ég veit ekki hvað er að sjóðast í hausnum og þind og hjarta og huga mér.... myndir...
sorgar og fegurðar senur....
það er ekki lítil fegurð og traust þessi samvera
en ég sé að dýrin eru útum allt og ég þakka það að það er,
þau vita og skilja af hverju ég þjáist!.... og hvað ég þrái
ég þakka að fá að skilja eitthvað! þakka og þakka...
I thank the animals for being there!...
I have realised that they are talking to me!
and they are there! Asking for help and understanding....
I saw a colt, a newly born horse child... a boy... and the parents... holiness!
a talking cat, red one....a fox running very fast over the road, many tips of birds where there... 3 small together very happy, singing... and i heard songs I felt a heart and I saw a calf... and a canin... an elg with her children was in a garden some time ago... dogs and
high fliers, craws and...
especially this newborn being, this perfect being, his looking was such shining true holiness of heart and sensitivity and feelings of beauty and question about life and this question way are we treated like this bye humans... all this oppression to my family of wildness... way are we held prisoners?... how can we be free from this ways so that my family can run around freely like we all used to do?.... all this went through my mind while looking into his ayes so sparkling with life and holy sensitivity
they where many and show them selfs to me for a reason
, and the wounded land... but blossom many a places ..at least somewhere...
i realize there are many kinds of aspects in one story, and each life situation is different, and many different experienses.... but there seems like each of us choouce this curvy ways... each in his or her way, learning about the pain of ignorance ... it seems like we needed all these curvy steps we have been so lucky or unlucky through as it seems, all
was all a choise to maximse a situation so that each of us would remember something, intergrate, grasp something, really learn somthing! learn the fastest way, what it is we need to learn.... for ourselfs and the community so we can grow in wisdome in that particular strange or normal u want to know... the best way, the bast situation.... we choose it, sometimes seemingly, getting into trouble even to realise we mai like to dream... a stream... a thread in a rhyme.yes... we r clos here... to the devine... that kind of danger a trap... like we are in fact building something... yes like an other expanse... yes this is a dance...for shour! togeather... an understanding and shearing understanding it our input into the whole prossess of learning, to expand properly and together and open each other up. in a dreafting aay way... saing somthing is another ay... yea... some feeling here after all
.. thats way I say, we learn best when there is a circle for shearing... right now this is best on gatherings... to gather with this purpose is like contact improvitation... flow... dont try to hold..... but flow in your heart with hearts
to come to that understanding that we needed all this experience to come to this point... where we dont need it we dont need to judge... we dont need to argue, we feel... this is the learning.. not with many plans... but with breath and hear and now... feeling through just looooove... because it is anyway best to be in this very step, giving up wrong thought patterns, attachmennts.... and knowing we whent the way we needed to go... to wake up to that... to realize we dont need to critisise our selfs or u, that we dont need it anymore, this what has been holding us and from there we can start to enjoy... to ... relax.. from regrets and sorrows and doupt the way all theese curves? .... because they where there for the very reason to bring you and us to this understanding we have now...... when it is not way... when it is thats way... for to understand the pain coming from it... feeling and seeing feeling it.... emanating all through it, to everyhing... we realise we want love... we realise love is the greatest way of being and understanding each other brings us to this compassion... we wanto come in contact with this compassionate realisations... how we are and way and not only that, we think about the ways we can make it better... when we relax... to rectify and make holy... make things more cosy and relaxed, and pure and simple
we did a mistake to learn how painful it is and way we need to stay away from this mistake´s... how pressious it is to grasp it !
somewhere in the history we took up a critical path due to ignorance, and now go there from to better ways yes... like what ... better ways... u said we needid it to uderstand what? yes... we needed it for to refresh our memories and not any more.. remember we did through this a mistake.... ok what was it we did then wrong and how to make it better... we forgot the oneness.. the being that feels everything ... this being that is everywhere and in all of us at the same moment.. and feels it all... all the time... this being... this living being... this loving being
now u r getting better, before u said... they did.... now u say we did it.... getting better... more peaceful ...yes lovely general
where was i... yes... im in this endless film.... life.... this teaching massine... each... happening, each person... is a learning, to build up something we need to know togeather
öll dýrin og þar með þú vita það að ég vakna þegar ég sé þig sé dýr og barn....
og hvað með köttinn...hm... nei ég er bara svona rólegur í tíðinni að kynnast honum... tekur mig stund, þetta var lika óvart, hann gekk fyrir mig... en hann vildi að þú tækir hann upp .. já hann er betri... ég er búinn að klappa honum...
hm.... jæja næstum fyrtur orðin af samskiptaleysi... það hafa bara verið flugur og mýs og svo er skógarþrösturinn... littli kötturinn horaði og veiki... honum hjálpaði ég samt með vatn og mat....
en það var eitthvað að hjá honum... hm...
hm.... halajala....
hmmmm........... álfadance... maðurinn sem sættist við sjálfansig.... og allt og alla... hm....
your divine presesence....
ég er með verkefni... von í brjósti... ljóstýru!
þrátt fyrir sorg mína...þá er ljós... og fegurð til að hafa áræði fyrir
the feeling that everything is interrelated and is learning and opening up to new understanding beond our vildest dreams is giving me streangth so look at everything and everyone with better understanding and compassion... and that the animals are there all and the children asking us to wake up for what we have been doing and that we change corse... and stop this exploitings and wong-doings and realise how beautifully we can have it if we realise this that we dont need to be in any kind of compitition about anything, we are all wonderful beings and that we just want to have it heartlike and truely here and now... and trust... in all this great see of love that holds us and embrases... each soul and each wing and feet and each breathing child and swan and fly is a wonder attached and killing and putting into fenses should be avaided.... rather shearing and giving and letting everything circulate.... and stream between forms... and not to vorry ...
its all in the hands of a holy being... in the heart
and this holy being loves all lifeforms
i can rest in this
what comes up, sing about it! sing it out!
dance it... feel and breath it... sway your body about it...
because this is exectly what youme need... whatever it is... its a learning.... and we are learning togeather... each in his and her way.... exactly this we need to learn what we are going through
to waken upp from this dream.... and make it real..... ! how we want to have it!
sensing this perfection ... to wake up now! to what is! to what is and what we have
feeling each other... all life all energyforms... all u beings
all these strangeforms, all this horrible nakedness and pain, gladness and sorrow... its hard to believe we needed all this to wake up up for this fact that we have been on the wring way and we r now taking a 180 degree direction shift
contradictions and joy and power and domination, madness, sadness, grandure, horror all interrelated and has a cose... all this has been presented to us to learn from it and when we now see this we can not judge anyone but after feeling the sorrow we can really give ourselfs a chanse to make it as we want in stead of fussing we now huss huss we wake up now for the wonders and the truth.... that we have a chanse to make it better... to make it into a perfect harmony...
holy vibration
halelujaa... yes yes yes and i thank and thank... i thank u holyness for showing me your great wings
i see ... i see... i see yes i see
i see and feel your loove
ale ale ale luja ha haa já aleeeelúúú
--------------------------and we have a hobby!
a profession 2
to wake up all the world... help and shear
to dear to bee
as we are and support better ways!
invent ways to shear this
and live togeather in a holy way! always new ways of shearing this glad news
that we belong and we are all one being called haaaleelluu
ala haaaleeeeluuuuu
jaaaa jaaaa jaaaaaa haaaa aaa aaaaaa
ala haaaaaaleeeeeeelúúúúúuuuuu
eila heeeilaaalaaa laaaluuuu llaaa luuuuuju juuu uuuhuu
ama haaaaleeeeeeelúuuuuu jaahaaaaaalleeleele
amabaaa hama ama baaahaaama amaba ama bra brahaaamaaaa
alahaaaleeeluuuuuu jahalalla jala hala akbar jala haleeelújaaa amhambramhaaa alveran kæra já
kærleiksveran furðuveran yndisveran blóm heima húner hlómur já sómi já í dróni ómi ljóminn
aheijaaa heilaheei hei heijaaa sei hei hei heijaa heilaga eylan heimaeyjan alheilagaaa alheilaga
eyjaaan heims heima
já maður lætur sig dreyma... ekki beinlínis verið að gleyma neinu sérstöku..... ekki þannig.... virkilega....
dugnaður ío að dreyma.... velja sér tilffinning og hvað.... erum við í practis.... always this... to get to earth again
the animals and the forrest and the children are depending on us.... that we open to a better way
fredag 30 maj 2008
on the right way...
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