onsdag 4 juni 2008

heart shearing... (partly in icelandic)

5. june 08
and its also hard for me to explain...
There are so many variational forms that a stone falling from the sky leaves as a mark, on the ground, depending on the angle it comes in or falls from above and the sice and speed matters. It not often from right abouve. A typical angled fall is north of Bering sea... on the north pole clearly seein on Google earth. Where it is with the sice enough to carve itself into the earth but after looking like a sigarform or a smeard circle... a circle running on the sheall and sliding in, mealting into it and finally breaking through and thereby letting the earth grow. Also throw up a bit. This same low angle from west is the store coming hitting Iceland where Snæfellsjökull is now and making a tunnel all the way into the middle of the country... and therefore also many a fire came up on this way when glowing materia from inside the break of the plates some 300 km eastward from Snæfellsjökull... and this tunnel was filled with glowing materia... and therefore it was built up this strong high place so far out in the sea... a lot of lava came through right away after the landing and the melting into the middlepot of lava under iceland... And this is how it happened in most landings. Its sideways. And has therefore an oval or long mark both on the sea floor and on land. Just like these wounds on the earth, we have scars on our body, and our feeling body, the will body, and the mind body... the maps and even the heart body, the Dharma inside have been bended and kicked all around many times... we have been thinking.. aja this is the end for me, more i can not take of these wonders and wounds. From different angle yes... and each time unic kind of pain. Hardest pain is not to be able to help those who ask in need, from the core of their hearts.... not being allowed to comunicate even, to shear. So unfare to hear and understand and anyway not alowe a true respond with compassion and love. And this mass of a feeling. This strong cry in all the reality! a full blowing feeling! and being always there in this feeling of jumping... and biting... in the eating..of and biting of this sensation...... the compassion in it and all the feelings... yes... tat cind of feeling... going on for years...
4. june 08
Kötturinn já hann kann að tjá sig, og að láta sjá sig og að ná í sig... það kann hann, í háttpríði, húmor og kærleika eru kettir specialistar... ég held meira að seigja að þeirra aðferð að drepa sé tengt siðfágun...sá sem deyr í baráttu vaknar alveg áður en han hún deyr... kynlífið er afar spennandi en þreytandi

og leikja ástríðan...

this buissy being, and a feeling...

kötturinn kann hjartans mál, hann getur meira að seigja spilað á einn fingur mér....með loppum og klóm í sterío, meistari snertilistarinnar...
og kærlegra samskipta... það er "contactimprovisation" meistaragráðan í æðisgengnu zen

samt hefur hann aldrei gengið í skóla, en hann kann listir!... hvernig veit hann alla þessa fagurfræði og sálfræði já? og unað, hann kann að koma sér inná allt og alla... og ná nálægum kontakt, innilegum, nautnalegum... unaði og samkennd með öllu sem erað gerast... og húmorinn já... það r nú fyrir öllu... öll þessi tilsvör... seigja okkur hve nálæg við erum... hvert öðru... órtúlegur kraftur
og í kærleik og í ró..til umhugsunar og .. hugljómun í núinu... þeir eru kennarar... já öll dýr eru kennarar, í flestum fræðum, sérílagi okkur sem erum orðin riðguð í fornfræðunum hvernig maður lifir á aal einfaldastan hátt af í skógi, á eingi, í móa eða við flóa...

Heart Shearing... ... og allt ansi lifandi....
hjartans mál

samveran og sam... einingin togar í oss
togeatherness...into onness

við þetta samhengi samveran
We this connection unity of being

við erum með, við sjáum hvar við erum, hvað verið hefur og hvað er að gerast hvað er að fara að gerast og hvað gerist... verða má , getur gerst og verða mun og erað gerast og mun alltaf vera og alltaf er og var ávallt hér....
þessi sýn um okkur og landið innra með okkur...sýnirnar og þráin eftir þekkingu og skilningi til að gera alla glaða og heilaga og hamingjusama í hógværri friðsemd og velvila gagnvart öllu lífríkinu og efna og orkuhafinu
we r with it, we see what we are, what has been and what is happening and what is about to happen and what will come, might happen, could happen and will b and is happenin and will always b and always was here
in this vision about us and the world inside us... the visions and the wish for knowledge to make us all joyful and holy and happy in modest pieceful way and compassion with all life, kemy and the energy sea

i remember a person halfcrying, so thankful but still in pain expessing herself and so alone with something deep inside her, full of love and holy wishes... vibrating, shaking with her inner anguish of feeling somehow alone with this hope in heart... her heart was opening up to something wonderful and yet so uncertain about what is coming...
I was and still is in a shock of strong feelings feeling this beauty and pain and a prayer
I can never forget this... Im still amazed and thankful for having been there and undrestood something about another inner world... full of love
heartshearing, this is magic with energies... and intention... what is the aim? understanding each other... feeling one.... coordination... there are many healing effects happening through the circle

a circle of those wanting or at least willing to sheare their hearts, and the here and now...

that is heartshearing circle, some happen bye themselfs, especially between those loving each other..come togeather... the more love, the more space to open, beond words...

but for those not having this loved one to talk to all the time, (we can anounce it or call out in a foodcircle or any circle...on a gathering... "heartcircle! will start in 15 minits or half an our or an hour in this or that tp somewhere over there... look out over there, the red and white colors!) ... hm... but in a heartshearing... it can always happen with and through this stick, but realsing we always have each other in the heart... in this telepathic unity of being...anyway all the time going on... for some that is not enough, when we are finally all hear we want to see each other and feel their presence...

but if u are preparing a heartshearing circle... u go around and tell ... then perhaps adviced bye otheres about where and when, you collect fire wood and ligh a fire, at the right hour, then you hold hands and sing... tone om and luja... and u sit down and take the talking stick and shear... well .. many like these circles, especially that one, who is not only concerned in practical matters as when the foodcircle has become very large... this kind of intimate heartshearings tend to be the most important part of the gathering, and best late and in to the night

and yes for some, this needs a great deal of currige... to dear and to really meditate on how u are... or exept this me ... i really am feeling like this now... how do i really feel now?.... about life and me and u and us and the world... this is great and also so strong... almost hard to be in such a strong... circle all the time open, but this is just happening from the vibration of the speaker... to open up the feeling and vulneral side... all this... with a fire in the middle of the kota, the temple, shealter,the tp, our cave, cosy place, and perhaps there is tea, we constantly recreate... a center... of a being called family... some people who care about this gathering keep this center alife... the center is the heart of this family... for 2 weeks on ting and more actually because there is scouting before and cleaning after... 1 month ... well 3 months for the scouters and 2 in the winter too and also something between winter and summer, so these times with our own circles is not that long after all, but both these times, on gatherings and before and after and between, all these different time spans have their special part in a brainstormingly strong opposites... that I have been experiencing the last 5 years at least, full of people in the gatherings and oness with nothingness almost in between these 2 highpoints.. pulsating there between... is how it has been the last 10 times.. where was i?...heartshearing.. yes

bye being how we are and shearing it, we expand beond our individual consiousness

strong experiences!.... and how am i feeling now?... i feel a littlebit destracted... but wanting to bath soon... hm... the circle of hearts lishening... the heart lishening circle .. its like meditation... breathing and lishening... feeling...... but its good to have a good pillow and sit like in zen and feel...

this is this living democraty that we have a belive in... this consensus of the whole famly... thats the being that is taking care of us and we do everything for that being... to keep it in good shape... heal and help

this is the path of life under normal condition...

hm.... so it is

a cat i know is a very special caracter... he knows how to speak, and suggest games, totally harmless games, like showing each other attention,.... just bye attacking me in a cosy way... and another complietly different strategy... walking in front of my feet so that i almost fall... just to let me realise that he is there and he needs caring for, he is there!... attention... some gentle massage or a dialoge... a lecture on how wonderful life is and enjoyable, this is what he suggests,... be nice to me, i can show u how to enjoy, he is very pacient a teacher, and tactical.... good in timing and giving space... and being relaxed, not asking for much, and always in the here and now, always ready for comunication... if asking then with gentleness... and cozy tactics, not saying anything special, but i am here and i like you totally... i think u are oness in bliss...
how come we imagine they are more primitive than us... i think they are not... they are more nise, if i be so redickilous as trying to compare... a cat and a human being... so grand a being as i feel... when feeling one with everything... hm... well a cat has many things to teach us..... thei are better in spycological tactics and in the now... in enoying also, so a lot we can learn from them... and can they learn from us... hm... perhaps we can teach them to become less attached to meat i dont know if they are there only to give us lessons but perhaps they are learning something... we can ask them... paisience perhaps... it seems like they r any way already good at it... they know waiting already from the hunting times... but ethick of a cat is astounding and with eleganse... its interesting how they want to stop doors to be put shut, bye relaxing on the doorsteps... liking this space... this is a political taoistic way of expressing a sound philosophy... in stead of saying this directly and in a harsh way, he just shows me how cosy it is to sit here in an open door on the doorstep and feeling the sun shine and the wind blow a bit... well mostly the warmth and just this good air and freashness and no hurry... dont ever be in a catcompany... the dispise time complietly and enjoy it also tremendouwsly.... and sing this deep throut singing when they feel realli in the togeatherness... oneness... their mantrasinging is thris brummmm rumrumrumrum...
very attractive and calming song
this is what i am saying, they are in samady... they meditate a lot.... sing a mantra... deep spiritual beings and magical... that they love us so much... and so do birds... unbeliveable how close they are in their feelings and magic presence

and many things happen in the belly and in this skin here and smell... this sun
still singing through me.... this song we are in

this shearing songs and spasms of winged and horned beings, mighty glad hearts
singing haleluja og dýrð og dýrðin og dýrin já dísardýrið... iza

og músar fótur... (það eru fleiri bylgjulengdir að koma inn)

halló! can u help me find the thread... yes sensing... this great being i am this fish! all these hearts in the network feeling home...

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