lördag 7 mars 2009

A most remarkable discovery of last 2000 years (or more)

I have made the most remarkable discovery. Now we can see the true continuity in the braches of the tree of life. Now we can see where we whent of the track roughly... (i.i. 11.000 years ago, just before the end of icetime and 7000 years ago in little Asia, when the band of land robberers was formed. And then how the oppression came up towards the old center in the north around 1100 years ago.)
But before that how women where prominent leaders for thousands of years or since the use of fire for warming was put to use almost a milljon year before, on an island of vulcans far up in the northern part of the Atlantic.

It will take time for me to put this into a book and share this I know. But that project has been going on for many years now... it remains on the way.

Until then I can only advise you to read back through my links here and on www.tryggvigunnarhansen.blog.is (some parts in english there two earlyer on but mostly in icelandic... and then there is a lot of writings on my myspace page shown here at the header...

My research is based on comparing origen-stories from all over the world. After doing this research for years I feel its easy to see this in one shot! so to speak bye realising in short we are talking about a neandertalman in europe pssessing fire 80.000 before modern tipe man comes along... and this is the missing link we get bye seeing them as direct follow up of the neandertal.... this new race has memories... this new race is us yes and its coming from an island far north in a great sea where there a vulkans ... okei.. in Europe aaaa where is it? Yes up there... Iceland. Its on the map. Right up in the north.. yes up became sinoname for north... thats how it became a habit to talk of heaven up there... also because is was so unearthy with snow and ice and whiteness ...

Basically through the Neandertals we see fireuse started in Europe and then bye looking at the stories we get this repitirion in the oldest material of events and situations. And in general, it is in the north, it is under the polstar and it is on an island with geysir etcetra... It fits with both Thule and Hyperborians and Atlantis story of Platon and many other references..

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