I have been telling you the true history, at least how i see it now, through these videos on youtube and veoh (yes its an introduction on how i see the history and way i say we all come from this island, hope i can go more into that vast subject.. but its almost to big... at least for me to carry out alone... but more videos will come hopefully better and better)
But it is important that we know that we have the same root and that .. root was not into power for power sake but that there was wisdom there and love and ecological harmony... and that people where deeply into spirituality, could talk to each other telepathically and to birds and all animals. It is also important that this root place gets to know about their holy ancient ways, so that their self image can be corrected and that they respect what they have been given. The project saving Iceland is not a local problem, its about saving the whole planet, saving ourselves and our children and the animals and the plant kingdom. Its about realization and finding happy ways together. Its about creativity and truth and love instead of wars and argumentation. Its about shearing true information and joyfulness instead of useless spending of time and lonesomeness and bitterness.
ok one quick run through the whole story...
Yes somewhere about 5 to 7 million years ago apes had evolved in great forests for a long time, but are then dealing with a very dry times and all the forest dead and then they get this flattened backhands bye walking and walking on dry land or steps.
Eventually we have the human apes with feets like us about 3 million years ago, using stones to cut through hard shells. They where smaller than we or just over one meter long to 1.20 m.
And now we are coming to the mythological times. The times remembered through legends and origin stories from all over the world. That is where we need to look at all the stories our grandmothers mostly carried with great love to us through so much hardships for us to understand.. way we r here, who we are... all what they know... all their love is expressed through these stories.. sadly they have been polluted also from power oriented people in later times... but still we can see through that as long as we know about this tendency to use stories also to back up power for power sake ideas. Ideas who are not holistic, but claiming we r the only true ones, all others are just scrap... threatening ideas that create wars.
how i see that Iceland is the origin place of fire use and therefore humanity of today
in short yes (if I can say so)
All the origin stories more or less start with a great sea... (well in the bible origin details are gone, except the waters, but most other cultures have these details but in different richness of details, but the Bible has many references to this old place, in general its called Heaven, but Hell later on) and a island rising ... then explosion and darkness for a Long time... gradually heaven is lifting... the light... finally.... the sunlight is so fabulous when it comes..they all fall into trance of joy... but in these dark and cold times.... yes always north it is seen happening... and where is the first fire family.. yes in the north... in the ice... in ice times... many references to Vulcan´s and hot springs... white mountain in the sea in Europe.. northerly hm... where could that be?
or.. now i just tell it as i see it happening after a lot of stories read and comparing (its a long path to go through to see and to explain all i have seen... perhaps in a book later on..)
About a million years ago a huge stone came out of space... crashing down on Iceland or very close to it. This is the fire bird Finix in Egypt stories and a huge explosion... the cry of the bird in the stories...a kackle!.. like in the word Hekla, Katla and Jökull... in other stories its a goose... but the Hopi Indians who have perhaps the long memories back with Egypt, say a fire from heaven and then right after a huge fire from the ground rose up with a black cloud... yes this is how the earth gets fatter.... the stone goes in and though the crust of the earth... the earth "over-eats" ... its happening so fast... to much pressure in the zone, so the earth has to throw up also... yes a volcanic eruption! and then all the stories from all over the world talk about this darkness following, no sun, no moon, no stars... just darkness... this is this nothingness... chaos and the ginnungagap... hmm.. peculiar word... suggests some opening into the earth gin and gap a mouth... perhaps a reference to this cave we r looking for
then 8 beings where there in the beginning of this human encounter, according to Egypt (egg ypten... the egg peninsula) yes I think actually that the stone landed where Snaifellsjökull is now and then there was only sea there and then this egg ypt or egg odd the the whole of Snaifellsnes peninsula was build up bye the volcanic eruption... the place of the egg.. The stone came from west and went on a low angle all the way into the middle of the country, underground and created a path for the lava to go all the way to this western point where the mountain stands now... 200-300 km from where the lava pot is under middle of Iceland.... and even now a days it looks like an egg from Reykjavik seen... white egg sleeping in the sea...with fire inside... the egg of the sun bird. (thats how they saw this.. a egg of the sun bird) This is the original place where the 9 beings ... well the the Edda poems in Völuspa say they where 9 ..."niu ivithir",... but in Egypt they say they where 8... they where swimming in the sea yes.. they came swimming or floating to this island rising in some sort of fish or skin hide.. like mare maids... after a long trawl... or on ice... and the original island was rising.. the egg... these images are found in many many origin stories... and they always suggest it was in the far north... towards the north star, the pole star (The Hari Krishna guru talks about the pole star as shining over the origin) and also the star-sign the swan .. from Ireland seen its to Iceland... in Ireland they have this huge swan built into the earth... and its on the way to Iceland... also in the night sky... And the swan became the symbol of this northern family later on....yes they became singers.. and its people from the swan family who build up Egypt and swan is the symbol of Siva, he made a instrument called sitar with his family symbol on and its also a ... but he is much later.. he is the one responsible for the destruction of his own people... very sad to say... sometimes called Seus, Sometimes Jave, sometimes Siva the destroyer... also the same as the ape king Hanuman. Also Gilgames is the same... and the friend who helped him Enkidu, or Odin and his friend Loki (the one who got all the blame, but was trying to integrate a holistic way of the old and new situation, or what do u do when dealing with a naughty child, u win its trust and then lead it gently to better ways and that's what Loki was and is working on still... but Odins mother was from the north, but Loki was from Hveralundur in Iceland, (see 35. poem of Voluspa Edda) where he was later bound or his family, with lye's, slander, false accusations, as a trouble maker and Odin then comes out as a winner because he betrayed his friend, like everybody else... well until now, when the truth is revealed and the northern people wake up... the peculiar thing is that the "devil" is the Savior... and hell is heaven... on an island... well we all know now that Odins art was to lye... and in the bible they say, in the last revelation chapter of Johannes chapter 20... something similar like when Loki is bound.. but now called Satan... that he will be free after 1000 years... and Iceland has been sleeping in lye's now for roughly 1000 years... wake up now with me... we are letting the grandmother out and the red hood girl from the belly of a lyer and a greedy Woolf... he is asleep.. and this is his destiny to fall into the well and drown... leilolouu ) or Hanuman and Rama. Rama was killed for helping him. He was also killed.. And his relatives This is the ring of curse. All who go this way of power get aa unhappy life. Hmm... rebirths and past life's, I know its a big subject. The archetypes. The types and genetic structures. I am gonna write about it sooner or later, but this is a sensitive subject. Because being special creates separation ideas.
But fore hundreds of thousands of years this original fire users lived close to this warmth around the "egg" this white mountain... the light came gradually back... or the dust-cloud got less dense. The stories tell how they where working on lifting the sky more and more up from the earth. Very poetical descriptions. They used hot baths in warm mud... therefore they where called Aurgelmir.. the one who sits in the mud and sings. They also went swimming in the sea and got shellfish and other fishes with spears for food. Therefore we are a swimming bathing ape with fat in our tissues and even swimming properties on feet-s and hands. And we are still bath crazy
And then ... the next chapter in this long story is how we got our first home. The house. It was the greatest of achievement. Engineers geniality. It was made like a model of this great mountain in the vast sea... the egg... but just made from turf... dried plants from the wetland. Stacked up like an igloo... circular with the glow in the middle just like the snow mountain, Snaifell or Snaifellsjoukull. And this is called borg or kot, kota the first dwelling where we gathered around the fire and took care of it together. Gamma its called in the sami land and Kota in Finland. And in Iceland there are thousands of these circles all over the country.. how come when the vikings only liked squares? And In Shetland islands a 2700 years old huge circular house was found some decades ago with huge bakery ovens.. all around the walls... way this is not seen in Iceland ? hmm.. yes so many references are to a lye brought bye Egill Skallagrimsson and Ketill flatnefur. And Ingolfur. All who didn't yield to their lye's where killed. This was a takeover. The 36 gothar where all in the same family. Sad story. I don't want to go into details with that now, i could. But not now. All these takeover stories are very painful and hurting. This has happened in every part of the world and its still happening. Its called war. Another word is robbery, if its done with cunning its called thievery.
I went a bit fast through the story... But how did the fire use spread out from Iceland? There where 4 main waves of people mooing from there. All the time before the flood 12000 years ago or the end of ice time people used to walk over the ice to "the earth" (yes one reason for that name of the mainland is that at the end of ice time the whole north was just earth, without any plants... as the ice went away.. there was just clay there... they had to "create" the flora...Iceland was blue and white, and therefor called heaven) And the main problem was to get over the rainbow bridge... the melted lain that we can say was the small golf stream heat melting just some pert of the sea between Iceland and Skandi or Skadi.. (Norway later) this was thin ice and dangerous... and had therefore many colors... and was called rainbow... all color bridge... And the first families to go there in a group was carrying the fire with them... this was 700 thousand years ago and they went all the way to china. The second family went around 120.000 years ago, the Neanderthals also carrying the fire over the ice. They stayed in southern and eastern Europe. And in these times there was no fire people anywhere else. The third group went around 40.000 years ago. And I think they knew how to make fire bye drilling. The children of Borr... the one who invented drilling for fire. (therefor Odin sees himself as the son of Borr when his people came back to Iceland and his followers like Egill) Yes they also went to America and this passage was so common. There fore its the same culture both ways of the Atlantic. Circular dwellings (the igloo and the tp) and throat singing etc.. shamanism. They went all over the world and mixed with the little people. Also to Australia, the singing walkers. They are the biggest genetic group on the earth today we can say. They are the older brother mentioned in the bible who got jealous when the younger brother came. The last to go from the root place. They are the 4. group. They where pushed out in the time of the flood. about 12 or 13000 years ago. (and there where many catastrophes going on there around 12 to 14000 years ago..) Majority of them dyed in these catastrophes) They talked Nordic or Icelandic and there offspring's are the northern people. They are also called Titans... the white ones. Also called angels. The pale... The swans. They where peaceful and vise... gentle and creative... giving all their knowledge all over the world. They where inventors and singers.
i have been shearing very briefly, some reflections about how we are all connected and how fire and meteorites have shaped us (see the chapter about insight into evolution on earth...etc)
and that there are traces of ancient holiness in the root culture in the north of Europe
my conviction is that to be able change the course of events for the better we need to revive the roots, we need to awaken the strong ancient bear family, we need to realize that all "westerners" are not just power without wisdom
way is the root important for a tree?
way is the first archetype having all this effect upon the other ones?
and even when the root is already in decay, we need to find the healthy parts and nourish them
unconsciously, even when we have been told only lyes about the past, the nordic people looks to Iceland... as they used to do before "the woolf Fenri was bound with lyes" and the Asa´s coming with violence from .. little asia, polluted iceland
and where does the world look with a hope of better ways?
not to the Jews...
not to China
not to Germany or England or any places in the south... all these nations have wars behind them and many sorrows... and they all demand absolute power
how about the Tibetan Buddhist way? Well truly they are the most holy in the east although I don't believe in monarchs, neither spiritual nor worldly. No individual can take the responsibility of telling everybody what to do or what not to do. We need to face our freedom as individuals and take decisions together in small circles and send represent ants to national gatherings who make decisions in circles about broader perspectives etc. From Buddha we can learn a great deal about the wisdom of the mind. And I respect Dalai Lama and support the Tibetan nation being free from oppression.(He is almost the exception that proves the rule that individuals can not take responsibility of leading others, but he was trained from early childhood and has many great minds around him) There are however..we can say, natural leaders, those who r both vise or see deeply.. do to generations of qualities cultivated and kind at the same time.. or passionate, but power can corrupt them too, so its best they shear their wisdom through the circles.. kind of modestly. Also that kind of system is less prone to power struggle about who is at the top. In a very complicated centralized culture these ideas i suggest would not work, but if we split all these big pyramids up into units of 144 and start to live in the stile of self sufficiency, it will work thousand times better than what we have. Much more happiness and balanced planing. Perhaps in the future, some circles will be seen as guiding to other circles, gracefully many gifted beings growing qualities that inspire others. These circles will grow different qualities and shear qualities.
the far south has hearts... lots and lots of beautiful hearts and love a sea of love, those connected with their roots, the south has also a lot of people who have almost given in to the game
all directions have beautiful hearts, all countries all cultures a lot... but can the unite if the north is not waking up... the lost white brother?
So where do people look for change in the western world, this awful power pulling us?
They look to the north, to Scandinavia... to the old gentle Titans, those few who have not been polluted by the power-game system, up in far north. They are not so many, but thei are there, having inner power, but wanting to use it for goodness...The sad thing is that the power minded leaders have exploited and attacked the northern people for their agenda many times. And are still doing so. The story of Voulund or Valandthe creative smith is telling us about that. One example. Endless examples of this i could recite. Just like Testla was robbed bye lesser minds, so was Valand. (Tesla was pretty typical an elf, giving and giving, there are those who r creative and giving and then there r those who r less creative, they like to steal from those creative and crown themselves) But when Odin came to the north he shattered the north so horribly (the viking time) that we had internal wars in the whole of Scandinavia for 500 years and after that just sleep and ignorance. Yes Iceland was the last resort of the old wisdom centers in the 8. century and then the vikings destroyed it so thoroughly that none was even left to remember that it existed. Except in the inner mind. All is written there. We need to wake up to all our faculties.
so it all comes to a situation where there is nobody to look for with hope at the moment, because in iceland they don't know their heritage..this heritage has been lyed away out of history, washed away from our mind...we r told we come from violent vikings and that everybody should just think of them self, grab as big a bit of the cake as possible before someone else. Icelanders are more into drinking nonsense from usa etc... money and fame and power and shame... who is with something to say there? I don't know... possibly its only me who is worried about this... so is it all on my shoulders? hm... wouu sounds terrible... I feel im having so many demons around me who only want to make me as polluted as they are or more.... u see the situation is not that good...... where is the small hair of hope?
mother help me... Bukolla... pure hearts save Iceland ...this is the root..if the root is not given nourishment and dharma rain the tree can not grow... now we have some beautiful flowers on some branches out in the world, but also them will wither away if the tree is not getting nourishment from the root so the motherland is of utter importance. let icelanders wake up and join this holy task of the pureness and truth... washing their hearts... let them stop drinking and forgetting... these few in Iceland who have a heart and deep seeing... let them whisper telepathically and find each other...
so how are you, my dear lost white brother?... how is it to wake up? to this brilliant light
måndag 8 juni 2009
Way Iceland is important for all of us and what happened there...
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