þarna hef ég setið lengi. Það er svo furðuleg tilfinning og draumkennd og seiðandi... drunur og dynkir og spíral kraum þarna... vinstra heilahvel dettur út, allt hverfist og víbrar, jörðin og sálinn.
Mest seiðandi vatnsfall sem ég hef heimsótt. Ég var jú í sveit í Bárðardal sem barn. Ég ber þess merki alla tíð. Allur dalurinn er eitt djásn. Og fólkið. Ég var á Eyjadalsá. Hvarf var alltaf í hvarfi. Einbúi beint á móti. Og endarlausar heiðarnar upp Eyjadalsá. Fosshóll var alltaf miðjan og gamla símstöðin. Þar eru nú minjagripir dalsbúa. Dalurinn er allur grænni en hann var. Mikil skógrækt. Allt svo gott þarna í dalnum og fossinn vakir yfir og sýngur sinn ævaforna seið. Að nokkrum skuli detta í hug að setja þennan foss í pípur er bara geðveila. Það skemmir allann dalinn. Þá er meiri gleði að sjá björkina klæða dalinn. Aldey er gamalt nafn á Íslandi. Hér hefur völva ráðið nafngift. Hin aldna eyja, það er: eyja forna. Ennfremur tengt Alda, samanber "ár var alda" 3. vers í Völuspá. Og þar er tenging yfir í Al=Hal, hið heilaga, Það sem er vistvænska er að sjá heildina. Má seigja Alvaldið.
tisdag 30 september 2008
einn Al-heilagasti foss á Íslandi
hvað vantar í umræðu "sérfróðra" blindingjanna?
Þeir sérfróðu telja og vona að þetta sé tímabundinn skellur og "upp skal aftur á kjöl klífa"... það er, að halda áfram að fjárfesta lána og okra og ræna bæði fólk og náttúru með hinum eilifa hagvexti, aukningunni sem samfélag sem byggir á vöxtum verður alltaf að hafa. Ekki örlar enn á skilningi á því að samfélag sem byggir á árlegri aukningu er á leiðinni að leggja alla náttúruna undir eyðileggingu.
Ekki örlar enn á skilningi á þeim grundvallar glæp og óhugnaði að stöðug aukning í lokuðu kerfi er eyðileggingarstarfsemi og í raun bilun.
Ekki örlar enn hjá þeim hinum "vísu" pávagaukum peningahyggjunar að neitt sé að því að stunda bánkaviðskipti yfir höfuð. Þetta sýnir mér að hin vitstola peningahyggjumaður er ennþá að, er ennþá tílbúinn til að rísa á fætur og hefja sína vitstola skemdarverkastarfsemi að nýju.
Stopp! Ekki meir ekki meir. Burt með allar þessar fjárfestingaklíkur og klær og klæki. Þetta er það sem vantar inní umræðuna algerlega. Og ekkert að gerast mannfólki og lífríkinu til heilla þar til það er skilið og meðtekið.
Þá hefst fyrst sú umræða sem beðið hefur verið eftir um árþúsundir.
Samfélag sem ekki byggir á aukningu. Samfélag sem virðir lífið. Og gullöldin, jafnvægissamfélagið sem sér lífið sem heild en ekki bara manninn... þessa rottutegund sem það eina sem skiptir máli. Og ekki bara þessa sköllóttu brjáluðu mús heldur allar tegundir. Hvernig þær næra hver aðra í fegurð og með gagnhvæmri virðingu. Þá fyrst hefst hin nýja gullöld mennsku og hamingju.
Á meðan að þetta er ekki inní umræðunni þá eru menn og fjölmiðlar ekki bara landráðamenn, heldur lífsráðamenn... morðingjar lífsins... dauða-stefnufólk.
Gleymið því ekki að Aldeyjarfoss er nú rétt í þessu undir hamrinum, gróðafýklanna, ásamt og með öllum djásnum landsins og börnum og blómum.
måndag 29 september 2008
það versta sem gæti gerst og það besta...
það eru lífeyrissjóðirnir, sem er verið að ræna fé af m.a. ... þetta er spilagaldur... lífeyri fólksins í landinu, þeir voru fjárfestar og svo einstaklingar, mest Jón
síðan kaupir Björgúlfur pottinn fyrir slikk...
jæja.. hvað næst?
Bandarískir bankar hala nú inn og setja pressu á... þeir vilja fá spákaupmenn til að pína þjóðina til að samþykkja landseyðileggingaráætlun Landsvirkjunar... þetta er það versta sem gæti gerst
og með svo fólks-landflótta..
ég hef lengi talið að við þyrftum kreppu til að fara að hugsa á eigin spítur...
það besta sem gæti gerst er að almenningur í landinu missi trú á þessum peningaspákaupmönnum... íhaldsmafíunni
og bjargi sér sjálfur, hætti neyslunni erlendis frá og
fari að rækta heima í gluggum og útí garði, hafa bát saman og fiska í soðið
ókeypis næturrafmagn og eða eigin rafmagnsframleiðslu... (já segulsviðsmótor þróun og fl.)
og þá mörg lítil fyrirtæki framleiði þarfalegan varning... föt
já og torf komist í tísku og náttúruefni til húsagerðar... fólk byggi sjálft sín hús
nota hjól og hálftæknivæðingu...
metangas og etanólbílar notaðir sameiginlega
að fólk fari að vinna saman í litlum hópum... skapandi nægjusamt samfélag
að íslendingar nái aftur jarðsambandi
já í vor kem ég máski með spaða heim og fer að skera klömbru... og væntanlega allir velkomnir að nema handtökin..
það er að seigja ef einhverjir eru tibúnir í endurreisnina
söndag 28 september 2008
sól og endalaus sól og vindar og lauf og já baul...
the greatest wonder seigir Judistira í seinasta hluta Mahabarata sögunnar, er að við lifum einsog okkur finnist við munum lifa að eilifu..
allir gera þessi reikningsmistök
ennfremur, við viljum halda í, (sér í lagi íhaldið, íhaldið er ótta bandalag, samtök þeirra sem óttast verðandina, þ.e. lífið) finnast að hlutirnir eigi að vera eins og þeir eru NÚNA alla tíð, sérílagi ef við höfum eitthvað sem við kunnum vel að meta..ást, fegurð, eiginleika sem mikils eru metnir... þetta mikkla nú skal lögfesta, steypa, verja með veggjum eða lygum... sjálfsblekkingu... en við erum í foss, við erum breytingar... allt er stöðugt að leysast upp og taka á sig aðrar myndir... (the budda low of impermanence... er veruleikinn harði... mjúki... allt streymir í ný form og þó, hlutirnir endurtaka sig... ) og svo viljum við gefa börnonum eitthvað af því sem við teljum verðmæti í... en því miður gefum við þeim drasl og falska veruleikasýn... í staðn visku og skilnings (sem við höfum ekki þrek til að sjá sjálf með skírleika...) þetta veldur mikklum sársaukatilfinningum...
mikil lækning er að kunna að gefa eftir og sleppa tökunum á því sem við viljum hanga á í þessu mikkla orkufljóti... þar hjálpa núið... að anda og leifa sér að streyma... svífa og kvaka... elska núið og hvert annað... og alltið.. jú stríð eru frekjugangur... ferleg tilætlunarsemi.... viljastýrð nauðgunarárátta... lög og pyntingar, fangelsi, afneytun... allt er það gert til að pína aðstæður fram sem einhver einn eða fleiri vilja yfir fjölda annarra... og réttlætt með mikklum þrýstingi (áróðri) en heldur samt ekki... skapar og pínir samtímis.... skapar þrá eftir andstæðu sinni... "sannleikur" af þessu tagi er kannski bara hóplygi, hópfrekja..
mér fannst ég eiga eitthvað
líf mitt var opin bók, streymdi fram
haf af möguleikum, stöðug uppbygging, aðdragandi að stórkoslegum dularlöndum...
nú þegar hallar undan
fáein ár eftir
er persónan svolítið gáttuð... hér er ekkert nema vindur
sandur og suð
ekki mikið sem hönd á festir
mikkla orkuhaf... hér er lítið hjarta sem elskar fegurð...
valmöguleikarnir eru mjög margir.... hmmm.. bara kastupp krónu í svona stöðu... leiddu mig
viskuhlaðna orkuhaf... ljósenglar næturfiðrildi
í þínum lófa hvíli ég mínar þrá
lördag 27 september 2008
frábært viðtal:
hm... það er hægt að hlusta á þetta aftur og aftur... algjör stemning!
já og þessir ágætu kallar sem spjalla eru báðir dauðir... og það r söknuður af þeim báðum en svona litil ljósbrot sem eftir liggja á veginum getur verið gleðigjafi og er það... tímaferðalag.. það er einsog fíngur sem bendir á nú.. nú nú hvað er hér í þessu sem er nú af indisþokka... Báðir þessir menn hafa með afbryggðum fallega rödd til dæmis og húmor og auga fyrir því skemmtilega í augnablikinu... báðir vilja gefa öðrum af þessari NÚ fegurð og gera það... þátturinn er einsog lítið auga, ... gluggi inní heim sem er horfinn og þó.. hér er hann
onsdag 24 september 2008
old game in new cloths... the alien fantasy..
just like humanity was so infantile it needed parents in heaven now when that is not functioning for the tecknocrati, now another parental form of heavenly beings are called for. The Aliens. And those Aliens are now taking over the role of old Jave. To look for the our roots in in high tecknology space beings is even more fatal than the old man in the sky. He had at least feelings and possibly some care for his creation. The Aliens are more like super exploiters. A threat. And while we stear into the nightsky the real threat is not seen or dealt with... We dont want to take responsibility for our situation on Earth... the problems are everywhere else than here and in our selfs. This is sometimes called alienation in english... peculiar that this word is almost the same as alien. Giving the clear indicate... of being lost in a fantasy. The truth on the other hand is much closer to us. Is in us. The truth is stearing us in the face all the time smiling and waving... here i am... look at me! I am here. I am you.
But the denial is like a wall. And while we disrupt and destroy the most precious beauty around us we stear to the sky for some evil beings who made us in its image, namely as exploiters and evildoers. Perhaps time to look closer? And see what we have and an realize that there is an alternative. Look down at this huge being you are a child of. And read the story of your so much mistreated mother. And look within. See and feel, this magic is real.
I say.. let the aliens drop bye if they want, but in the meantime lets make this place blossom... lets make our home, the earth harmonious and holy. Cos thats what we can do and need to, if we dont whant to drown in our own shit. Not as it was a terrible task, but with joy.
the 2 different origen theories of humanity... are we from here or from space? Or can we synthesise these two wiuw-points?
Those who prophesise the alien origen, dreaming and wishing and visualizing bye the millions now. They feel pritty certain bye now that humans where "animals" until some "gods" came from Mars or who knows from where and created humans out of primates, for their own purposes. From this premesis is clear that humans are feeling high tecknology and powerstructures are all bye nessessity something we should cherish and evolve to the utmost to keep up with "our creators". Thus go on exploiting nature to the utmost and eventually leave the earth and "ascend" to "higher" realms... the chosen ones that is to say. Even as slaved of these "gods". We can not do anything but wait for the arkitects of the "gods" and surrender to their will. They are seemingly already with the power through Illuminati, run bye these mighty and high gods whom we cant see but as a glimps here and there.
This model even though backed up with a lot of data (apparently mostly subjective but also made up with tecknical tricks, always more and more easily awhilable) and speculations, is in fact distracting people from dealing with the ecological situation. That all this power madness and "more and more" philosophy demands more and more powerful tecknology to dominate and divide and extract all possible sources of energy under the rule of the few. The alien model is therefore a power based destructive idealogy and in my wiuw proplebly backed up and a lot financed by the dominators... those who dont give a damn about nature or animals or happiness and well being of life and humans on earth, but think exlusively of them selfs as the center of the univerce and want power for power sake bye all or any means.
The other model for a better understanding of our situation is the one I have been shearing for the last years. That of seeing Earth as our home and that we need to care for our home and heal each other and preserve all the flora of beings we can as we are all a part of this body in a codependancy, like the cells in a body of one being are dependent on each other for to stay alife in health.
This model sees us being a human-looking "ape" about milljon years ago and due to climate changes with a meteriot falling on the northern hemisphere and vulcanic activity following and a small group of the apes or human primate getting stuck on an island in a very cold zone and therefore doe to tuchness and luck, being able to overcome the harsh climate bye adopting to the situation with the help of the heat in the ground and eventually fire use... just to stay alife, they had to change and evolve certain qualities...
And when the Ice melted this being became we can say far too powerful. Or suvival became to easy for us in a better climate. The concept of power over others that was originally like the loving guide of parents when all out of hand when the power was sought for without love and wisdom. So the way out is to go bach to simple and holistic ways in small groups who practise direct democraty guided bye wisdom. The plan here is to heal and ballance and aim for harmony of all living beings on Earth. The paradise model. The dream and vision of all vise med through the centuries. Jesus and Budda and Lao-tze and the bible profets. Establish paradise on earth and happyness and holyness.
and now i ask you... which way do you want to go... to happyness and wholeness on our beautiful home or do you want to waist your time on looking at the blue sky and wait for little green beings who are there to misuse humans and distroy the Earth for power for power sake and propeply for the benifit of no-one. Because even thogh i would see a massive steel structure in the scy huvering over me, wanting to use me for some experiments in their powergames. I would not be interested. I like this huge spaceship we are on. Not some steel structure with cabins and hirarky of captains and comanders. I like to run with naked people a on the beach a thousend times more. I like to pat animals and admire the wonders and creativity of nature.
And beond that. I am not denying that from space both light and stones are coming, all essencial for the earth and us. And most proplebly the creative intelligence behind all in this marvellous universe is sending information through the light and through whatever come here and that life in depending on these messiges and materia coming. I also might want to experment with cosmic telepathy. I believe the body .. right part of the brain and possibly pineal gland can sense much more than any mecanical tool. And that we dont need high teck to explore life in the universe. I believe our forfathers just like the Dolphins could sense what the universal mind is shearing to us. I believe in hight "low-teck". Therefor I say to those looking to the sky. Ok look but dont forget where we are and our reality here and now. Dont forget that the earth needs love and light warriors who are willing to clean their home and make it a happy place. Then when that is accomplished. I am really open to look into the deep sky. Whith a lot of alertness.
And which one of these models is representing truth? Which one makes us all brothers and sisters and aims for wholeness and eventually maximise planetary happyness?
Well im not saying we should choose like we choose a cake or a hat in a market... I am in fact just giving you a chance to explore both possibilities instead of now it seems like the alianists are dominating the descussion. I am convinced we have been growing and evolving here on Earth. Not because I prefer so. But because of I see it bye looking carefully at all the data our forfathers AND! mothers. I am convinced we come from a long isolation on an island in the deepest of the Atlantic. All the origen stories from all over the world have this same story. Archiology has yet to give more input about this. There is a lot of evidence for Iceland. But due to the political powergame a lot of lyes has been composed also. The aim of these mackiavellian lyes is to confuse and its done for the mere plesure of dominating and suck energy from the many to the few. So we need to find more clear evidences. Study Iceland from a standpoint not done for a 1000 years. Both on land and in the sea... down 160-200 meters.
And to explore togeather all the remineces we have of the civilitation before the Sumer time. Before the lye system was established. And All remineces of the old culture still in use now today.
This I feel is really important as well as really exhiting an activity.
p.s. well there is a third model of "evolution" that of the stone dead protectors of the orthodox lyes. Those who in fact are working for to preserve belive in this horribly blind and unjust capitalistic expantio. This is the believe that everything came from Persia or Egypt and then through the Jews was given to us bye Jave on mount Sinai. Basically its so confused and worm-eaten that most people have either given up thinking about it (and that is all a benefit for those in favour of status quo) Same logic would say that before the cowboys whent to America there was nothing there... because the indians where not "sivilized" ..."they where just animals" one has heard many times in these cowboy films... and if it was not so short time back these "cowboy historians" would say there was nobody there... almost.. yea some primitives with bones in their nows... just like these same kind of oppressive vikings have tryed bye telling there was nobody in Iceland when they took it over with the same ruthlessness as the cowboys took America. And where they saviges the indians? No they where holistic and their culture has at least 30.000 years root in America and 900.000 years root at least to the time they started to use fire. And thats the beginning of the human story.
So of-course we are not stopping there. We are to explore all this togeather and find the real truth. The deep story. Whatever it may be. To get a clear picture on who we really are. And I have done so for the last 20 or 30 years. The result is put out here and on these pages I have put out on the net here and there. (see the links on lightisee... somewhere deep inside) And I see the truth. If you want we can look at it togeather. Its clear as the sun is now shining through my window. We are children of the earth. We are animals and its nothing shameful to be an animal. Animals are wonderful beings. And that we dont need any aliens to explain way we are 40 or 50 centimeters higher than our forfathers and mothers, the little people. We dont either need any alien invation to explain way we had to use fire when we where dying out of cold in old Iceland 500.000 years ago. Its all there written inside us and outside us. Life has so many unbelievable forms. And its so creative. Think about it.. that all the mammals on the planet have come about only in the last 60 milljon years. Exept the mouse. The mouse is our great great grand-mother. Pay respect to the mouse.
And what is the benefit of knowing who you are and where you came from?
If you look at a mirror and you see a distorted picture of your self. If you see a dominator who is proud of killing animals and fellow beings or if you see a compationate animal. With such high sensitivity and magic that the whole universe is within reach. Or if you see a gready exploiter. Or if you see a powerthursty Sarogon? Dous it matter how you see yourself or dous it matter how you are tought about human nature. Yes now we are told that humans have always been at wars.. and thats not true... and now we are told that all nature is based on robbing and getting what you want now without any consideration. All this is totally false. Nature is full of coopiration and love and harmony.
lördag 20 september 2008
where do we see the root-culture?
we see it today in the little there is left of Jól or "christmass" in Iceland and Norway and actually all the Jól or tradishions of midvinter festivals are coming from the north, from Scandinavia and then originally from Iceland, Eldland, the Fireland, Snæland or Snowland, Altland, Attland, Hella,Heimaey, Himinn, (himinlega, himmalæja) Hafey, Sóley, Þeley, Thule, Hyperboria, Land of the eternals.... the list would be long if I attempted to write all these names... each culture has names for the origin place from different times back... written in to the folklore, the origen stories, stories of gods and goddesses (when the ice-time fire-ape came out of the isolation he was much bigger than the little people of the "earth" (and earth is all land except the origen place) and where they came from. Therefore we have the word giants for those coming south... a name given bye the little ones... and daughters of man where really attracted to these giants and their fire magic.
but back to the question, where do we see the root-culture today, some reminenses?
yes jól and the midsummer festivities in Sweden and the may-pole..
the fire ofcours... thats the first couse of the whole human afaire... it was seen as a little sun... in times of the great sun´s absence... (due to vulcanic activity and a meteriot falling on the west side of the island) yes nowadays its still alife in scandinavia, everybody knows it here in Scandinavia, in Iceland they are so paranoid that no fires are allowed except in new year and then they get crazy... burn everything and explode like mad. No control at all. Typical Icelandic "ÖFGAR"... (dont remember the english notion for öfgar. Basically to much both ways. To much, thats an Icelander yes, to much fear, to much anger and frustration... well this is global actually but just so exagerated in Iceland.)
what more ... yes the imagination, arts, poetry, and songs and dances and colorful beautiful clothes.
And they know Soma, the drink of visdom, immortality and good health...
Jewellaries... silver and particulary gold ornamennts to remind on the sun.
All we know about the lamb and the fish, comes from before the vikings and the gangster times.
Ships come from before the vikings, they had been evolving for thousends of years, but the "Norrlands-boat or North of Norway stile of a ship is close to the elf-stile of a ship 2000 years ago. Long before Odin came to Scandinavia with his "Mackiavellian" stile.
The pot and the knif is very old.
The circular dome house called borg or kot, out of turf.
Skies they had and beautiful pointed boots and special snow thing for walking... (dont know what it is called in english)
Plants they knew all about and mushrooms and what was good for health and how to apply it.
Glíma is older than vikings deffinetly... the old fashion stile of fighting sport in Iceland.
Most of the musical instrumennts beside piano and organ they had desighned long before vikings and land robbery. Specially attractive where the variational forms of harps.
Ritual plays they where experts in. Thats how they keep alife and shear their history.
Cave-making was comon, and they had their temples in caves and there they also projected their history.. thats way im looking for a cave that has not been found for more that 1100 years... to see futher back.
Bread was made bye the people before the vikings... (remember the 2700 years old bakery house in the Sheatlands Island...) and then agriculture was established bye this very people, and not in sumer as most dogmas imagine.
Yes the very name Island, the word used for Islands in general is the name of this original place and all islands got their name from the sourse then, same applies to the word Geysir... its a name of one hot water eruption pot in south of Iceland but now used in English for all erupting water pots.
And the astrology and astronomy of all continents come from the same place, the root place.
And calanders have their origen there, and the maps, showing Iceland in the middle and up and north. Still lingering in the maps from England and Europe, or in general all maps have this stile, north is always up.
Ways of healing and curing they where experts there. Much better than modern medisine... less dangerious and harmful definetly.
The art of altering landscape they knew well, both hills and lakes and watering canals.
Hospitality and generossity was the Icelandic tradishion loong way back. Wonder how much of it is there today?
humans and animals where friends those days... there where no fences.. elfs would sing and they come like called...
Children stories and children games and yes the art of storytelling.
Painting, both body and walls and coloring cloths. All this they got used to when they where bathing in the colorful clay zones of the high heat zones. And sculpture and carving, making cups ad images from clay.. baskets and birch bark art. Garlands.
Yes, bathing is one of the oldest tradishion of the fire ape...
And perhaps most importantly, the shamanistic tradishion of going to trace and trawelling in other dimentions and divination was one of the central points of the old ways... consulting the orackle... very much developed bye the women in old iceland , Lohi the one tooth hag of the north, (in Kalevala finish poetry more than 1000 years old) ... later called Freyja.
The word for mother, in icelandic mamma and father, in icelandic pabbi and Amma (gramndmother) is almost identical over the whole planet... and these are the oldest words we have... in all languiches its a variation of these words. The root is Ma. Its the mark of the root-culture. The mother culture.
Handshakes and symbol in communication, like waving and pointing and the gesture come or go is really old, perhaps as old as the fire use.
The wheel and the wagon was made bye sun-worshipers to drive the "goddess", the person who was elected as a protector of the small sun, the fire.
Ecological insight and experience was their central philosophy...
Keeping historical data they where really good at.
Genetical selection was practiced very exstensively, especially the last 150.000 years...
Yes the languich... Icelandic and Finish, the two classical ones are developed in these last 100.000 years mostly... but finish is older i believe... but only between 1 or 2000 years ago whole northern Europe spoke old-fashion Icelandic..
Hammer is older than Iron-use, so it is old.. and many other simple tools like the axe.
Big dressis of the women and this cloth over the head is much older than Sumer. (thinking about Hanuxa the story of the origen in the fire-land in southest part of south america.
The bow and the arrows is really really old.
The fishnet come straight from the spider woman, Loki, logi the flame... i.i. Iceland.
The same tribe made stiching and yes weaving.
Magic is old and meditations on the inner realms and sexual tecknics to raise the sensitivity... the kundalini experience... comes all they way from the very beginning of the fire ape.
All the first great civilations where created bye this rootpeople... and then they get washed out when they mix with the local people... the doughters of men... yes the icetime ape was bigger than the little people living in groups all over Evro-Asia-Africa... now that race is almost gone and so much of genes have been spread all over the planet that now we are almost all the same sise... but still small people are born, even up in Iceland, showing us what was.. but is almost eliminated bye consious selection and bye killing out the small people, taking their land. I am really sorry that they are dying out. I wish we could protect small minorities of special people groups.
And they know the future.. though divination.
And they made their desitions togeather in a circle like all families still do... they had talking sticks and feathers... they know how to talk to the great spirit of all energy and consiousness.
Yes they where fashinated bye the stars because it was a stone from heaven that created this strange solutions for to survive... the constant baths and the fire use, the little sun. Thats way the where full on looking to the sky. Reading the sighns. The pole star became a symbol for the origen.. i.i. iceland yes... the little bear and the big one are a symbol for the first families who whent away from the island... on the cost of Norway and Ireland with an ice-sheat over the continennt..... another very important zone was that of Orion and the blue star, the dogstar.
But in general the projected their history into the starlore and into the days of the week and into the names of the months and yes into their caves, houses, cloths. Its all full of messiges. Letters to us in code.
The origen stories.. of all cultures talk about this place... an island in a enourmous deep sea, far north, vulcanic island with hot water for bathing, big snow covered mountains, under the pole-star (and thats way I know that the person giving Polland its name know the polestar pleace is the place they come from... and where is Iceland?, yes under the pole star.. So those Polish people who have mooved to Iceland... they are just coming back home.
and there is an unconsious knowing also... those turists who come to iceland (a lot from Germany and France and the nordic countries) i believe they are drawn to iceland becouse there is an unconsious memory triggering something to make them go there again and again... something they miss and love deep down.
Yes Iceland is smaller than 12000 years ago... almost half of what it was, but with less snow on its back... (the turtle island... had a sheall made of ice and mooved very slowly... when there where earth quackes)
When another icetime is upon us, those alife then (if any) will have it easier to remember how it really was... and how it is possible and was to walk to Iceland and back, over the polar ice.
In general, almost everything we have beside the production of massines, comes from the culture that now has been lyed away, silenced out of exhistance...
Yes.. I can add some more points here when the show up in my mind, this is at least a hint.
----yes.. can we open our senses to this obviuous truth, that these North American/Europian/Mesapotemien culture´s have been converted to madness of constant expansion and inayalation of all that wants to stop them, and destruction of everything we love and need for to persue happyness and wholeness. That this power madness is just overwelming and an expanding horror for all nature and therefore for all of us... can we see this togeather...
we need to open the discussion and explore this togeather and keep in tuch those who see this.
Im for to go into the holy tradishions, i am into learn whatever i find of holy ways of the elfs and trolls and the giants. I love the Jól and the midsummer gatherings.
shear your vision on these important matters!
löglegir glæpir
já, það er langur listi.
má seigja 7000 ára samfeld glæpasaga þessi ómenning sem við búum við... en ekki yfir allan hnöttinn fyrr en núna síðustu 3 til 400 ár. Sumsé, ómenningin byrjar með Sumer og veður svo smám saman yfir allt. Fyrst með vopnum og manndrápum og lýgum, þessu næst koma peningar til sögunnar og þá vextirnir. Allt er þetta glæpsamlegt og fer stig-versnandi. Landið er fyrst tekið og fólkið drepið sem sýndi viðnám, en þó gátu þá margir veitt viðnám á meðan kúgunin var augljós, en með peningakerfinu og áróðrinum um hvað hægt er að eignast fyrir peninga (af 99% ónauðsynlegur drasli) verður svo bilunin enn meiri, því nú taka nær allir þátt í peninga og þrælasamfélaginu, viljugir og óviljugir... mest viljugir.
Til þess að sjá þetta skírt þurfum við að sjá hvernig fólið hafði það fyrir fallið, fyrir Sumer, fyrir valda og landaránið. Þá vorum við öll sömun í hópum... 150 manns eða færri. Allir voru peningalausir og áttu fátt persónulega. Kanski tjald eða torfkofa og pottinn áttum við saman.
Þá leið fólkinu mun betur. Allir dansarnir og saungvarnir og þjóðbúningarnir vitna um þennan tíma. En eftir að valdnýðslu-ómenningin kom yfir okkur var bannað að muna hve gott við höfðum það áður. Flestir voru drepnir sem minntust á það einu orði. Og svo voru skáldin að þyggja gull hjá kóngum fyrir lygavefinn sem saminn var til að gera okkur algerlega rótlausa þræla. Helst þræla sem elska þrælalíf. Og þakka kúgaranum fyrir kjaftshögginn einsog þau væru klapp á bakið.
Sumsé, fyrst var öllu landi og menningarverðmætum stolið, svo var fólkinu stolið og nú stefnir á að allt líf verði lagt í auðn.
Svona stórfellt glæpaspil og sjúkleiki er flestum ofvaxið beinlinis að hugsa um og sjá með skírleika.
Sumsé, þeir og þau sem ekki taka þátt, eru troðin undir. Eyðilagðir. Fyrirlitnir.
Nú er það nýjast að stefnt er að því að allar eignir verði undir sama hatti og hermt er að þeir sem stýra þessu óhugnaði ætli sér að ná peningayfirráðum um allan jörð og þar með að ákveða hverjir skuli lifa og hverjir ekki. Fasistastefnan er algjör og á meðan er allan tíman súngið um frelsi. Flelsi einstaklingsins og sjálfsstæði þjóðanna er mönnu tíðrætt um á meðan þeir raða sér upp einsog rollur á færiböndin.
Hver ræðir um glæpaferil kapitalismans?
Eða eru íslendinga glaðir að missa landið og sjálfsforræðið sem svo sárt var saknað um 1900?
Sér enginn hvað græðgin er heimsk og skammsýn og ljót.
Og á meðan allt kerfið veður yfir fólk og dýr og villt land, þá dúlla þessir fábjánar sér við að eltast
við fátæklinga og sjúka og þykjast svo voðalega ábyrgir og réttsýnir. Sumsé, eini glæpurinn sem þessi drottnandi glæpalýður sér er að vera fátækur af peningum.
Já fátækt er eini glæpurinn sem stærsti glæpaklúbburinn, ríkið, sér. Það er það versta ef ekki er hægt að sjúga fé útúr fólki. Til að auka enn við ójöfnuðinn, þá þarf að senda þeim ríkust féð sem reitt er af þeim sem nær ekkert hafa. Annars koma refsingarnar inn. Vopnin og kúgunin ef lýgin dugir ekki ein sér.
Þrælahald er enn í gangi, bæði beint og óbeint. Þrælahald með börn er i Kina og Indlandi, já útum allar trissur og konur búa þar við verst ástand og börn og dýrin. Allir þeir sem ekki kunna að verjast eru í stórhættu fyrir þrælkurum.
En verst er að þeir "frjálsu" hugsa um fátt annað i sínum græðgis hlekkjum en að ná taki á einhverjum sem hægt er að þrælka. Græðgin er ánauð. Stöðug ófullnægja. Að eiga ekkert er að eiga allt... einingartilfinning. Enginn angist og áhyggja. En áróðurinn lygavarðanna seigir hinsvegar... þú ert aumingi, þú ert lúser. Þetta er ekki rétt en þeir sem eru í valda og peningaleik, og þar á meðal ríkið, þeim er meinilla við þá sem ekkert eiga. Sumse, eignir eru líka ánauð. Þá nær kerfið taki á þér ef þú ert eigandi af einhverju sem hægt er að ná af þér.
(Innskot: þessvegna er land í eigu sjálfsín, það er hugsjónafélagsskaps, mikill léttir fyrir alla.. þá er ekki hægt að ræna landinu undir misnotkunar verkefni... og þá eru landverðirnir ekki undir hælnum á ríkinu og kapitalinu)
sumsé, hef ég laungun núna? Jú ég óska þess að þú vaknir og að við gerum það sem gera þarf saman. Byggjum frá grunni.
besta líðanin..
mér er farið að finnast það best fyrir mig að hafa engar þrár..
ekkert sérstakt sem togar, ekki verulega.... en ef ég skynja pressu eða löngun í eitthvað þá þá finn ég jafnframt hvað það er þreytt blekking. Amaba. Kær leikur.
torsdag 18 september 2008
lifeline through the forrest
and now we are in the dream time, we are still in a freezone in that sense....we are rehersing a possible solution in our minds, the world is fighting, not giving a dam about mersy or wholistics, and beaty.... but we who can dream we are free at least at times and we see and rehers ways and build dream situations that crash as models and reherse again with a littlebit adjustments there or there or here and here and yes also there..
this is nature experimennting, thinking dreaming aloud
yes now we r there u and me
we have our experimenntal tp and laavoo and jurtakotas and there is a garden there and the forrest and the sea yes, the sailbout etc... sun is shining we have a suntemple to recreate every season... how are u now Tryggvi? is it ok now... u feel better at home yes... good to hear... im looking over my life line... its a journey my life
where am i.. looking at all this freedom.. how one word, one thought can make a problem for billjons of rather intelligent rats
my mother used to mention this another word and that is responsibillity, ábyrgð in icelandic and ansvar in swedish... freedom and responsibility go togeather... and our responsibility is now first to get into a good shape and shine... shine our heart out and let the mind be a child in the blish playful being... from there we can get togeather and dance
find ways to wake up
find a minit or a day to streach and shake
make sayings that shake u and take u high
take a holy day or 2 just in being u
and soon u will b on the way home
with me u me u
rocka the silljon sjumerium umee u miuuujuuaaááuuúú
ertu tilíað sleikja ámérvarirnar? ja þa held é valla, ja við skulum nú sjá
vel að merkja ég datt inní ástkæra obs, halló skilur þú mig?
hvur ert þú eiginlega? tjáðu þig! koddu með komment eða snáfaðu þér héðan af síðonum á stundinni! ég líð þetta ekki lengur að hvor sem er geti bara komið labbandi inní heilabúið á mér að mér grandalausum og skoðað sig þar um og stolið öllu steini léttara og gert að sínu og atað út hvaðeinað sem ekki er talið vit í, jafnvel hent bara grátt gaman að og fjólublátt, nei ég seigi nei... eða hvað, gerir ekkert... skoðaðu bara allt mitt bókhald og líf ofaní kjölinn... alveran
i dont realise it myself even how to be free in this situation... well i am free in my mind and heart, thats the only places i can say i feel my freedom in my dreams yes and painting singing dancing acting out i feel free basically but this freedome our forfathers had, those we like to see as aliens and the freedom we can have if we practise the holy ways and go the simple blisful ways in nature... this freedome, this bliss of being always with the elemennts and your closest ones around you and always doing something outside in the free air, theese simple qualities many and i say many again would like to realise into their lifes and thats where i am heading, im not mearly talking about that that some of us can but all of us have it inbuilt in us how to stream into this timeless bliss of having nothing to do and everything and yes then we can see the childlike aspect in all this...
but free they are when they dont know limits but follow the feeling
but our forfathers had not only this childlike aspect but also a loong accumilated tree of knowledge
yes its all scattered over the globe... yoga in india and tantra, tao in china, dreamwalking australia, jól in iceland, hary bol in india... graadually I get more and more pieces of this pussle
to realise better and better what to do, where to go, how to be one with everything
it all becomes one with more and more intimaty and closness with the old tradishional way
and this alian looking forfather is here also is here in you and me, the elf, the troll, the giant (yes the "earth" people used to be smaller, now we are all the same almost... well, between 1.50 and 2 meter... before we where from 1 meter to 2 or more. And now we are mostly 1.60 to 1.80 m) Is it harder to believe we are trolls than alians? or is it the same?
But a person living like a radio in deep trance receeving and sending is a bit peculiar a person for this tipe we think we are now... a jogy in deep meditation is yes a bit different place than a taxi driver
is it harder to believe our forfathers where highly advanced shaman tantra gurus with all the siddis or extraordinary spiritual powers and a great personality after having lived in ice for 500.000 years in isolation, than alien high teck something
is it harder to believe that we are wonders among other wonders in this garden of life and its no more wonder to be a man than a bird or a lotus but that nature is creative and blossoming a wonderious ways all through
but for the record, im really open to see these aliens whenever they show up, pliese give them my e mail if you run into them (if they are already here like many say, but the biggest problem is this one, those alians who dont know they are alians (even robots) thats a bit trickky, how can one find out if one is alian or real, after all there must be some difference or could we all be copies or replacemennts without knowing it at all? (and not gona find out ever if i can just for ones shut my mouth.. and can i, will i ever get to to that point or am i still writing you a long letter?
do you hear me?
subject: aliens
Like I say Im not agaist it... im for it .. to look for life or even to consider habitable places outside the earth zone, as a matter of fact we need to look into that before the sun expands, but thats pritty long ahead and what we are dealing with now is to ballance the situation at home... and that task seems to be a pritty tuch one to begin with... we aint into the rock bottomn jet it seems, only a small number of people ar grasping the situation and acting on it, so its not really like we are having a real voice speaking out yet, at least the ears are not there to lishen and the heart not awake enough to ponder on it and let it mealt in.
Im into i ceartain experiment, one I have tryed to discribe... a very carefully planed trance situations outside the atmosphere and observant beings on one particular point in the universe and then to ... yes its a long description here in my mind attached to this note in my mind how to carry out this experiment but yes this kind of approch i have long thought of
to get in contact with some intelligece out there
but what is intelligence?
what do we know of how a cow thinks or a butterfly or a bird?
I would say we are aliens and that the animals and the plants are also... and the mushrooms... yes not least them...
at least i feel like an alian a lot, especially in this rush world of grabbing and sgvabbling
and yes the alian "trip" going up in a spacecraft i have talked about before regarding ants and ant queens in a trance could have something to do with this experiences
but the irritating aspect of the whole alian approch is that, if we didnt need aleans to get life to plant itself here, since they where here only after we came to the ape stage seemingly, because life itself is the most remarkable part and the gene structure in it, then we dont need alians to make us special, because all nature is all full of wonderious mystical deapth
yes the irritating part is this believe we are therebye saying yes to that high tecknology is the way to reach other alians, im tyered of how we give it to ourselfs fro granted that we havent got a chance to reach out of the solar system without a massive spacecraft
yes this may sound like some magic, but i believe we have all the equippmennt we need inbuilt in us to reah this possible stage of connecting to other living beings out in space... and here we have the inner blackholes to trawell through
but on the outside... the space ship ideas... yes we may try it at least ones... just before the sun expands..
then we will have our restorant at the end of the universe, because earth is our universe...
but i have said it before, our task now is that of ballancing... relaxing into simple wholistic ways, ways without a lot of tools, but more emphasis on happyness and quality rather than quantity..
and the concept of alience (since they are not really showing their faces openly) is rather a bit like wayting for God or Jesus, exept alians are here for to get something and we are just slaves... yea, perhaps its just like how it is... we are slaves of those making believes like this... at least all high teck oriented and obiedience with higher orders and wating and yea, at least something far away from the ground, from the earth, from here and now and what we can do...
not only that we feel like alience in nature and to each other (and yes regardless of that ofcourse we are alience, we are beings in space and made out of space and clearly nothing as physisist assume that big bang came out of nothing in space)
yes not only us but our forfathers are alience to us, their believes and look on life is lost to us, we dont understand this gods they talk about, we think they are alience, they dress strangely in fish hides and are taller, they have wings and go to heaven ok, they must be these alien beings, always like children with big sunglasses (yes like ants)
Arent these assumptions all so childish anyway...where is dady and mam? it feels like we are all so lost we dont know a hell who we are and what we are doing here, yes we are confused so we try to make it into a party, but the party is getting a bit dull now...
ok can we see how beutifull nature is when the forrest is opening up in the springtime, yes we can!
and we can see how ugly it is to make a factory and parking space over this beuty?
yes we can
yes our "alien" looking forfathers where genemanipulated and there is nothing spaecial about that, whole nature is "genemanipulating" all the time, each species is all the time choosing soem qualities every time someone "falls in love" and makes a genesplice with another being a choice has been made... a new possibility is introduced to the situation and this choice was really pondered over in the old times, and all through the dark times even last 1000 years the farmers where specialists in growing those qualities they want, what kind of horns, color, shape they whised for and they still go on... way is it strange they choose very carefully each other then... and what was the criteria.. what was it they liked, what was it they thought was attractive, a gift to have... this is power yes to grow forth dormant quality in one self or help another to shine forth... its called teaching or helping or loving someone
they where more sensitive and knew all cinds of thinks we have lost now... but it is found all over the globe in pieces... we just need to put this pussle togeather and then we understand and become friends with our forfathers and also at the same time our self
onsdag 17 september 2008
the catastophy has been going on now for 7000 years at least...
yes the whole concept "sivilisation" was based on sand or in fact on stealing and lying. Thats what Odin is most famous for. Stealing and lying or this is what he calls for poetry and that was his trade. He has been our pr man all along the way of the fall. Fall from grace and harmony. Man has been falling now for 12000 years spiritually and genetically. Only in matters of oppression has the "sivilised" man added something. And stubidity. But in general we are on the wrong track with our freedom chat. This body of humans is now a kind of uncontrolable mass of a headless body. Never been sicker and more greedy. Never been more expanding and never been more obvious than now how damaging the program we are running is for all nature. All life forms. Especially for animals and humans. Also the vegitation. Also air and water and temprature ballance. Also for oxigen. And water distribution. In all matters regarding foundation of living habitat. Its all interrelated. If anything intergrational is to happen 2011 or 12 then its this, that we cant go on in the expansion and perhaps we have a clear data on the table... and a gathering of eco friends and the indigenous people what still remains. So we might just start to prepare for this gathering in Iceland 2012. Or whenever. Soon at least. And I am already preparing a gathering up there in my mind and system . That gathering has been in a preperation for over 20 years in my mind. 7000 years of expanding problematics we have had and if we are to experience anything more attractive around these times its all built on a 180 degree change of attitude and activity. Seemingly we need more heavy catastophs to wake up. I cant see a global change going on yet... its more like ecoing in the background. Not exepted really as problem jet this more and more madness. That is to say capitalism and money as the only value exepted.
So the change is perhaps going to be visable and obvious for us around 2012 or 13 that we get this change happening, spiritually in such a quantity that even it has become the center of the politics in one or more important Europian country.... then okey ... then we can say yes its visable, its not just a hunch or a feeling or even less prominent a message of some "angel" or a spirit from beond the vail. (a hunch, a wish, a vision)
Lets pray and hope also but not only.
fallen angels?
the concept fallen angels is a very trikky one...
you see how can the "devel" or the "evil" be a lusifer? Lus is ljus ljós anf fer es coming from the word fara or going... mooving... Lusifer is therefor the one who carries the light. And the light is also seen as sinonym for truth. So the fall is misunderstood. No wonder. Because the bible does not tell us about another revolution just before the "fall of Lusifer"... the real revolution in heaven is when the "gods" take over the power. Rob it from the old circle of the vise.Yes from Lusifer who was a woman. Lohi called in finnland, Edda in Iceland etc... This is told bye the fireland poeple in the southest part of south america... when the boys made a revolution against the girls. The yonger sun was a boy and the older sun a girl. This is clear over there but nothing is said in the bible about this. Just that Lusifer tryed to make a counter revolution and that it failed and then that Lusifer had to leave heaven the original place and how that happened i have written about a lot... yes thats the isish story ofn 150 girls coming to Irlend just before the flood... it was not one woman but all the sisters and those for the old ecological believes. Remember the main messige of the "gods" was fill the earth with people and use what ever in nature for that purpose. And that we have done now for 12.500 years... since the ice melted... filled the eart and exploited all her resources. And now finally 12500 years later we realise that the "girls" where right. We can not just ask for more all the time and expand. We need to find the right ballance. And now we are totally sick and blind like kittens. Hucked on expantion that is distroying all nature and eventually us then also as we are just a byeproduct of this whole symphony of organism.
some misunderstandings from the "alianists" on how to read the word "heaven" in old manuscripts
When I see these videos about aliens and how the word "heaven" is used to back up the theory of alian genmanipulation with humans. Since it definetly is used for sky today I can understand this misunderstanding very well. But on the other hand, bye understanding how this word was used in the old times makes us see another way of interprating the texts. In the bible and all over the world there are texts telling the same story of "the gods" coming from heaven and going to heaven and living in heaven and visiting heaven and so forth. Heaven is the origen place of all this people. At least how they got knowledge. How did the word change to be used for the scy then? Yes this place heaven is far north in the snow and very whitish and skylike. The maps where made bye this people originally and they always pictured the origen place as north and up and the origen place is always pictured under the polstar in all the cultures... And Iceland is there. Yes Iceland was called heaven and people (those apes who use the fire) where living there for hundreds of thousends of years before they ever whent down to the earth. Over the sea... or the ice. This story I have told several times and that the australians came into exhistence as fire users and painters for 40.ooo years ago when cromagnon whent all over the planet with the fire and the paintings in clay colosr. Originally colors found in hot springs and steamlandscape. That cind of bathing land did this ape come from. Color baths. Thats way he became a painter and choose these colors. Red and white and black and occur yellow. And these are the ancient classical colors... burnt sienna, occur and black and white.
Yees... its like lets say someone 15.000 years ago in australia would ask one of his older colliges if he could discribe this place called heaven for him... yeees its all white and in the deap blue sea...
shining, yea a bit like this scy... its an island far north from under the pole star.... so heaven was transported as a metaphore originally, becomes the whole meaning of the word heaven... well, for most
lördag 13 september 2008
to see the present and the past and the future in one..
how to see what is
this now
and feel it
it takes time yes to get into it... a time without words it can be fealt more strongly and wholesomly
and the past is also present in this feeling...
and future possibilities are resting or shouting or bathing, all in this pressious moment
in a moovement... mooving moment
the past is there in the stories and the feeling of the being who sheared them to us.....
interpretations of experiences, memorybanks of generations of interpretations
this is written in the languich and names and landscape eco a story upon a story
the present is here in a breath, the key to a deeper door, the door of a deeper perception
of the inner will´s ... the child within, the subconsious... the playfulness of your organic being and beond that is a visual dimention and inner memories of "arkitypes" and connecting that with old gene codes and quantum physics makes the posibilities infinate and then comes in the will for the simples and best solutions... the yearning for happyness... wholeness... the golden middleway
what is this child seeing ... wanting to see happen in future nows... just few nows from now?
or isidd always the same looong now this life?
me when I go into this meditation of looking at the now, plunging into the now, or sinking in happens most thoroughly when i follow the breath and let my self naturally rise and ballance the spine... then with a 2 sillable sound i breath myself into a puls or a wave like riding...
I make love with one thought
this awereness
being one
at home with
a part of... (and now i remember the song from Paul in Danmark, we are a part we are a part of... the infinite flow of things or each other or life or everything or the light... w can change this what we are a part of... great fun)
and this feeling of wanting something not short-sighted but wholistic
just bathing in love
like the smiles and the sunshine
fredag 12 september 2008
so many ways to wholeness to be explored...
there are many little pathways to be explored bye us and those into seeing it.. how to expand and staying alive in even ever more simple situations, besides the plants and the forrests since autumn is already here and raining times and everything is drawing its sourses inwardly... yes there is the harvesting, picking apples and mushrooms and coocking something nice..
now im even thinking in terms of sinking into the spiritual realms, being in the question who am i and what is here in the moment, also in the background?
What has been understood and what is still there in a search
relax from tensions
exsept what it
throw away yes whats not needed..
bring harmony into relationships
study and shear
just now I finally found a treasure on internet, (sometimes I feel internet is so poor thing and it is, even though it has helped communication in some ways, i believe) her name is Maya Angelou, just go to google or you tube and put it in... a poet and a Phenomenal woman as she self discribes
in one of her poem... but its the person, how she is feeling that is the most amazing.
such love there...
Thank you Maya Angelou.
You are an angel.
yes... the sun is still shining, and I get a reminder how many a wonderious faces god has as an alience and how many expressions there from the human consiousness and sides to the never-ending-story...
yes she has a wonderful way of speeking out, I wish she would sing more and inspire us all!
There are many holy hearts, I want to see you all and feel.. its like having a bath to feel this
torsdag 11 september 2008
possibly a man made landscape... a head and breasts or? east of Ölvus. Loftstaðahóll... ja nú væri gaman að hafa jarðsjá og instant colefnagreiningu við höndina... ef þetta er ekki eldra en landnám ja þá veit ég ekki hvað...... augljóslega eru vörðurnar manngerðar og þá er athygleverð staðsetningin á þessum stærsta... það er líklegt að hann hafi staðið uppréttur,.. eitthvað í þessa áttina fjasaði ég við Magga þegar hann sendi mér myndirnar: "jú þetta er ansi manngert að sjá... þetta eru vörður og ekki einsog fuglaskótshólamyndun geirvartan eða toppurinn... fáum nema mér og þér er betur lagið að meta hvort brjóst eru hönnuð eða ekki, eða ertu sammála því? við erum alltént í brjóstavinafélaginu... með frekar háa gráðu... hlutfallslega... hm... það er lika veggur neðst þarna, var þetta tabúhóll? álagablettur? og svo eru einhverjar tættur þarna eða hvað?" já myndir eru sumsé frá Magga Jenssyni, vona að þú hafir gaman að Maggi.... þetta er ekki fyrir frægðina heldur fræðin... að koma umræðu af stað... gera farvegi..
og þetta er örugglega ekki eina "brjóstið" á íslandi.... margir aðrir staðir koma til greina sem "hannaðir"... af fólkinu fyrir landnám.
onsdag 10 september 2008
so "infinite angles on truth"?
And we know the way.
By instinct.
Nature is guiding us... inside and outside, in the middle, gently, step bye step to more knowledge about plants and the land, and how animals live.. staying more and more there.. walking, sitting, picking berries and plants, making a shelter, study with the hand, the nose and the tonge...
yes.. making a shelter?
about this we can chat a lot... and make experimennts
I like best the idea of making something out of the materials that are there, on the spot... this prinsiple is so remarkably clearly seen in our the history of the home. Like the Icelandic turfhouse and stone house in a land of almost only turf and stone... mostly only stone in Ferojan Islands and Sheatlands islands and snow and turf and stone in Greenland and skins in northern America and trees and skins in Finnland and whool in Mongolia and leaves and pinns in Afrika and South-Asia etc...
So using the materials you have a lot of on the spot you are is the most common prinsiple we have in the older culture... the one before the industry and money times.
Yes I am from Iceland so I like to talk about the stone houses and the turf-houses. This is actually the only profession i have ever had. To be a house-maker in Iceland old fashion.
Stone houses:
To build out of only stone was more common in the south of Iceland and perhps east west sides where the fjords where with almost no low-land. The fishermans huts.
To find flat stones for the roof is very important... So the building sight might be considered close to a "mine" of flat stones.
Then there are many ways to do this ofcourse.. But I like the circle-form best. The old kot, also called borg. Its like iglo of the Eskimos in prinsip but with stones its heavier and therefore good stones are more safe than very rounded... But many stonewalls where made double up to the shoulder or so stright up and then not as thick with flat stones leaning out away from the center and down, so water will run out and down but not in, for the roof. So it comes out as a dome of stones who can not fall in, as it is too narrow, no space to fall in.
Door and windows can be made but the old stile is to have only a door and then a closable opening at the top
This kind of construction is without any wooden frame but variations can be made with woodden frames in it. Like the gamma bye the Sami people.
On the outside it looks like a hill or a mountain..
Turf is pritty much done the same way but the difference is this how to get the material. Turf we need to get from the wet-land. Wetlands are rear but in Iceland and Siberia and Alaska etc.
There are warious forms used. And this has to be done with very sharp knifes. Then it nedds to dry and to stack it up in a kot is only half of the job or less. But these kinds of houses are warmer than the stony ones... It was most popular in the dryer zones like inland in the north, but all over the country turf was used with the stones, and between then to go the middle way somehow and make them more isolated and cosy...
The Lavoo form the Lapps, the kota of the Finns and the Jurta in Mongoly and Siberia and the TP are all a variation of the Icelandic Borg kot and Greenlandish Iglo, a shealter around the fire, a vulcanic form, reminding us of our origen from the vulcan in the deep sea.
The relative part in the old shelter making is the material, depending on a relative factor of a trweller, always in a new situation, new landscape´s call for new materials.
But the truth here is the vulcan form, the original idea... a flame inside a hill...
later called a house... but when it became a box with a flame inside, it lost something vital
what is the box representing for us?
It feels like it has become a jail-house, somehow suffocating... it has lost the truth also... u dont see a hill... a mountain with a flame inside... suns little egg.... the flame as the little sun....
something vital and wonderful is lost in the boxhouse...
some people want to talk a lot about dynamics in the modernism and would try to tell us a circular turfhouse is static and uninteresting
on the other hand, for me the curcle is dynamic and the box is static...
the circle is like an inviting danceflor with a cosmic scy and beside circle can moove whele the box is almost unmooveable... and an arkitecture made bye those living in the house is more dynamick in my æs than sold flats etc arcitecture. And a turfhouse man can make a new room wherever he or she wants if a guest comes and likes to stay... pritty dynamick all this.... old stile´s and really ecological... just nature.... and imagine if you make a dome of stones, especially cristals and then place turf on that, you are living in a soft wholistic orgonhouse. Orgonboxes of Wilhelm Reich a pupil of Freud, where made with a organic and unorganic layers with the unorganic flat (often a metal) on the innermost part. So energy is drawn in with the organic material and reflected out bye the unorganic flat ones on the insides. This was made in blankets also and sometimes 1 mayer, sometimes 2 or 3 or 4 layers... the more layers, the more powerfully it would draw life energy in. But many layers proofed to be to strong "radiation", some people would burn themselfs. My feeling is that one layer is the right amount, max 2 layers in special rooms. Well... this was perhaps a little jump with the old nature house but this is what happens in caves... they can draw in certain freequencies and leave out other ones. Some say a special blue light is to be seen only in special caves.
This is way I can not make houses out of turf in all countries. I can make it in Iceland yes and Canada perhaps and Alaska and Siberia... possible more places but not in Sahara ... or in India...
I can hardly find a good wetland in Sweden.. well..perhaps and at best, far north... Finland and Norway have it also and Russia
but I dont need to make houses only out of turf. I can make a house from any material that is found in great quantities... well i guess, but i like to learn the tradishion of each place, how to do things..... of course experiment also, but in many cases, or most cases each local tradishion has a unic solution on everything... sometimes a very clever one and brave one and artistic.
like those indians living on man made floting islands on a very cold lake high up in the mountains in Peru "( The Uros are a group of 70 man-made islands floating in Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of 12,500 feet.) Their inhabitants are legendary to mainlanders, thanks to a bizarre and precarious lifestyle built entirely around one plant: the totora reed. In fact, the islands are made by joining clods of earth-like floating roots and overlaying them with a large quantity of cut reeds, creating a base that is firm enough to support huts made of totora and nimble human beings. Walking on the islands feels like wading through a bedding of straw laid over a waterbed -- you have to keep your wits about you." all this chapter comes from here:
just an example of how strange it can be, almost as extreem as the Iglo of the eskimos.
They litterally walk on water,.. and sleep on it
söndag 7 september 2008
heimurinn sparkar í rassin á mér jafnan ef ég þykist geta kúplað mig af...
nú var verið að skrúfa númerin af bílnum hvíta saab, skrapp útí búð... voðalega rogginn með sig lögregumaður, "jú óskattaður og ótryggður á vetrardekkjum og ekki í fyrsta sinn, í næsta sinn missir þú prófið og verður settur inn..." "já það er glæpur að vera fátækur" sagði ég "hjá þessum sem þú vinnur hjá" og hann svarar: "sömu lög fyrir ríka og fátæka" og ég seigi þá "já það er nú einmitt það sem er svo óréttlátt" við því svaraða hann "það er ekki mitt að dæma um það, þú getur farið með það í þíngmennina ef þú vilt breita lögum. Jahá það skiptir semsagt ekki máli hvort löginn eru réttlát eða ekki, þeim skal framfylgja.... og ég hugsaði með mér já skildi þjóðinni vegna vel að hafa svona skíthæl í vinnu fyrir sig við að elta fátæka listamenn uppi í stað þess að berjast við spyllinguna í peningakerfinu eða gegn náttúruspjöllum, þá er hamast á fátækum.
ekki bara þetta ... ég fékk mjög undarlegt bréf frá Seiving Iceland manni fullt með fúkyrðum og leiðindarkjafti. Hm... ég finn að það er mikil neikkvæð orka allt í kringum mig. Hatur og reiði báðu meigin "víglínanna" hjá miðstéttinni og þeim ríku er mest mannfyrirlitning og svo þeir fátækari fara mikið með veggjum. Það má virkja mikið af fólki til að gera góða hluti. En sumsé skítkastið hjálpar engum. Allra síst Seiving Iceland eða hjálparstarfsfólki yfir höfuð. Ég er að reyna að ná sambandi við fólk þarna, gengur vægast sagt furðulega. En um einum tvem atriðum get ég verið þakklátur að missa bílinn. Þá minnkar gróðurhúsáhrifin sem þess nemur og ég sá sólina setjast er ég gekk þessa 5-6 km til baka úr búðinni. Jú og ég þarf að venja mig af bílum sem mest ég get... þetta er ömurleg græja. Sumsé sólin var yndisleg þarna á þessari leið og glóði og saung... dásamlega!
jú í orkuhafi já
þaar er ég staddur... einsog í baði í heitum læk... það fossar orka um allt... mest niður og að ofan en mikil orka undir jú... mikil og hér inni er líka mikill frumu niður... mikið spegulerað í mörgum heimum... en flugurnar eru aafar þægar... þær fara varlega... og það er af hinu góða... vætutíð...
lördag 6 september 2008
getting free... eða að frelsast...
það gægist hjá mér löngun til að fresla mig frá allri áhyggju... mannskepnan, lifið á jörðinni heldur áfram að vera örðugt og furðulegt og búa við óviðunandi aðstæður og fara í gegnum breytingar og efast og halda þó áfram.. má maður vona
og ég sleppi allri umsýsluhyggju
ég finn mig fljótandi í orkuhafi
þrám af ýmsu tagi altént
já það er í lagi að hafa þrá
það er þá sem maður vill lifa
en langanaleysi, er það áhugavert?
hm... tóm
ekkert sérstakt...
bara haf
ljósin blikka og hreifast...mynstur af öldum saunglandi
og dinglumdángl
nothing nothing is calling
nobody spinning around in my head
nor my belly
no thing is talking to me through everything
and i feel the varaeties of nothin is endless
like a long chain of dots and donts forming a pattern of light
komming all the way from the source
what are these amino asids feeling?
on earth 2008 (do i sound sarcastic) at time 22.36
how do i feel after neaerly 3 months on Iceland? being in the same place as i started... the same sound in the fridge? Im i the same? Does that matter? Am I still daydreaming? Do I feel something? Is there a feeling here in this landscape? Is there a feeling in my belly?Hm... something the heart wants to say... okei here we go breath!
onsdag 3 september 2008
hm...something might come here... in a moment or 2
... hm.. momento!
its just like a bubling pot
yes its hot ...all right
perhapst 2
or is it cooling...
well?... will it always be democratic Tryggvi, the way you fight your gouls Tryggvi?
yes I hope so, (im not a terrorist like all the governmennts I know of, but i do have feelings and that seems at times even more unexeptable than repressing state polisy) I hope neither me nor anyone of my fellow beings or followers will ever need to use a gun or any weapon to acheve the goul of harmonious human family within a harmonius relationship with all the other living creatures on earth... well when we get to be more than half, or eaven less we might start to change laws and open for this way more securely... the way of harmony and dialoge.... between all beings... but one thing is shore, everybody needs to minimise there space use... and use of sources... and somhow grow something... give something greenish to the green giving... be at the source
violence leads to lack of real comunication... and lack of real comunication leads at times to violence. This is sad fact. Therefore we stand on the side of better comunication. Real comunication.
how to comunicate?
yes... it all starts bye coocking togeather a dinner... something we both like..
aand yes talk it over when and where and how to meet there and to find what we need
?can reading about the truth help people or can hearing the truth help people or is there no truth is that there is a truth the greatest lye or are we lost in relativism, as everything and nothing is the truth and u can only "experience it"?
and then its only your truth as u can not really comunicate it to anyone
or although you might, would anybody believe you?
and does that matter if it would go that way then or how much matter does it make?
how much is at stake?
is anybody awhere of how much is in the pot of this bet we are making now?
and what are the winning chanses?
is there a hope for this species to do some remedies togeather or do we want to suffer even more?
do we want to explore the ways of stubitidy and uglyness even a little more thouroghly?
how can we sit there doing this world so shitty?
how come im sitting here in front of a computer, not getting any real connection with anyone... just this noisy maskine and blinking lights... how come thinks seem rather crasy every now and then
it feels like we are an osion of urges.. many waves many freequenses... information is puring over these on many levels, but loosing root connection, very critical situation... blind as a whole and unconsious of its unity... so wunded and feeling strange.. human being? You overactive crazy being!To much in all sense of the word! You are to much! To good, too effective, to eager, too fast, to often, too too much!
calm down crazy babe ape ape a babe ape ape ape
calm down a crazy babe ape ape ape!
Its like talking to a noghty child talking to those who are into the "normal" programing
not wanting to lishen, feeling it knows all the ansveres... the general unableness of the system to look at what is going on with humans and the eco system and in general in terms of happyness
where is it? where is anything sensible going on? how come its not main stream?
is the buissniss going far too well? Always more polution, faster through endless dead ends..
dead end for this species or that land
the klima... the weather is really changing... its getting warmer, also in Iceland for many years now... a lot of sun... it used to be rear.. smecially in the southe, but now its for months.. just sunny
a bit good a bit to feel strange about this good weather and the melting of the ice everywhere, also on the south pole
are we gona wake up now, if not now when then? Or do we need more suffering and uglyness to feel it enough strongly? How our behaviour matters in the whole picture... feel what happens when the stability is not held in tact... and more and more madness leads eventually to a fall! and the more postponed to react on it the more hurtful it will be when you eventually must stop! with a crash! Killing so many tipes of beings out etc.. and making it unbearable economically and for the numbers of living... its all rather hopelessly built on sand this optimism of everything all right if just we get peace
how to make us responsible for what we have
how not to fill everything with humans
how to stop all these urgses, how to calm down?
and how to change course
the path of becoming harmless to nature or even good for nature has many steps
it really needs effort and good planing to live without harming nature. To rescue harmed nature is also a valuable activity, and to free the land from explotation is good. Become forrest caretakers, land protectors, make sancturies for animals and people who protect it... from 10% use and less... down to 1% use. Or even less. How to make this posible in the name of a union owned bye itself. With the group as its protector togeather.
tisdag 2 september 2008
måndag 1 september 2008
More pictures from Gásir in Eyjarfjörthur, showing circular formation and Eyjarfjörth... colors..
obviously circular houses where standing here up to the 14. century, when the town vanishes for some mystical reasons that nobody writes anything about, possibly all where killed who lived here bye the mob with priests or similar frightening things might have happened here at the end so nobody remembers when nobody tells... and its from the time before the wikings as it is all circular like similar buildings found in the seattleands islands 2700 years old... all circular, vikings never made anything circular... it was always the long house... a quadrad... and long, with corners... same story tell the circles on Seltjarnarnes us in Reykjavík... and all the other curcular "Borg" shaped structures stil standing as hrossaborgir sauthaborgir and fiskbyrgi... reminences of the old stile.... but made in the wilderness... bye the elfs... the nature people from before wikings there...
but the second picture shows how arciologists study in sqears and therefor are practically unable to study a circle... but all the know after taking only holes here and there and one squear is that this is a wery old place and nothing is known way it is circular or way it disapared... hm... only guesses that it might have become unusable after the "harbor" was getting worse... but tha fact remains there was no harbor... only sand and thats where they liked to land and take the ships up gently in wet salty wooden poles.. so thats nonsence...
anyway... the temple walls are most impressive the circle around the temple is holyness! Totally classical Hel. Also like a Siva lingam.