onsdag 30 juli 2008

one small example of how the different cultures fit togeather, as the same story but both giving details the other has not...

again we come to a very big sea and the "first time trawell" ove the sea instread of the ice as before the icetime ended... in the end of Icetime billons and trilljons of water was vapurated and rained down for 40 days heavily... this is in remembered bye many a family, not only the jews but also up here in our small scale referance there are anyway many a presice informations found fitting nicely into the general "theory" i sometimes call a closer to truth human history.

Different referances about the origen or creation stories i am reading from fit nicely togeather... In the "Snorra" Edda poems in the 7 chapter of Gilfaginning, a talk of Bergelmir being the only one surwiving on his "lúthur"(a woodden box... one of the earlyest ships... the ark.... closed wood hollow inside) when the Hrímthursar where drowned in the blod of Ýmir after Sons of Bur had killed him. But Bergelmir was the only person alife after the flood of blod with his family in a closed wooden box (lúthur... could it have something to do with lút... a tar like black oil put on it to make it waterproof). And the meaning of the word Bergelmir is Ber=naked and Gelmir=Singing from Gala... scream, shout... sing... so Bergelmir seem to have been a lot naked and singing.

Then we go tho the Bible into Genesis 8,9 line 20 about the three sons of Nóa. "He (Nói) drank from the vine and he became drunk and lay nked in his tent..."

so both these personalities seem to have been naked and then one description says he was singing and the other he was drunk

both just barley managed to save their family in a flood where all the others got drowned

now... I see these stories describing the same person but in different ways a little but with the same moral... the old ways where aboundend... Noa says we should fill up the earth and is drunk and unreasonable.... and Ýmir just killed sais nothing but the whole of nature did it fore "him" or actually her... the goddess, she is the old god... the leader of the old world before the Asas took over the world order... the right to exersise power, now we are not told the Noa is a new "god"... and his ideas are the laws in this new world and the old order has been demolised...

but about the Hrimthursar in the Edda... yes they are the elfs and the trolls and later the "huldufólk" when they had to hide, those not wanting slavery.
All the blame is on Odin and his brothers in the north... in the older version....all the blame is put on bad people in the bible and that god wanted them out of the way... hm... but who is telling the story is very important... from what angle is it seen, from the misusers or the used one? No mention on the change of attitude before and after the flood... but in south America we find out way there is different attitude.... in the fire land Eld landið. The Indians called the Yamana people or Yagan, a culture almost exstinkt say they are the offsprings of the older sun and the yonger sun and also the moon and her husband the Rainbow. They started to live on the earth but where coming from heaven... In those times the women dominated the men. Hanuxa who later became the moon was the sun, the leader of the women. The yonger brother og the Rainbow a big hunter, became the leader of the men when they made a revolution against the women power. All the women where killed beside Hanuxa who run up to heaven where she became the moon. The scars she got in this war are still seen on her face. The yonger sun followed her but could never catch her but he became the sun instead. Partly the older sun changed her self to the planet Venus... the morgningstar. The Rainbow didnt want to leave the earth after that... at least he comes and goes. Hanuxa was so angree to the humans who killed the women as a revenge she jumped with full power into the sea and cosed a horrible flood wave the sweapt over the whole land and drowned everybody exept...

hm... do u see the similarities and the different cind of information we get from each one?

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