be stronger and more alife and more sensitive and persistent if we stay togeather than if we just swim away and stay seperated. And all the other beings... perhaps closly related but with different experiences... ok the agree and form a multyform called fish.. rat... man... and the heart is there at the center taking care everybody has enouch to eat... distributing the food,.. and energy... this is a big task.. or the chest in general with the lungs... then the brain was introduced as a preliminary memorybank and "solutions" that the heat has been choosing through the times and presents this only now and then to the heart.. almost like man og women roles in a relationship... anyway this heart is very kind and want all to be well.. so the heart has more seacret and all cells actually and materia... the heart is good at talking to other hearts... telepathicly... instantly... but only hearts that are awayke... that is the attention is in the chest.. the awereness is resting itself in the feeling of the heart... then u are connecten... it can be painful if there has been a rough roud... many wounds in the heart can end in a heart attack... that it gets to heard for the heart... but this is also because we forget to relax... and feel this in quietness... meditate.. just feel the breath... and the heart... and what the heart feels... then u are in a network of hearts... and this is god.

This network is god. Telepathic network of open kind hearts who want goodness.

My father used to say, "god is living in nthe heart of the people"

Then if someone starts to pray the other heartcells feel this and they start to send a call for the energy and to send positive energy around where the prayer was directed ... this is called god has answered me or god talks to me... heals me and takes care of me... many names for this grace. Thats way praying works. Yes people can come into this energygrid and the can fall out of it. They can also connet energywise in other ways... in any cell o part of the body or the energybody in and all around in the aura.

sadness about Palistine people and some points to the Jews...

I just pray to the planetary heart that this will stop... this war in Gaza. I also pay for other wars to stop and the use of warfear to resolve any conflikt anywhere. It can only be done bye people who think with their hearts as well as their minds ans sense of practicality and mutual respect as equal citizens of the planet.

From now on English text on this page, for friends in other countries and for information on what is happening in Iceland... as I persieve it .

Yes even though my english way of writing and expressing myself is even more peculiar than when I write Icelandic, Im gona procseed with some text here in English for some time to come and write icelandic on tryggvigunnarhansen.blog.is.