onsdag 17 september 2008

some misunderstandings from the "alianists" on how to read the word "heaven" in old manuscripts

When I see these videos about aliens and how the word "heaven" is used to back up the theory of alian genmanipulation with humans. Since it definetly is used for sky today I can understand this misunderstanding very well. But on the other hand, bye understanding how this word was used in the old times makes us see another way of interprating the texts. In the bible and all over the world there are texts telling the same story of "the gods" coming from heaven and going to heaven and living in heaven and visiting heaven and so forth. Heaven is the origen place of all this people. At least how they got knowledge. How did the word change to be used for the scy then? Yes this place heaven is far north in the snow and very whitish and skylike. The maps where made bye this people originally and they always pictured the origen place as north and up and the origen place is always pictured under the polstar in all the cultures... And Iceland is there. Yes Iceland was called heaven and people (those apes who use the fire) where living there for hundreds of thousends of years before they ever whent down to the earth. Over the sea... or the ice. This story I have told several times and that the australians came into exhistence as fire users and painters for 40.ooo years ago when cromagnon whent all over the planet with the fire and the paintings in clay colosr. Originally colors found in hot springs and steamlandscape. That cind of bathing land did this ape come from. Color baths. Thats way he became a painter and choose these colors. Red and white and black and occur yellow. And these are the ancient classical colors... burnt sienna, occur and black and white.

Yees... its like lets say someone 15.000 years ago in australia would ask one of his older colliges if he could discribe this place called heaven for him... yeees its all white and in the deap blue sea...
shining, yea a bit like this scy... its an island far north from under the pole star.... so heaven was transported as a metaphore originally, becomes the whole meaning of the word heaven... well, for most

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