fredag 11 december 2009

it is this relationship

between man and woman that needs lika a electric battery some charging time, other ways it will run flat and dead...

and then there is no relationship anymore... no comunication

so instead of being all the time togeather, it becomes more like a love affaire, of a time not spent togeather, but of a memory of each other, very vivid, a constant attraction...

cos if they stay togeather all the time, they will also start to have an argumennt about where 2 go or what to do... and it might eskilate to a powergame and that game has in cases evoulved to a war... even a never ending war and or a seperation total

tragic things have happened

there is a dark side in humans and a dark history too, the hidden one of a war between male and female rule,... as I have told here before... this can come up also
so the art of giving a space for a distance

the magic art of keeping it a life and glowing

this is the real art of life not practiced by many

and there is a romantic extatic version of the human relationship potential

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