ég veit ekki hvað er að sjóðast í hausnum og þind og hjarta og huga mér.... myndir...
sorgar og fegurðar senur....
það er ekki lítil fegurð og traust þessi samvera
en ég sé að dýrin eru útum allt og ég þakka það að það er,
þau vita og skilja af hverju ég þjáist!.... og hvað ég þrái
ég þakka að fá að skilja eitthvað! þakka og þakka...
I thank the animals for being there!...
I have realised that they are talking to me!
and they are there! Asking for help and understanding....
I saw a colt, a newly born horse child... a boy... and the parents... holiness!
a talking cat, red one....a fox running very fast over the road, many tips of birds where there... 3 small together very happy, singing... and i heard songs I felt a heart and I saw a calf... and a canin... an elg with her children was in a garden some time ago... dogs and
high fliers, craws and...
especially this newborn being, this perfect being, his looking was such shining true holiness of heart and sensitivity and feelings of beauty and question about life and this question way are we treated like this bye humans... all this oppression to my family of wildness... way are we held prisoners?... how can we be free from this ways so that my family can run around freely like we all used to do?.... all this went through my mind while looking into his ayes so sparkling with life and holy sensitivity
they where many and show them selfs to me for a reason
, and the wounded land... but blossom many a places ..at least somewhere...
i realize there are many kinds of aspects in one story, and each life situation is different, and many different experienses.... but there seems like each of us choouce this curvy ways... each in his or her way, learning about the pain of ignorance ... it seems like we needed all these curvy steps we have been so lucky or unlucky through as it seems, all
was all a choise to maximse a situation so that each of us would remember something, intergrate, grasp something, really learn somthing! learn the fastest way, what it is we need to learn.... for ourselfs and the community so we can grow in wisdome in that particular strange or normal u want to know... the best way, the bast situation.... we choose it, sometimes seemingly, getting into trouble even to realise we mai like to dream... a stream... a thread in a rhyme.yes... we r clos here... to the devine... that kind of danger a trap... like we are in fact building something... yes like an other expanse... yes this is a dance...for shour! togeather... an understanding and shearing understanding it our input into the whole prossess of learning, to expand properly and together and open each other up. in a dreafting aay way... saing somthing is another ay... yea... some feeling here after all
.. thats way I say, we learn best when there is a circle for shearing... right now this is best on gatherings... to gather with this purpose is like contact improvitation... flow... dont try to hold..... but flow in your heart with hearts
to come to that understanding that we needed all this experience to come to this point... where we dont need it we dont need to judge... we dont need to argue, we feel... this is the learning.. not with many plans... but with breath and hear and now... feeling through just looooove... because it is anyway best to be in this very step, giving up wrong thought patterns, attachmennts.... and knowing we whent the way we needed to go... to wake up to that... to realize we dont need to critisise our selfs or u, that we dont need it anymore, this what has been holding us and from there we can start to enjoy... to ... relax.. from regrets and sorrows and doupt the way all theese curves? .... because they where there for the very reason to bring you and us to this understanding we have now...... when it is not way... when it is thats way... for to understand the pain coming from it... feeling and seeing feeling it.... emanating all through it, to everyhing... we realise we want love... we realise love is the greatest way of being and understanding each other brings us to this compassion... we wanto come in contact with this compassionate realisations... how we are and way and not only that, we think about the ways we can make it better... when we relax... to rectify and make holy... make things more cosy and relaxed, and pure and simple
we did a mistake to learn how painful it is and way we need to stay away from this mistake´s... how pressious it is to grasp it !
somewhere in the history we took up a critical path due to ignorance, and now go there from to better ways yes... like what ... better ways... u said we needid it to uderstand what? yes... we needed it for to refresh our memories and not any more.. remember we did through this a mistake.... ok what was it we did then wrong and how to make it better... we forgot the oneness.. the being that feels everything ... this being that is everywhere and in all of us at the same moment.. and feels it all... all the time... this being... this living being... this loving being
now u r getting better, before u said... they did.... now u say we did it.... getting better... more peaceful ...yes lovely general
where was i... yes... im in this endless film.... life.... this teaching massine... each... happening, each person... is a learning, to build up something we need to know togeather
öll dýrin og þar með þú vita það að ég vakna þegar ég sé þig sé dýr og barn....
og hvað með köttinn...hm... nei ég er bara svona rólegur í tíðinni að kynnast honum... tekur mig stund, þetta var lika óvart, hann gekk fyrir mig... en hann vildi að þú tækir hann upp .. já hann er betri... ég er búinn að klappa honum...
hm.... jæja næstum fyrtur orðin af samskiptaleysi... það hafa bara verið flugur og mýs og svo er skógarþrösturinn... littli kötturinn horaði og veiki... honum hjálpaði ég samt með vatn og mat....
en það var eitthvað að hjá honum... hm...
hm.... halajala....
hmmmm........... álfadance... maðurinn sem sættist við sjálfansig.... og allt og alla... hm....
your divine presesence....
ég er með verkefni... von í brjósti... ljóstýru!
þrátt fyrir sorg mína...þá er ljós... og fegurð til að hafa áræði fyrir
the feeling that everything is interrelated and is learning and opening up to new understanding beond our vildest dreams is giving me streangth so look at everything and everyone with better understanding and compassion... and that the animals are there all and the children asking us to wake up for what we have been doing and that we change corse... and stop this exploitings and wong-doings and realise how beautifully we can have it if we realise this that we dont need to be in any kind of compitition about anything, we are all wonderful beings and that we just want to have it heartlike and truely here and now... and trust... in all this great see of love that holds us and embrases... each soul and each wing and feet and each breathing child and swan and fly is a wonder attached and killing and putting into fenses should be avaided.... rather shearing and giving and letting everything circulate.... and stream between forms... and not to vorry ...
its all in the hands of a holy being... in the heart
and this holy being loves all lifeforms
i can rest in this
what comes up, sing about it! sing it out!
dance it... feel and breath it... sway your body about it...
because this is exectly what youme need... whatever it is... its a learning.... and we are learning togeather... each in his and her way.... exactly this we need to learn what we are going through
to waken upp from this dream.... and make it real..... ! how we want to have it!
sensing this perfection ... to wake up now! to what is! to what is and what we have
feeling each other... all life all energyforms... all u beings
all these strangeforms, all this horrible nakedness and pain, gladness and sorrow... its hard to believe we needed all this to wake up up for this fact that we have been on the wring way and we r now taking a 180 degree direction shift
contradictions and joy and power and domination, madness, sadness, grandure, horror all interrelated and has a cose... all this has been presented to us to learn from it and when we now see this we can not judge anyone but after feeling the sorrow we can really give ourselfs a chanse to make it as we want in stead of fussing we now huss huss we wake up now for the wonders and the truth.... that we have a chanse to make it better... to make it into a perfect harmony...
holy vibration
halelujaa... yes yes yes and i thank and thank... i thank u holyness for showing me your great wings
i see ... i see... i see yes i see
i see and feel your loove
ale ale ale luja ha haa já aleeeelúúú
--------------------------and we have a hobby!
a profession 2
to wake up all the world... help and shear
to dear to bee
as we are and support better ways!
invent ways to shear this
and live togeather in a holy way! always new ways of shearing this glad news
that we belong and we are all one being called haaaleelluu
ala haaaleeeeluuuuu
jaaaa jaaaa jaaaaaa haaaa aaa aaaaaa
ala haaaaaaleeeeeeelúúúúúuuuuu
eila heeeilaaalaaa laaaluuuu llaaa luuuuuju juuu uuuhuu
ama haaaaleeeeeeelúuuuuu jaahaaaaaalleeleele
amabaaa hama ama baaahaaama amaba ama bra brahaaamaaaa
alahaaaleeeluuuuuu jahalalla jala hala akbar jala haleeelújaaa amhambramhaaa alveran kæra já
kærleiksveran furðuveran yndisveran blóm heima húner hlómur já sómi já í dróni ómi ljóminn
aheijaaa heilaheei hei heijaaa sei hei hei heijaa heilaga eylan heimaeyjan alheilagaaa alheilaga
eyjaaan heims heima
já maður lætur sig dreyma... ekki beinlínis verið að gleyma neinu sérstöku..... ekki þannig.... virkilega....
dugnaður ío að dreyma.... velja sér tilffinning og hvað.... erum við í practis.... always this... to get to earth again
the animals and the forrest and the children are depending on us.... that we open to a better way
fredag 30 maj 2008
on the right way...
torsdag 29 maj 2008
what is attractive with Ting gatherings, and what is it about?
See also my other blog about Ting and the Icelandic gathering on
The most intersting is the people and how they relate in a heart-felt way. There are so beautiful people coming to ting gatherings and always fresh faces, because its not the same people coming every year. There is no fixed program but any way there is always a bit similar day rute, the food circles, talking circles and seminars. Sauna is always a must every night. Very often its the finish people who are most active in making the sauna ready. But me too... I was also one of the early birds so I was cleaning and making altars in 2 places. On the floor in a hmm... with stones and all cinds of things we found in the forrest... like a pine tree or a Jóla-tree. There have been more than 50 gatherings in the last 30 years... First only ones a year. Then they started to have midwinter gatherings also. Now we have even mini-tings in between summer and winter. Yes to Ting gatherings come such beautiful souls. Lot of good vibrations. Hearts talk there more than left brain. When I came for the first time 5 or 6 years ago, I had known about ting since 1998 or so. But for some reason or the other I didn't want to go until 5 years later (yes i was so busy in my "own" life and sinking dysfunctional relationships) Yes what is so special? It was really magical. I felt everybody was there for a mystical reason, a holy destiny. Each gathering is unic Jól stile... Jóla tree and some stones and things from the Forest. Everything is done voluntarily "jobs", what they like to do... in a funny mood, cooking and cleaning and whatever is needed. Firewood. Helping and shearing. Having fun. Songs are everywhere. In the kitchen there is most often a band playing. Also in the main circle. In the summer its always outside and the kitchen is most often open fire places. In winter its inside. And therefore its more dense. In general everybody is doing what they like. And there is no one giving orders. Its more like suggestions people put out... This is the optimal situation for learning. And people share whatever they have of knowledge. Food twice a day and after eating always a shearing circle. People sit in a circle and there is a staff, a pin, or a feather going around. The one holding the feather speaks. The others listen. The most precious of these circles is the so-called heart-shearing-circle. This kind of circle is often late at night and can go on almost to infinity or until morning at times, when there is a lot to share. Heart-shearing is about feelings exclusively. Here and now, whats in the heart. Can be very strong experience to see and hear hearts talk or sing or cry. Then there are vision circles. About what we vision coming... Plans. Can be about a community or next gathering place etc. Well... like I said, there is no hierarchy and no real rules... just do with others what you want them to be for you and leave the place as it was or cleaner perhaps or more beautiful. Any other matter that comes up you can always go to the circle and ask the others. But yea I felt at home. You see, when I come to these places where there is a hierarchy and everything is fixed bye someone, then I feel a little suffocating. Also on ting there are no fixed prices. There is a magic hat going around after each food circle collecting money with a song for the food and other costs. But in this open space. All kinds of natural gurus "appear". It feels like everybody has something to shear. So in the end there are all kinds of seminars going on. Even a 8 year old boy made a seminar about making a knife up in north of Norway some years ago. But also really good yoga teachers and contact improvisation teachers are there all the time. This is way I say Ting gathering is an optimal place to learn about so many different subjects. This is how the schools should be. I would say we don't need schools. We need ting gatherings for everybody all over the planet. Local ones like Ting and global like the Rainbow. And sometimes there are so many seminars going on we too few people are there to cook. But there are always many master cooks also. Lot of real special dishes.
the work has just begun...
There are few or perhaps many who are realized we need a change... even more people are hopeless, and for those who want change there are some who already are working their way to a new life. I don't know if they have all the right spiritual tools for it. This is not an easy task as the change has to come both from within and all around... there is no way of living isolated in a dream bubble or a sanctuary away from those believing in limitless freedom to exploit. But if we are conscious of the situation we can make sanctuaries for to charge and heal our self and each other. And for to be able to face the obstacles together. The road is long to sang Richie Haven..."freedom" of spirit in harmony with the rhythms of nature. There is no other freedom to find than that which is a gentle rhythm. Not in the context of wholeness. If anyone thinks i am fanatical, then i can only say ok we can discuss this. For me, it feels like i exist only for to go this way... still i feel its has been such a long process for me just to find the way... i don't know if i will have a chance to experience this Sangha... the living happy family. Its more like an inner state for me. I haven't seen it jet among the Ting family or the Rainbow gathering, this absolute dedication that is needed for to create a Sangha. A flowing stream of light beings. Only for a week here and some days here and there. Still i can perceive this dream in many hearts. But there is something that keeps this feeling still at a beginning point. Even though i have seen this new pathway for perhaps 20 years, i am still missing this group of totally dedicated around me. Way is that? Perhaps i have some misconceptions. Its not just like drinking a water to find out all the ingredient's of the cake of happiness in times when almost everybody is going utterly the opposite way to the presumed destination. Most communities are lead bye profound egos that takes them gradually back to this so called normal ego based culture. The women that used to work so nicely together in the old times are still looking for their own man. Their personal little cosmos.And then they have a tendency to disappear into their own little "sanctuary". And that is an unrealistic program that dous not bring us forward. Weather it is something in me i don't know, i have had rough life experiences and i am working with forgiving myself and all my relations, or in us in general I'm not shore about. But i am looking into this. But this is the next step as i see it, in Iceland and elsewhere. The Ting gathering is the rehearsing platform and a place for shearing ideas and visions. Also a place where truly dedicated can find each other. Well... for me there is no other way.... and that's fine for me. On the other hand many of the boys on gatherings are far too much in a obvious competition about the women. Instead of expecting less and looking for an opportunity to inspire the whole family. Looking for opportunities to serve the whole and realising that love comes bye it self and can not be pushed. If it is pushed it will not come out good. Love between man and woman is holy and should be approached very carefully... and not on the basis of need... (specially not sexual need) but from the feeling of wanting to give... serve, support. And such holistic love needs time to understand what is really a gift of value to the love one. Other ways it may hurt. This i know because i have been through through serious mistakes in relations. And nothing is more painful. And i think its not only me... yes its me.. i am learning, but its the whole culture that produces this kind of patterns.. of relations that have no circle to sheare their hearts to, but want to go their own ways... this can repiete as we are tying to understand some ground truth... how to relate... within and with each other... hm... this is a big subject.. how to relate and create a sangha... a comunity that is living inspiration of togeatherness and relations that make us strong and joyful and trustful and relaxed...
every time i see an animal or a child i am reminded...
that we need to use myspace and facebook and all the communication tools
and time we have to change this world to a better place...
not to use our time just for our own pleasures... but help and post and re post
something that brings about better ways
and work against capitalism and all this mindless rat race for more and more
and the expansion
this endless destruction of nature and shameful cruelty
against beauty and harmony
stop buying except minimum
reuse instead of buying new
drive less... or not at best... bike rather
stop buying energy but make our own if we need it
find ways of having fun without buying... go to nature together instead of to bars
make our music bye hand instead of with technique
and sing and dance, make our own cloths or reuse
less is more
because in the end life is now and here
u and me, that's the only value
and heaven and earth
a way in to a new path...
The only way out of this path of oppression and exploitation is through a totally a clear self image... we need to tear down all the lye's that blindfold us. The whole structure of this way of life we have...
1. the greed of capitalism and the harmful effect it has on us and all nature. And this we see already most of us. But we need to see an alternative also.
2. The lye's about how the dominators came to power... those who believe in that power structure, and the lye that dominators need to lead us... that must all down to ashes, and that we do... bye seeing the real history and not only seeing it but also to forgive each other. But not allowing this system to harm us any more. All land redistributed and the state taken out... (or at least 99.9 % of it)... This can only be done bye seeing the true history. Seeing that the most beautiful culture ever existing was brutally raped and cut into pieces, bye low minds of layer's and deceivers. This is the fall from grace so often mentioned in the bible and in all origin stories all over the world. If we don't do this, we will go int total ugliness and destroy life on earth.
We whent away from a holistic perspective to a linar dead end. But what can we say about this old structure of the girls. Way am i not into just going back to that stage? Here is the core of the understanding we are facing. This old culture was happy yes but also terrified. The control was so enourmous and the resposibility put on one heart. This i want to see more in a taoistic way. And then we come to the circle.
3. At the core is this realisation, that we are all just mammals... animals meant to be in harmony with all the other life forms.
We have one interesting choice. And that is the reestablishment of the big family and in a sustainable way... creative healers of oneness. See also this writings on:
to grasp it better what i am hinting here about a new way.
Snowwhite, and the true historical content in that story
If you are not very "polluted" bye fear or bad indoctrination, you should be able to feel it that what i am saying is absolutely true content of the story, without any doubt whatsoever.
Yes Snowwhite....
The story starts by presenting the mother. In a dark blue overcoat and in a white dress... (yes symbols originating all the way from the origen place, a white mountain and the night sky... guess where... yes far north... on an island) pregnant making clothes for her coming child.. and then this blood dripping down on to whiteness. These are all classical symbols of the ancient holy tradition. Also we get to know about her insight. She knows what is coming. Well we do not get to know that the mother was actually killed, right after the birth. But anyway... yes we feel it... we know it deep inside. No this is put aside not to hurt the ears of those responsible for her killing, the king and his new queen. Those in highest position. Well... it feels like the King is even more the guilty one because nothing is talked about him... he is just out hunting and has no idea about whats going on with his daughter. Well.. the daughter is so beautiful... everybody loves her. But this is not so with the queen. And now we get to know the new queen is a Which... a hexa... totally into power just like her husband. The child is put out in the woods to dye but because of her mother and because she is so kind, nobody can kill her... she goes out in the world and finds the 7 dwarfs. Yes... those dwarfs become very glad to get to know her. And they all love her. After she is poisoned she lye's in a glass box. And all the dwarfs worship her. Yes this is symbolically... the 7 religions on earth... all keeping a little bit different parts of the ancient ways alive within... but all worshiping (under many disguises) the ancient mother... Isis of wisdom and beauty from the land of Ice.
How is it with the prince anyway... is he here?
little red hood, or the woolf pretending to be a very vise and kind a granmother, when he was in fact just pure greed
The old stories we all heard as children are telling in a grandmother stile, how we got here... to this world of exploitation and endless greed and lye's and deception. Each detail in the story is loaded with meaning and richness of content. There is no coincidence they where not "deleted" or way we cherish them so much. We can start to look at the story of the little girl with the red hat on her head. To begin with this red hat is giving a hint of who she is. She is the daughter of the most vise lady of the old tradition. Then we get to know about how sneaky the woolf is and pretentious. Also we get to know how nice and caring the mother is sending food to her mother who wants to live on her own in the woods. Well... then the woolf after "fishing" for information from the girl is running to the old lady. Eating her.... now... way should he not just have eaten the little girl right away? Yes this we may wonder over... but this woolf is somehow twisted... he wants the little girl to like him.. he wants talk to her... somehow have the same influence over her mind and heart as the grandmother. Hm... well in the end he realises he can not really deceive her so he eats her too... yes this is about those dominates in the history. They had priests and cardinals and bishops to lye for them and to keep the public calm as lambs... while being exploited.... the woolf is representing this in the theater of pretending to be the old vise one. So now a long time has passed... so long time has passed that even the woolf has forgotten about his badness... and nobody knows about the ancient mother any more... now the woolf is asleep!... Now is the opportunity ripe for the forest caretaker.... steeping in and cutting up the belly of the sleeping woolf... and letting these two holy and Innocent beings out.... putting stones into the belly of the woolf and yes... he fell into the well then was it not so?... yes he became so thirsty.... so greedy for water he was he just could not make it.... greed has always been dangerous to go for. So now we know we are hearing a story originating from the vise old ladies and this story is not just a fantasy... its the story of how we... all of us have been deceived and mistreated bye layer's who pretend to be the vise ones and holy ones but are in fact thieves and robber's. This is the true story of how things happened. In a very short form. For children yes, a warning... that we can not really trust anybody these days... but that the woolf will be exposed bye someone kind when the woolf has got all the power and forgot about his ill deeds in the past... then he will show up.... and here we are... in a precious now!
onsdag 28 maj 2008
not to little not to much...
the art of being attractive, or the art of being enough unattractive... and the balance there between... if i become very attractive at an inappropriate timing...... i may become an "object" of interest from a mind out of balance. If i become too unattractive i may not survive. The highest luxury is a simple way or the middle way there in between. I enjoy a turf-house much more than a modern house. And a "Tee Pee" tent is more cozy than a flat. There are many who think they have gained something bye having many things, so generations go through just running around objects and making walls around them. Putting love into a prison. Bye having less and being normal, we will be content or even bliss will be the norm.
In Iceland the nation was happier before 1930 than after when they got money. Now they got so much that happiness is rear. And lot of intense unhappiness. Before the year 800 Icelanders where much more blissful. The Vikings really put them down. And before the revolution in "heaven"... before the 1. attack on the old mothers 12000 years ago, Iceland was truly most happy culture known. Not through riches but through knowledge, wholeness, balance and love.
Now they look good but they are weak inside... hurt.. burned.... addicted to bad habits. 200 years ago they looked poor and weak but where more whole inside. 1200 years ago the where poor but had truth and knowledge inside... 12000 years ago the lived simply, but where whole and happy. Then Jól (Christmas in English is not the same... its a perverted christian name for the ancient midwinter festival) in midwinter was total bliss for all of us. If anybody has a memory from childhood about very happy Jól. This gives a hint how it was in the ancient times. Hare Krishna people keep these memories for us.
Then the leader of Woolf clan got really envious. He managed to let this feeling boil within his family towards hatred. Because of this misconception that happiness can be possessed we all lost it. We only got memories. On the other hand, if i would step forward and say... we can get it back... i have the recipe!... the same enviousness would come up, with the same consequences. So a unhappy worm is lying on gold... of course the gold is as useless as stone or iron when used as a mattress. The greedy one dous not realise his greed can never be fulfilled and with power you can only make slaves and you loose love and wholeness way out of sight and the only way out is to let go. And for those who have wholeness within... better not to show it off to those in a state of intense need. But of course we want to heal each other from delusion, so we may meditate on how to burn up the feeling of greed and intense cravings.
how the black and white holes work togeather...
some years ago i was thinking about these black holes out there in space and the theory of big bang.. and then it came to me that those two are probably interrelated... the coming of a universe out of the big bang happening i thought was the reverse order of what happens in a black hole when the materia gets sucked into an other realm of being... later i found out actually recently this is a new idea in physics... hm.. the idea implies the universe is infinitely older than now believed. The ideas i have now heard talk about... this kind of two brains in the universe... one the reverse of the other... time is space in the other one... so it came to me this insight just from the logic of a sink... when the water runs in to the sink... it goes somewhere... its not nonexistent... perhaps i don't see it... from there i started to see the black holes as a sink.. (yes the even got spiral formation as water running in a spiral in the sink) so from there it was easy for me to see the white hole or this big bang we live in as an outcome of such a happening... the peculiar thing for me is ... when a simple idea like that runs through my mind, i often read about it half a year later in some article of some new "guru"... I wander if i am reflecting things out of my head or if this is "coincidence". But astrology to me is all about physics and logic. All the answeres are right in front of us, if we have some moments to look at one question at a time like a tool to play with... this universe is vast and the more we know the smaller we feel in this operahouse...
more about the icelandic gathering
The scouting group is going already in June and the gathering is gona happen in august. (That's the warmest time in Iceland in late summer)
here is where I write about this and Iceland in general and what we need to do to improve the situation there.
And I happen to be an expert on where to bath in Iceland in nature. Hot springs and hot mud. So it is gona be interesting an experience I would say...
beside this blog-page about Iceland and Icelandic history and nature, I have some info on the net, my own music, paintings and writings:
and the last one is my music page on myspace, but on soundclick there is more music from me...
so for those interested in Iceland in general or interested in the gathering there this summer, just write me.
to my address: heionlo@yahoo.com or/and go to my blog over here:
here are writings about the ancient history of Iceland. A much repressed material, as it deals with a prominent high culture of the girls in Ice-time. A culture that was destroyed bye the patriarchs and lied out of history. But is now rising from the ashes. Atlantis has been here all the time. Its just a little bit more in the north than presumed bye Plato.
This island as I see it is the origin place of fire use on this planet. Way do I know this?... yes I have done a lot of comparing origin stories and creation stories to find out about this... well my mind reviled this to my after a lot of study, something inside me know this but it took me 20 years of investigation to grasp it into my conscious mind and it still is sinking in. I thought I a was crazy to begin with. Now I feel its normal to be crazy in this way.. and seeing Iceland as the root of the fire use of humanity. But I am afraid it will take more than hundred years for humans to realize this. At the moment I am the only one who knows. Its quite cute to know something alone. Of course its also cute we both know it. That will make Iceland a mother country of all fire users. Well perhaps its good they do not know all at ones. It will take time to prepare Iceland for all its children coming home. So smile with me.So many old holy secrets or surfacing now. We might get to know the secret of happiness. And joyful living... We might get a chance to live it. In bliss for thousand of years or in to a remote infinity.... as is in fact normal for life... to be in bliss... I think the most miserable being on earth today is the human. Even though we can eat and dominate. We are in so much fear all of the time we forget the now... and without a now we have not a chance to live in bliss. But more and more people are getting the chance at least to let go of this fear when we see the obstacles we can get through them or around them. And one of the biggest handicap is to live in a lye about who you are... where from you come etc. And this we can explore together in Iceland this summer. You are welcome.
knowing who we are is about being naturally what we are, sensitive, sensible, holistic, heart beings and not brutes of violence in face of each other, but open for dialog´s, sending and receiving anyway so way not nicely and whole heatedly, between us and all directions around. To find a way of growing or finding food locally and generously harmonise with nature is the best way to really calm everything back to self dependancy, the most simple way and then deal with everything locally in harmonious ways. And least hurting ways possible. So we humans need really to help each other to relax and get grounded and flexible, not to fill the world with children if you have so little to give them. We are asked to let go of expansion. Make less children,.. for awhile...
This we are asked for, from all living beings, change your ways to circles of daring and of caring shearing... a research center for holy ways, locally yes now and then connect it through a global network, so that we can become conscious about our situation together, at least enough so we can harmoniously make this change together.... and all in the end... uff when will that be... let me see hm..... the year... oh no i do not dear to tell a number here but each year is gona be exiting for us to wake up together! in a steady way, to the beauty of your garden both inside out... yes i should shout... and i do... with this symbols its hard to come through!