måndag 13 april 2009

But there are other things about Iceland more interesting than this last 1100 years of horrors and lyes, somethings about now and then.. before viking

and that is to say
to you

about this ancient land of our history still there inside and woven around each hill, name and in the passing scent of elderly messenger moliculs.. the story of the elfs, the nature beings from the time before we where thrust into this unjust ways called "civilisation"..

when we where living in small groups called big families...

in houses that looked like hills... inside the earth... in fact many kinds of personal stile cosy places...


what is left of those days?

yes they live in stories, in dreams in fantasies in names of places..

they live in us who are their children

in the "cristmass" or Jól tradishions of the north and the midsummer gatherins in Sweeden and Estonia

they live in our heart... and when we do something we used to like in the old time we feel good about it today... without knowing way yes.. but this is how it is that many a tradishion is kept alife... even though we dont know how it started we can feel the presence of something exeptionally holy and happy when it has its roots in those ancient times...

this can also be misused... like coca cola is doing... with the color red and white and black who where the most loved in the old times... and golden for the sun...
and later blue and white.. very holy... the ice and the sky..
but when used in the right content they give a strong and holy feeling..

I got so lucky to find a place in nature
where I could optain these colors
occur yellow, burnt sienna, white and black

In the almost the same walley in the wildreness there is an exellent place for bathing... hot river from some hot pumping wells with mineral water... hut mud also around.. (hot turf)
and yes some cold river is also there and waterfalls...

so its just my favorite these days this hot walley... to go there with my canvas and just... splash on it.. thats it...

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