torsdag 18 september 2008

subject: aliens

Like I say Im not agaist it... im for it .. to look for life or even to consider habitable places outside the earth zone, as a matter of fact we need to look into that before the sun expands, but thats pritty long ahead and what we are dealing with now is to ballance the situation at home... and that task seems to be a pritty tuch one to begin with... we aint into the rock bottomn jet it seems, only a small number of people ar grasping the situation and acting on it, so its not really like we are having a real voice speaking out yet, at least the ears are not there to lishen and the heart not awake enough to ponder on it and let it mealt in.

Im into i ceartain experiment, one I have tryed to discribe... a very carefully planed trance situations outside the atmosphere and observant beings on one particular point in the universe and then to ... yes its a long description here in my mind attached to this note in my mind how to carry out this experiment but yes this kind of approch i have long thought of
to get in contact with some intelligece out there

but what is intelligence?

what do we know of how a cow thinks or a butterfly or a bird?

I would say we are aliens and that the animals and the plants are also... and the mushrooms... yes not least them...

at least i feel like an alian a lot, especially in this rush world of grabbing and sgvabbling

and yes the alian "trip" going up in a spacecraft i have talked about before regarding ants and ant queens in a trance could have something to do with this experiences

but the irritating aspect of the whole alian approch is that, if we didnt need aleans to get life to plant itself here, since they where here only after we came to the ape stage seemingly, because life itself is the most remarkable part and the gene structure in it, then we dont need alians to make us special, because all nature is all full of wonderious mystical deapth

yes the irritating part is this believe we are therebye saying yes to that high tecknology is the way to reach other alians, im tyered of how we give it to ourselfs fro granted that we havent got a chance to reach out of the solar system without a massive spacecraft

yes this may sound like some magic, but i believe we have all the equippmennt we need inbuilt in us to reah this possible stage of connecting to other living beings out in space... and here we have the inner blackholes to trawell through

but on the outside... the space ship ideas... yes we may try it at least ones... just before the sun expands..

then we will have our restorant at the end of the universe, because earth is our universe...

but i have said it before, our task now is that of ballancing... relaxing into simple wholistic ways, ways without a lot of tools, but more emphasis on happyness and quality rather than quantity..

and the concept of alience (since they are not really showing their faces openly) is rather a bit like wayting for God or Jesus, exept alians are here for to get something and we are just slaves... yea, perhaps its just like how it is... we are slaves of those making believes like this... at least all high teck oriented and obiedience with higher orders and wating and yea, at least something far away from the ground, from the earth, from here and now and what we can do...

not only that we feel like alience in nature and to each other (and yes regardless of that ofcourse we are alience, we are beings in space and made out of space and clearly nothing as physisist assume that big bang came out of nothing in space)

yes not only us but our forfathers are alience to us, their believes and look on life is lost to us, we dont understand this gods they talk about, we think they are alience, they dress strangely in fish hides and are taller, they have wings and go to heaven ok, they must be these alien beings, always like children with big sunglasses (yes like ants)

Arent these assumptions all so childish anyway...where is dady and mam? it feels like we are all so lost we dont know a hell who we are and what we are doing here, yes we are confused so we try to make it into a party, but the party is getting a bit dull now...

ok can we see how beutifull nature is when the forrest is opening up in the springtime, yes we can!

and we can see how ugly it is to make a factory and parking space over this beuty?

yes we can

yes our "alien" looking forfathers where genemanipulated and there is nothing spaecial about that, whole nature is "genemanipulating" all the time, each species is all the time choosing soem qualities every time someone "falls in love" and makes a genesplice with another being a choice has been made... a new possibility is introduced to the situation and this choice was really pondered over in the old times, and all through the dark times even last 1000 years the farmers where specialists in growing those qualities they want, what kind of horns, color, shape they whised for and they still go on... way is it strange they choose very carefully each other then... and what was the criteria.. what was it they liked, what was it they thought was attractive, a gift to have... this is power yes to grow forth dormant quality in one self or help another to shine forth... its called teaching or helping or loving someone

they where more sensitive and knew all cinds of thinks we have lost now... but it is found all over the globe in pieces... we just need to put this pussle togeather and then we understand and become friends with our forfathers and also at the same time our self

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