onsdag 15 oktober 2008

Who is the greatest ecological hero in Iceland I know of?

The answer is Eymundur in Vallholt. For 30 years ago he came to a barren land some 10 kilometers west of Egilsstaðir on East side of Iceland. Now he has a forest there, over million trees he has planted and he is growing barley (bigg borgari) and making barley burgers out of it and selling his production straight to the consumer. He is also the author of Gabriels breakfast a barley breakfast recipe. And its really tasty and healthy. Its something like this... He puts raisins and apples and barley in a pot the in the evening and cocks it or lets it boil for 7 minutes. Then he lets it cool on the plate slowly and stay over the night. In the morning its just perfect. If anyone deserves attention and admiration and the Falk price and that of Nobel its Eymundur in Vallholt. He is a hero and a holistic angel. Praise to Eymundur.

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