29 og june in Mosfellsbæ
my Icelandic telephone number is 00 345 8928734
other info where to find material from me about Ting and scauting on Iceland:
My paintings and pictures mostly from Iceland on the net:
on facebook i have a lot of paintings and pictures from Iceland scouting and situation with saving Iceland from ignorance and hurting ways:
to get to them u need to become a member on facebook.com
and then look for me, and im registered as:Tryggvi Gunnar Hansen
and become a friend
music from me on the net:
other addresses with info and writings:
we (me, Even and Hugo) have been through Norway and from Bergen we took the ferry to Icelans, dropped bye in Scottland and on the Fair-islands and came to Seithisfjorthur 19. June. In the toll we where charged 60.000 icelandic kronur for the eco-food we had and told each prson can only have 3 kg of food while entering the country, so now we have bought the food twise... and is has been taxed in 2 countrees, very expensive to eat healthy in iceland and not encurriged... I Seithisfjorthur we met Thora the hostes in the hostel. A very kind and positive woman who showed us around the possibilities for a gathering close to Seithisfjorthur. Pascal we met too a woman from Holland a holy heart and a child of nature. Also many other very cosy beings. The swimming pool is unforgetable and Thoras and Pascal welcoming heart. Also the children in Seithisfjörthur are very open hearted. From Seithisfjörthur we went to an ecofarmer, Eymundur on Hérsth and it was really inspiring how he has made a forrest on bare land and explored barley as a source of goodness. From Hérath we whent the south way to Mosfellsveit with one stop in Núpstath. And yesterday we where in Reykjavik and met Saving Iceland people and whent on a conset with Bjork and Sigur rose. A real inspiration.
I will write more about this trawellings after awhile... now we are gone make a circle for to coordinate.
ps on facebook i have already put some photos from our trawellings so far
much sun and some wind
lot of holy hearts
saving iceland and yoga people i have met...
and i think over 50 thousend where on the Bjork / Sigur Rós concert
really good info video about the gready and the ignorant irrisponsible othorities
today 30 of june 08
we are going to Reykjadal on Hellisheithi where there is a hot river and cold coming togeather and hut mud baths... we go from Hellisheithi the roud between Hveragerthi and Reykjavík and need to drive over a small river... we already where in Mosfellsheithi this morning and whent to Nesjavellir for info and more understanding about power plants, also for a map of the walking paths on Hellisheithi and around Reykjadal.
but just now we are making food in Mosfellsbæ in Embla Dís place. Sad thing is that Embla can not come with us, she got sick 2 days ago and is now with a doctor... she has a pain in her left side at the hight of the stomack. Hope anybody who reads this will pray for her health. We have tryed what we can to help but not jet with a result. This pain is a shadow. Also for me great sadness is that the mother of my son dous not alow me to see my son Ómi, but he is here in Iceland now. I have tried many many times to phone her but she dous not answer and I have also sent a letter to her girlfriend where she has been living and also visited his half-sisiter and asked for help to contact him and his mother. I know he wants to be with me but his mother is very negative to our relations, the reason is something personal in her. Sometimes she lets me see him, sometimes not. Its like the weather... very unpredictable. Now i have not seen him for perhaps half a year. She is living with Ómi in Lund in Sweden normally but she is from Iceland like me and the boy was born on Iceland. He is now 9 years old and this problem has been there from the time me and his mother stopped our relations when he was about 3 years old. All togeather i have only had him for few weeks, because of his mother domination over him. Hope someone will pray for us and for a better more open and heart-like relationship. Specially i am worried how he is feeling with all this repression and unjustice, not to be alowed to see his father. But we are really good togeather... sing a lot and very creative.
This is laying heavy on my heart.
And one thing more actually... a person i feel inside me... how can i make that relationship right?
beside that i am glad the sun is shining and i am a child of the light... pray u make me free from all worries because i am in your hands... holy way... loving energy source... flower of life
show me the right way love.. lead the way for me and all of us holiness.
Heilo loou lu uo!
1.july 08
It seems like we have found a place for the gathering on Hellisheithi, in a place i call Álfadalur,
Its a valley untuched bye energyexploters. Hot pots and a hot river and a cold river meeting and forming an ideal place for bathing. In some of the steaming pots it seems like it is possible to cook food. So everything is provided for by nature there. Today the plan is to find out more about this valley and shear this vision as i am doing now.
1. july 12.23
Still vayting for a call from a person knowing who is the owner of Álvadalur.
Then soon we are going to visit Embla Dís on the hospital and then drop bye in cafe Hljómalind after that. The sun is shining in Iceland and some wind, just like the last days... I pray and hope for good ways in all aspects, specially for Ómi and his mother understanding.
time 19.51 1 of july
just came back from the hospital and the good news is that Embla Dís is feeling better, less pain, and lighter at heart also for us. In Hljómalind I learned a little bit more about the situation with Hellisheithi and "Saromans" plans for exploitation of the energy all around the Álvadal... and Klöbrugil the gathering place we are aiming on for August. Seemingly the valley will dry up of all hot water if "Saromans" plan will go through. The place to find out about the plans of energy exploiter is to be found on this address: http://www.natturukort.is/
the yellow points are the places they have a plan about to build power stations. Look for
Hellisheiði - Ölkelduháls
2 júli 08
erfiðleikar í samskiptum... og þjánig búin til, þar sem hún þarf ekki að vera.
Í valdatafli seigi ég pass. Það hef ég þó lært. Hversu mikil sár þarf til að læra að óttinn er aska og að hjartað er vísdómsbrunnurinn. Lindin sem nærir allt sem hrærist.
eða eins og málshátturinn seigir: komi þeir sem koma vilja, fari þeir sem fara vilja, mér og mínum að meinalausu. Og ef að það er einhver þvíngun einhverstaðar, þá er hún ekki af mínum völdum. Ég hef þegar bent á hvar ég sé þvínganir og af hvaða völdum. Meira hef ég ekki um það að seigja.
3 júlí 08
í dag er ég búinn að læra að ég á ekkert og krefst einskis. Aðeins það sem kemur eðlilega og af sjálfu sér, tek ég til mín og upplifi jafnharðan og það streymir hjá. Ef ég þrái og það kemur þó ekki, því sleppi ég...
og fer heim... í það sem er. Að sleppa þrám og sjá hvað er gefur mér tilfinningu fyrir streymi.
Þar er blessun og þar er gleði og allar tímasetningar verða undraverðar án baráttu.
4. júli invitation to a gathering of natur people... Elfs
Warm welcome to Nordiska Ting on Iceland 1-17th of August 2008 ---> 30 Year Anniversary Ting
Yesterday we visited a beautiful valley on the south west side of Iceland, only about 30km away from Reykjavík. Almost the only place on Hellisheithi (east of Reykjavik) left untouched by those people who using all energy-sources for industry. This is a place where we could feel how it is possible to live in nature, both summer and wintertime without even the use of fire. Hot river meeting and warm muddy places for bathing and steaming spots usable for cooking. Today we explored the possibility of using this place gently for a gathering of nature children in August. The result was positive. It belongs to the state and here we are free to put up tents and bath. So we feel free to invite you to this place 1-17 of August. We just have to relate to the nature with full respect and when we leave it we need to leave the place clean, and thats the ting spirit in all gatherings. The name of the little valley is Klambragil (Perhaps an appropriate name for this place would be Álvadalur as it reminds me on the time the poetic Edda talks about when refering to Leirgelmir and Bergelmir. (Leirgelmir=singing in clay, Bergelmir=singing naked) Its south-east of Hengill, the biggest mountain on Hellisheithi.)
For those driving: The gathering place is about 40 km from the center of Reykjavik and about 5 km from road 1 (circle way around Iceland). When you drive from Reykjavik you can measure on your km counter 26 km from the last roundabout(rondell) on the road to Hveragerdi over Hellisheithi. After about 26 km you come to a small sign on the left side of the road ÖLKELDUHÁLS. Drive this small road for 4 km. There will be a sign there about Ting on the right side and a small path to walk on for about 800 meters toward east. Then the valley will open infront of you and a small pathway goes down to the right.
If you are not in a car, take the bus from Reykjavik towards Hveragerdi. Ask the busdriver to let you out by the sign ÖLKELDUHÁLS on Hellisheithi. Then you walk the small road for 4 km and then turn right with the ting sign and follow the small path 800m towards east and you see the valley.
For those coming with a boat to Seydisfjordur:
Drive road 1 to Egilsstadir and then south towards Höfn and Reykjavik. After Hverdagerdi look for a sign that says "Ölkeldushals" (about 38 km before Reykjavik) and then follow road description as above.
Bus: Take lokalbus from Seydisfjordur to Egilsstadir at 6.30 and then buss 18 to Höfn at 7.00, and then bus 12a at 11.00 from Höfn to Reykjavik. After Hverdagerdi look for the sign that says "ÖLKELDUSHALS" to the right and ask the busdriver to let you out there.
If you need help in Seydisfjördur we have friends (Pascalle and Thora) on the youth-hostel in the old hospital, just after the swimming pool. There it is cheapest to stay over because the bus is going the day after.
We are going with the bout from Seithisfjörthur back to Bergen on the 21 of August and it would be nice if those coming with a car would form a Caravan from the Ting gathering back to the Scandinavia.
If you bring more then 3 kg of food with you to Iceland, there is by law a customfee. The fee is the same as the import charges for the amount of food you bring in.
Bring musquitonets.
Prices here on Iceland are about Norwegian prices.
Valutas are :
1 danish krone gives 16,5 icelandic krones
1 norwegian krone gives 15,5 icelandic krones
1 swedish krone gives 13 icelandic krones
1 EUR gives 124 icelandic krones
5. july
fórum Reykjanesrúnt... Selatanga og fleira... Grindavík og Njarðvík
sáum mína byggingalist í Grindavík, Sólarvé og Stekkjakot í Njarðvík allt meir og minna í niðurnýðslu.... sól í sunnanátt á Selatöngum og ekki fundum við ferskvatn þar. Sterk tilfinning fyrir harðri lífsbaráttu. En Selatangar sem varastaður ef Álvadalsþíngið verður of fjölmennt, kemur því valla til greina sem vara-þíngstaður, vegna vatsskorts aðallega. En vatn hlýtur samt að vera þar. Annars hefði sjósókn ekki verið stunduð þar. Vera má að vatn finnist á fjörum í lágflæði.
6. júlí
lot of love but anyhow strange lonlyness in the land of ice and fire.